As I hinted in my last post [0], I've moved the current slerm-based phlog to a static one, using my phlogit script [1]. It simply updates a gophermap top-down with a date, title and a short blurb (just the first paragraph of text). I think I'll do yearly archives, with the current year always pointing at /phlog for the sake of people's bookmarks. For now, I have all of my prior years posts in the same format, that is 2009-2015 [2]. Along the way I converted some posts from my old motd blog that had never been posted on the gopher side. One bonus with this system is that I don't have to worry about tracking or preserving file dates - slerm orders the posts based on mtime, and the script used to publish posts maintains a cache of timestamps. Here, the date you first wrote each post is recorded in the gophermap, and won't change even if the underlying file is later edited. [0] gopher:// [1] gopher:// [2] gopher://