

    1. What is Gopher
    2. Creating your gopherspace
    3. Viewing gopherspaces
    4. Publishing content
    5. Gopher log
    6. Dynamic content (moles)

What is Gopher?


    The Gopher protocol is a TCP/IP Application layer protocol designed
    for distributing, searching, and retrieving documents over the
    Internet [...]. The protocol offers some features not natively
    supported by the Web and imposes a much stronger hierarchy on
    information stored on it.

    You can find more info here:

Creating your Gopherspace

   The command "mkgopher" can be used to create and manage your

   When you run "mkgopher", you will be given a command prompt. You can
   issue the "HELP" command here to get a list of the available commands:
    HOWTO                 - Tips on managing your GOPHERSPACE
    setup                 - First step, create your GOPHERSPACE
    chmod                 - Set/Restore file permissions
    title                 - Title your site
    describe              - Create a site description
    mkdir     {directory} - Create a directory
    rmdir     {directory} - Delete a directory
    edit       {filename} - Publish a document
    upload     {filename} - Transfer a file via ZMODEM to SDF
    ls                    - List the current directory
    cd        {directory} - Change directory
    pwd                   - Present working directory
    gopher                - Browse your site

   The "setup" command will create a directory in your $HOME called
   "gopher" (This directory is a link to /ftp/pub/users/$USER/ ). On it,
   you can put all the files you want to be available in your Gopherspace.

   Once you create your Gopherspace, the files you publish will be
   available at gopher://$USER/
   (note: currently, the directory listing at gopher://
   doesn't appear to list all user directories. You may have to directly
   navigate to gopher://$USER/ in order to view your

Viewing Gopherspace

   There are many ways to view gopherspace. The easiest for new users is
   one of the following:

SDF Gopher Command

   You can issue the "gopher" command, either from the SDF shell or from
   within the "mkgopher" command prompt. This gives a very basic browser
   to explore gopherspace.

Use Lynx

   Lynx is the text web browser.  In addition to web browsing, Lynx
   is also capable of browsing gopherspace.  From the SDF shell, you
   can issue the command:

   lynx gopher://

   and Lynx will start up at's gopher root menu.

Floodgap Gopher Proxy provides a public gopher proxy that you can view in
   your web browser at  For
   more information, see the proxy info page:

Publishing Content

   You can use mkgopher to publish documents, create directories,
   etc. You can also manage your Gopherspace manually. If you decide
   to do so, remember that the server will not display your content
   if it is not already visible to everyone. That is, files need to
   world-readable (chmod o+r $HOME/gopher/yourfile), directories
   need also to be world executable (chmod o+rx
   $HOME/gopher/yourdir), etc. The gopher server (Gophernicus) will
   serve executable files under /cgi-bin and also gophermaps which
   have executable permission as gopher CGIs or "moles" (see
   below). In the case of gophermaps, this is likely to result in
   errors, so make sure your gophermaps do not have execute
   permission (chmod -x $HOME/gopher/yourdir/gophermap).

   The usual 'mkgopher -p' command has not yet been updated to
   reflect Gophernicus' permissions requirements. So you may need to
   reset your permissions for all files and directories in your
   gopher directory as noted above. The following two commands will
   revert all files to world-readable but non-executable, and all
   directories to world-readable but executable.

   find ~/gopher/ -type f -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 644
   find ~/gopher/ -type d -print0 | xargs -0 chmod 755

   You may need to manually add execute permissions to any dynamic
   gophermaps or files under /cgi-bin after runnig these two commands.


   Note: You can view the sample gophermap that comes with Gophernicus
   here: gopher://

   Say that you have "file1.txt", "file2.pdf", "file3.rtf" and "dir" in
   your Gopherspace ("dir" is a directory). That is,

   $ ls -lF
   drwxr-x---  2 $USER  nobody  512 Dec  2 10:15 dir/
   -rw-r-----  1 $USER  nobody    6 Dec  2 10:14 file1.txt
   -rw-r-----  1 $USER  nobody    6 Dec  2 10:14 file2.pdf
   -rw-r-----  1 $USER  nobody    6 Dec  2 10:14 file3.rtf

   When you visit it, if there is no file named "gophermap" (yes, this
   file has no extension) you'll see a list of the files and the
   directory, like this:
                                  Gopher Menu

   (DIR)  dir
   (FILE) file1.txt
   (FILE) file2.pdf
   (FILE) file3.rtf

   If there is a gophermap file, the server will parse it and will
   present the content as you specified in gophermap.

   The gophermap syntax is:

   XSome text here<TAB>/path/to/content<TAB><TAB>N

   where the first character ("X" in the example) is an "itemtype"
   (more below), "Some text here" is the text that you want to be
   displayed, <TAB> is a tab character, "/path/to/content" is the
   location of the content, "" is the server where the
   content is located and the last character ("N" in the example) is
   the server port (usually it's 70). Content after the second <TAB>
   is optional if you are linking to content in your Gopherspace.

   The "itemtype" is one of these characters:

   Itemtype             Content
   0        Text file
   1        Directory
   2        CSO name server
   3        Error
   4        Mac HQX filer
   5        PC binary
   6        UNIX uuencoded file
   7        Search server
   8        Telnet Session
   9        Binary File
   c        Calendar (not in 2.06)
   e        Event (not in 2.06)
   g        GIF image
   h        HTML, Hypertext Markup Language
   i        "inline" text type
   s        Sound
   I        Image (other than GIF)
   M        MIME multipart/mixed message
   T        TN3270 Session/

Gophermap example

   OK, let's say that you want to display a welcome message, a
   description for "file1.txt", "file2.pdf"and "dir", a link to an
   external server, a link to an http URL. Your gophermap should be
   like this:
   Welcome to my Gopherspace!

   0My text file   file1.txt
   9My pdf file    file2.pdf
   1My dir dir

   0Why is Gopher Still Relevant?  /gopher/relevance.txt
   hAn http link   URL:

   Remember the gophermap syntax? Then be careful about tab
   characters. In the example above, there are some <TAB>s. For
   instance, the third line is

   0My text file<TAB>file1.txt

   while the seventh is

   0Why is Gopher Still Relevant?<TAB>/gopher/relevance.txt<TAB><TAB>70

   How come the pdf file has an itemtype 9? Well, not every kind of
   file has its own itemtype, so you can use one that makes more

   Even if you don't need a blank line as the second line of your
   document, you can find this useful as there is a known Lynx bug
   that makes it display the second line together with the first
   (you can find a patch for this here:

   This is (more or less) the output you'll see if you use a
   gophermap like the one in the example above:
                                  Gopher Menu

       Welcome to my Gopherspace!

   (FILE) My text file
    (BIN) My pdf file
    (DIR) My dir

   (FILE) Why is Gopher Still Relevant?
   (HTML) An http link

Gopher log

   A gopher log ("glog" or "phlog") is similar to a blog, but on
   gopherspace. You can create your phlog and add it to the

   Maintaining a glog consists basically (but not necessarily) in
   creating an entry (in your log directory) and modifying your
   phlog gophermap so that the new entry is displayed with its
   creation date. There's a script that you can run on SDF called
   "mkgopherentry" (located in /sys/sdf/bin/mkgopherentry) that will
   allow you to do exactly that. It will also extract the first
   paragraph from the entry and will add it on the gophermap with a
   "Continued..." link that will point to the full post. Creating an
   entry is as simple as: mkgopherentry title textfile

   where the 2 arguments are self-explaining.

   Say that you have two entries in your diary. If you use
   "mkgopherentry", they will appear like: --This is my second
   post!-- Tuesday, December 01th, 2009 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet,
   consectetur adipiscing elit.  Cras eros turpis, tristique semper
   aliquet sit amet, hendrerit vel enim. Integer pulvinar leo in
   dolor posuere blandit.  Continued...

   --First post--
       Monday, November 30th, 2009
   First entry in my gopher log at SDF.

   NOTE: You can use the 'phlog' command to add your phlog/glog to
   the phlog listing, and you can then update the
   listing after you create a post by running the following command:
   touch ~ftp/pub/users/$LOGNAME

Other glog/phlog software

   There are some software authored by SDF members that you could
   find useful if you want to maintain a gopher log.








   You can find more resources in the "Glogging/Phlogging" section
   at gopher://

Dynamic content (gopher CGIs or moles)

   The server used by SDF (Gophernicus) is able to serve
   "moles". Moles are executable files under /cgi-bin that are
   processed by the server as CGIs. This means that you can write a
   script, that the server will execute and it will present the data
   that your mole dumps to standard output. With moles you don't
   have to declare a content type header.  Moles get arguments from
   the address used to access the document and can be accessed with
   whatever itemtype makes sense for the kind of output the mole

   You can code moles with the language(s) you are comfortable and
   can use on SDF. Below we will see some examples using shell

Mole examples

   Remember that your moles need to be executable (and readable) by
   everyone, and under /cgi-bin. So you will have to do: chmod 755


   The following example will generate a random fortune:

   Easy enough, isn't it? As it is raw text, you can access it using
   am itemtype = 0, that is:


   Did you notice that "fortune" was called with a full path? OK,
   that's because the server's path is
   "PATH=/sbin:/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin". That means that if you call
   a program without a path, the server will search in "/sbin",
   "/bin", "/usr/sbin" and "/usr/bin". There's no "/usr/pkg/games",
   or other path in the server's $PATH (eventually, you can add a
   path of your choice with, e.g., PATH=$PATH:/usr/pkg/games).


   The following example will generate a list of files on a
   specified directory. It will be possible to sort the content
   alphabetically or by modification time, based on how you access
   the script.



# The internal field separator is set to be a newline

if [ -n "$1" -a "$1" = 'date' ] ; then

for i in $(ls -l${ls_arg} $directory) ; do

    content=$(echo "$i" | awk '{ print $9}')
    date=$(echo "$i" | awk '{ print $6,$7,$8}')

    if [ -z "$content" ] ; then

    if [ -d $directory/$i ] ; then

    echo "$itemtype$content ($date) $rel_dir    $server $port"

   Note that the "echo..." line is
   echo "$itemtype$content ($date)<TAB>$rel_dir<TAB>$server<TAB>$port"

   If you go to
   gopher://, you will
   see a list of your files sorted alphabetically. If you access
   your mole as
   gopher:// , then
   you'll see your files/directories sorted by modification time.


   You can add some interactivity by using the itemtype 7. This
   itemtype is intended to make it possible to type some characters
   in a search field in your browser. However, you can use it to
   make it possible to pass arguments to your scripts. The following
   example will use some text you digit in the search field and will
   pass it through the program "figlet".


for line in $(/usr/pkg/bin/figlet "$@") ; do
    echo "i$line"  # This is itemtype=i + text

   When you access the script via
   gopher:// , your
   browser will ask you to input some text (the way it ask depends
   on the browser), then it will show your text as figlet transforms

   The "i" in the "echo..." line is important here. Indeed, the
   document is been accessed with an itemtype "7" (but the same
   applies for itemtype "1"), so the document should be structured
   similarly to gophermaps. It's not a gophermap, though. That's why
   you need to explicitily state the line should be displayed as
   simple (or "inline") text.


   Besides what was said in the last paragraph of the "figlet.cgi"
   example, there's also another thing to stress. In that example
   (as with anything that will be served as a virtual directory or
   with an itemtype 1 or 7), content won't be displayed if you
   access your script via floodgap proxy (and maybe others). In this
   case you will need to "format" the output of your script. Luckily
   this is very easy. For instance, in the figlet.cgi example you
   will need to modify the "echo ..." line this way:

   echo "i$i<TAB><TAB><TAB>1"

   where <TAB> is a tab character (you should already know this!)C
   and "" and "1" are, respectively, a fake server and
   port number (you could also have written "fake" instead of
   "" and "300" instead of "1").

   $Id: gopher.html,v 1.24 2020/01/01 22:37:47 niro Exp $