layout: post
title: GaSP v2 and the new Imagine Theme!
author: Steven
date: 2012-08-02 10:46:46
- Musings
- design
- gasp
- software
- web
featured_image: https://www.stevenjaycohen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/wsi-imageoptim-gasp-admin-1.png
Over the last few weeks, I have completely rebuilt GaSP (both the front and back ends).

It is now fast, secure, and intuitive, while keeping the source code easily readable (Hey, I spent too many years as an educator for that not to be one of my goals). All of the changes inspired me to build a new theme, so may I present Imagine!

I took the picture earlier this year on a trip to New York with my daughter. I really liked the interplay of lines and patterns and have been looking for an interesting way to use the image. Here, I have used CSS 3 border radius and shadow along with font embedding to build a theme that feels like it flows with the picture. If you load the site on your mobile phone, you will also get to see the mobile version of the theme. I am still working on the tablet version (I only have a Kindle Fire to test it on and I don't trust its browser to speak for all tablets).

Once I finish cleaning up the GaSP source files, I will be open sourcing the code, and some default themes along with it. Any, and all, feedback is welcome!