layout: post
title: #io2010 Day 1 – a fun-filled day of learning
author: Steven
date: 2010-05-20 12:41:50
- Musings
- google
featured_image: https://www.stevenjaycohen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/wsi-imageoptim-keynote1.jpg

Day One of Google I/O was fantastic! With 5000 people there, attendance was an order of magnitude larger than yesterday's BootCamp. The sessions were packed with useful information. Questions and group note-taking are happening via Wave. And that was interesting in and of itself, since it was the best example that I have seen about how a Wave is better than email/chat/IM. Also, I have been able to talk with professionals who I have only previously seen via developer webcasts.

Overall, this has been an incredible experience. I can't wait for Day 2!
