--- layout: post title: Where did that piece of verse come from? author: Steven date: 2005-09-25 12:35:14 categories: - Musings tags: - iridium - os x - software featured_image: https://www.stevenjaycohen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/07/wsi-imageoptim-contact-banner.jpg --- Peter van der Krogt posted details of J. Carrington Sellars Chemistianity on the web. Realizing that I was building a new look for MacOSX that echoed Apple's old Platinum, I started looking around the web for information about metals that were similar to Platinum. When I reached Peter's site, this is what I found: IRIDIUM, Platinum's twin companion And to which it has a great resemblance, Is a white and brittle metal that fuses With difficulty in the Compound Blowpipe flame. It was so exactly what I was looking for, that I had to use it. Thank you so much Peter van der Krogt!