|(")- DuckDuckGo.com      |      'the duck!?!       |
|>.<                      |             \           |
|[le rare problem][search]|                __       |
|                         |  ========     ('' )     |
|No results.              |  \------\\     /X\      |
|                         |   V   ^  \\   |/ V\     | 
|                         | _/___/L====]_________   |
|                         |[                     ]  | 
|                         |                         | 
|                         |                         | 
|| o o | startpage.com    |     _.-/   '-.          | 
||VVVVV|                  |    / -.__.-   `.        | 
|[le rare problem][search]|   / --._.--'    \       | 
|                         |   |  _/  \_  '   `      |
|Sorry, no results.       |   |`(c   c `)    |      | 
|                         |   \    |         |      | 
|* Read the docs, maybe?! |    \   AA       /       | 
|* Manpages,heard of them?|     ) /   \    /        | 
|* English mofo,u type it?| Okay \,-^-,\,-  Google! | 
|                         |       `-..-'            | 
|         Google          |                         | 
|[intext:problem inurl:ra]|        *facepalm*       | 
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++|               __        | 
|+Buy rare problems at xy+|  ========    (_|_)      | 
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++|  \------\\     |\       |
|+love problems?rare meds+|   V   ^  \\  _/ V\      |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++| _/___/L====] ________   |
|+rare picture of problem+|[                     ]  | 
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++|                         | 
|+prof. rare's hair care +|                         | 
|                         |                         |
|          *scroll*       |          *scroll*       |
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|  \------\\      X\      |  \------\\      X\      |
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|[                     ]  |[                     ]  |
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|                         |                         |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++| Everything went better  | 
|+rare retro bio-problems+|    than expected        | 
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++|       _.-----,_         | 
|+probe your rear -> here+|      /_.-   -._ \       |
|+++++++++++++++++++++++++|      |(  *) (*  ).      | 
|reddit.com               |       \    U     |      | 
|rare solution to problem |        ^ `.___/  |      | 
|                         |        |\  ---  /       | 
| goooooooooooooooooOgle  |          `-..--'        | 
|                   -     |                         | 
| !\   Reddit.com         |`.   ARCHIVED!    __     | 
|('_')                    |  `.`.`.   .-   .'.--('\ | 
|^ Rare Solution          |    `.`.` (    (/  `>   \|  
|v - archived -           |      `.   `.  (\       /| 
| Comments                |        `.   `--7.__.-'  | 
|  ^OMG, thx! Exactly what|      .'`\\    /___      | 
|  vI was looking for!!!  |   .'  `.     /\  /      | 
|  ^Worked for me too!    |./'  `.  '.-===_>/       | 
|  vYou're live saver     | \\    ' ' (  | |        | 
|   ^lightsaber? lol!     |  )      \  \ | |        | 