|                         |                         |
|Have you heard about that|saw that in a rage comic.|
|chair-less computer-guy?!|here at go 4   __.  chair|
|        .-----.          |             _/          |
|        |/`._.V          |         (^.___.         |
|.----.__C  /=\_          |             / -         |  
|____ /   \// \\          |           _ `>          |
|    '|                   |        .-'  '--./       |
|     |                   | mM'!--'                 |
|     `                   |  `U                     |
|                         |====="  "      "   .     |
|I think it's about time  |     "---"=====" [  ]    |
|he sits the fuck down!   |     "     "`-._-== G    |
|his back must be hurtin. |     "___."`._   O .-.   |
|        .-----.          |====="        |   /  /   |
|        |/`.v.|          |          _.____.`._/    |
|      __C  /_\|_         |          ==-......'     |
|     / !`\// \\          |Here's a                 |
|    |                    |spare chair to share...! |
|    \  |                 |                         |
|                         |                         |
|goddamn kind of you, son!|I'll better get'm  .     |
|                         |a pillow, too.   [__ ]   |
|       .-----.           |                 \.-.7   |
|       |/`._.|           |              .-'     '-.|
|     __C /<_)!           |             /    T      |
|   .'  \//   V           |            /`. |-*-|   /|
|  .(   v-----___o        |            `.|   I    | |
|  ' ^____.--jjp          |              |   \    \ |
|                         |                         |
|.-----------------------.|                         |
|||  ` !     |"""'""    |||I don't get these memes. |
||+----------+----------+||That's a nice beard, tho!|
|||::.::.::  |::.:"' .  |||              \          |
|||   ===    |      [-] |||                __       |
|||  c `A'   |    /  +  |||  ========     ('' )     |
|||,( '==@r  |    `! ` [|||  \------\\     /X\      |
||+----------+----------+||   V   ^  \\    V V\     |
|'-----------------------'| _/___/L====]_________   |
| o        D<`RP       ...|[                     ]  |