So I was exercising, in exercise clothes, jogging I guess, to the bus stop, to go to work, I guess I could just wear a jacket over my exercise clothes in the office and nobody would know. But of course, I was on a train instead, and I saw BY and A, and they asked me what was the website, and I gave the wrong website, and when they started adding things to the cart, there were bugs, red, and green boxes. Next thing, I was on the way home, along the road to home, buildings were on fire, and I knew that the fire would reach my home soon. So at home, it finally happened, there was fire, but for some reason, Hulk appeared to save the day. Now I had to go to work still, so I looked in my cupboard, and all my usual working shirts were gone. It was just the first week into a new job, I couldn't call in sick or take leave. I didn't even have the number to call. All I could find was some shiny frilly shirts. It was 5 minutes to 9am, I was going to be late. I woke up.