First post for 2023, and it's already a quarter in. January and February passed quickly. Had some fun with Open AI APIs, and migrated a whole bunch of scripts to serverless functions. L got her new office, and I injured my wrist in the process. It's still recovering, I hope. Apart from BAU at work which has always been a struggle, I just returned from a trip down under. Kids enjoyed, but myself, not so much. The company miscommunicated and brought us to an abandoned shed. It was rather traumatising, in the middle of nowhere. Drove over a rock and scracthed the corner of the rental bumper, more like an abrasion really, and to top it off, L left her wallet at the self checkout kiosk. I'm really feeling the pinch of inflation, and helpless at the inability to counter it. The world isn't getting any stable either. An obvious anti-western division is materializing. The banking system almost collapsed, again, and it does appear the Fed is moving toward an infinite monetary printing policy. I suppose the question left is, will the change of power be experienced in my life time, or the next?