The thing about isolation, is that it can be addictive. It eventually leads to cynicism, which is difference between 'is it!' and 'is it?', where the former indicates some form of humility/inquisitiveness, and the latter bitterness/doubt. So I've been having ideas about starting something to help the needy. The trouble is, how does one determine who needs help first? The person in the ICU long term that needs financial assistance, or the young family that cannot afford milk powder and diapers? Both have needs, but by choosing, one has already made a judgment where one decision is more valuable over another. So 'wanting to help' is not a simple thing. Is there something I could do to categorize the different kind of needs, at least within the local context. I wonder why diapers, milk, washing machines and fridges always top the list. Appliances and furniture I understand, but; When someone wants diapers, I ask why not use cloth diapers? When someone wants a water heater, I ask what's wrong with non-heated water? I also wonder if people selling used items online are aware of these needs and are willing to give instead of sell.