# Intimacy
The anti-sexist educator and activist Jackson Katz, author of the 2006 book The Macho Paradox, suggests the porn industry has an obvious interest in undermining intimacy between men and women—if couples were to find sexual fulfillment together, the market would plummet. And this opposition to intimacy, says Jensen, helps explain why porn has become so cruel, degrading and humiliating—why, to quote Martin Amis, it has become "a parody of love" addressing itself "to love's opposites, which are hate and death."

The truth is, says Jensen, that because pornography consists of the same repetitive sexual acts, it needs some form of emotional content to succeed commercially. It's that which staves off the boredom. "Now, if pornography went towards emotion that was about mutuality, respect and egalitarian relationships," says Jensen, "then men wouldn't buy it, because they're using porn to avoid those aspects of sexuality. So the route to maximizing market share involves including emotions that men are more wilLg to accept in a commercial sex relationship—anger, aggression and domination."

The Guardian