# Three Quarters

In a months time I would have officially been working for a year. It seemed like only yesterday I was listening to Ken preach about the year 2009 as the year for new beginnings. It sure was for me. Change is something that we struggle to embrace as we age. It demands exposure of uncertainties out of our comfort zone, especially in my Le, change dictates survival. Keep up or lose out, but as I have been often reminded these past few days, we only lose out from a strictly temporal point of view. Our glory is not here and yet to come. In the midst of challenging situations in the office, I am comforted to know that the God who spoke the universe into place is on my side. The One who is faithful has provided enough for me to live an abundant but not necessarily comfortable life. Men strive in their youth for success and wealth only to find themselves struggLg for significance in their mid life, only then they think of change. Nevertheless change always dictates the future. Certain changes must happen for the bet
ter on the long run. If all I'm doing is breeding larvae, then change must occur. What kind of footprints have and will I leave behind?