check my 1common lisp/0mail-demon.lisp Here is the usage of a lisp wrapper I wrote for BSD mail. Basically I'm letting BSD mail have all the features and do all the work of being a serious mail client, but getting its output as strings from a lisp repl. If you wanted to use it like I do, you need to put your ssh public key in ~/.ssh/authorized_keys on your sdf, and customize the username in mail-demon.lisp. Let's start using it; ''' rlwrap ecl --load mail-demon.lisp ''' rlwrap gives us command line niceties. Enter the mail-demon package ''' (in-package mail-demon) ''' And check out mail. It returns a list, so let's store that. ''' (get-my-mail) ''' This returns the first "page" of emails like > (({>N 1 SCREWTAPE@SDF.ORG "long date and \"topic string\"")) Hey, it works for me. ''' (setq *email-string* (get-message 1)) ''' Does something obvious, ''' (dq-mail 1 2) ''' is equivalent to ''' mail d 1 2 x ''' And mailing gave me some trouble actually, since I couldn't figure out getting mail -I to play nice, so I just make a clumsy system call (and substitute away backticks). ''' (send-mail ' "a topic" #p"path/to/text.file") ''' } Everything is done via the ssh user at the top of mail-demon.lisp