- [ ] K&R
    - [ ] Seacord
    - [ ] find /usr/src

    - [ ] Serious Cryptography
    - [ ] Cryptography Engineering
    - [ ] find /usr/src/lib/libcrypto

    - [ ] find /usr/local/ecl
    - [ ] find /usr/local/sbcl
    - [ ] Kent ANSI lisp (draft)
    - [ ] Steele ANSI lisp (update)

    - [ ] Kiczalez AMOP (lisp)
    - [ ] find ~/common-lisp/closer-mop
    - [ ] find /usr/local/acl2
    - [ ] Kaufmann Computer-Aided Reasoning
    - [ ] Kaufmann Computer-Aided Reasoning Case Studies

    - [ ] FFTs Burrus 2008
I  have  put together  a  re/reading
list.   I felt like  I needed  to go  Were I a decade younger, I wonder if
over   some  introductory   material  I would see Clojure lisp in a better
again in recent  history.   Thinking  light.  Its object system focuses on
about  books  I think  are important  applicativity   relative  to  common
has been an adventure in itself. The  lisp,  but  rather  for  performance
story  my reading  list here follows  reasons     in    its     javascript
seems to be- using computer hardware  transpilation. Its deeper meaning of
implies  an  operating  system,  and  applicativity  is incompatible  with
operating  systems  are written  and  ACL2's purpose.
operated   using  C, so we are stuck
with enjoying  its company.  However  Fear  arises  that I need  to mix in
when  our concerns  lie in userland,  some  LAPACK.  I have seen  a lot of
we  want  a  high  level  but  still  Monte Carlo simulations  residing in
fairly fast and compatible  with the  Matlab which were almost letter  for
native   C   alien,   while   mostly  letter an equivalent Fortran program
automatically dealing with memory by  due    to   Matlab's     convenience
default  and having a dynamic object  functions    of  all   things.    My
abstraction.   This is where I  part  intuition  right now is to be as far
ways  with many  of my C++ compadres  away from R/python/Matlab-like  step
here  in that  I go to ANSI   common  by   step   running    of   premade,
lisp and its compilers  here,  which  externally  sourced GPU accellerated
are  not llvm or gcc compilers   and  embarrassingly parallel solutions. A
handle   C  as an  alien   interface  corollary  of that is for me to stay
rather  than mostly supersetting  it  away  from the usual  embarrassingly
like  C++.  In  that  circle-of-life  parallel  problems.  But that leaves
kind of way, having  gotten  a  high  me needing to express low level high
level language  one thing to do with  level mathematics myself. IMPLICITLY
it is compose  proofs  useful to low  I am getting  cold feet about   just
level   systems,  such as  by  using  dragging  in Gabor Me\lis'    Google
acl2.                                 award-winning work which I think was
                                      associated   in some way with  Franz
As it comes up I will choose  a more  inc.  That's nice and lispy,  but in
specific  meaning  for "read all  of  essence it is just the same choosing
openbsd's   source"   ;p.  I do feel  of embarrassingly  parallel problems
reading   this  is  imperative   (or  with premade GPU accelerations   and
whatever OS you are using to control  then throwing  them into a GPU. I am
the machines around you). Since I am  not  interested   in   writing   new
not in general  trying  to create an  kernels for proprietary GPUs either,
operating  system, I guess I seek to  though  I did this kind of thing  in
reason   about high level  structure  times long since.  Argh,  I probably
rather than participate in openbsd's  need   a   book  on   Monte    Carlo
development per se.                   integration.

Looking  at the list,  I am  worried  I have  read  lots  of books  (other
that my attention and loyalty to the  than the half re-reads  on my list).
Common  Lisp Object System  seems to  There is lots of technical  material
go  absolutely  nowhere.    ACL2  is  I have  studied  when  I had to work
mainly  metacircularly   defined  in  with  it that I think  is bad.   For
ACL2   and   has   its   own   lower  example,  I regret ever knowing what
level/unsophisticated notions of von  I  do about  Nvidia   cuda,   Nvidia
Neumann bottlenecks for state (so no  OpenCL, Intel cpu opencl, Intel fpga
common  lisp  classes).   I'm  still  opencl,  Intel fpga VHDL.  Intel omp
trying to reckon the deeper  meaning  or  mpi.   While proprietary   "open
in there.                             standard"     implementations    are
                                      universally    bad  (I  say   having
                                      surveilled   them;   this is  not  a
                                      philosophical statement) that is not
                                      my sole determiner  (mpi for sort-of
                                      example).    I  also  do  not   like
                                      llvm/opt  stuff  (as you can imagine
                                      from the previous  list),  but it is
                                      inevitably  glued to openbsd as well
                                      and it's not like  gcc is a miracle,
                                      so I should  bite  my tongue   about

that.  As proprietary  things  go, I
think   Ada  Spark  (/gnu  gnat)  is
noteworthy  and I can't really  tell
why  it  seems  if  anything   extra
invisible right now. (Aside, I don't
mean  to imply that I think  systemc
is a good  way to program  anything,
it's  just I have has more  exposure
to the Intel side of things).