Update; jns' justify latest works great for me on openbsd current.
In   a  nutshell,   I  was  omitting  By double  spacing  output,  justify
trailing   newlines  at the  end  of  also double spaces output (whereas a
files,   which   was  causing   jns'  single newline gets ignored, similar
justify to silently output nothing.   to TeX conventions I guess).

;;Originally I wrote:

I  knew   I  was  going   to  regret  quite  a lot to write  a comparitive
rhapsodising about deep learning and  review of the modern research on the
proofs yesterday,  for example by me  applicability   of deep learning  to
forgetting   what Boris had actually  proof checking.  Due to life somehow
posted  about (he had posted   about  setting up constructive  geometry on
first order logic provers using deep  my cluster  got in front  of setting
learning   instead   of say,  ACL2's  up Gabor's MGL.
heuristics).   I would need to  read