;;;;This is in reference to

(setq *read-eval* nil)

(defun field-from-end (stream column) "
(field-from-end stream column)
Reads characters from the end of the stream,
chomps up to one trailing newline.
When a newline is found, READs the columnth last tab position.
 (let ((length (file-length stream)))
  (let ((char-reader
         (let ((last-position length))
	  (when (char= #\newline (progn (file-position stream (1- length)) 
				       (read-char stream)))
	       (decf last-position))
 	  (lambda ()
		 (unless (zerop last-position)
		  (values (progn (file-position stream (decf last-position)) 
				(read-char stream))
   (let ((tabs-found (list)))
    (loop (multiple-value-bind (char position) (funcall char-reader)
           (cond ((null char) (error "Beginning of file reached"))
		 ((char= #\tab char) (push position tabs-found))
		 ((char= #\newline char) (push position tabs-found)
					(file-position stream 
						      (nth column 
						   	  (progn tabs-found)))
                                        (return-from field-from-end (read stream)))
                 ((characterp char))
		 (t (error "Something else happened")))))))))

(defun eg () "
clobbers a file named test.txt.
Uses that file to exhibit last-row column seeks.
 (with-open-file (out #p"test.txt" :direction :output 
				  :if-exists :Supersede 
				  :if-does-not-exist :create)
  (format out "foo	bar	baz
buz	bizaz	biz
frob	ulus	ly
featherless	biped	charlie"))
 (with-open-file (in #p"test.txt")
  (prin1 (field-from-end in 0))
  (prin1 (field-from-end in 1))
  (prin1 (field-from-end in 2)))

(time (eg))
