It seems corona-chan  has finally taken my body. I felt like
death  for two days, but now if I were to complain  it would
basically  just be whinging.   I understand  there are  many
regional variants and different  personal situations.    For
those   two  days though,  I slept  fitfully  and was a  bit
delerious.   I only developed a bit of phlegm  now that I am
basically   better (I have sequestered   myself  to  protect
others to the extent possible). 

But!  Enough about me. I feel like it's been a while since I
just made a long sequence  of posts that are just me reading
nm03's phloging. 

By the way, nm03 (doubtless  also reading  my phlog),  given
the systematic  layout  of your phlog I thought it might  be
interesting  if you added a gopher cgi to search  particular
time ranges or something.  The web link on peteyboy's  phlog
saying that it's ecumenically  forbidden seems to be dead to
me. I do recall that /ftp/pub/gopher-tutorial.txt seemed out
of date, and what helped me a lot was 


The current post as of me writing  talks about how GNU-cobol
produces   C,  and what that means viz compilation.    As  I
attempted   to  write  this post in  my  corona-delerium   I
realised   it is a modestly  subtle  topic.   I will make  a
follow-up part ii post tomorrow-ish. 

What follows is some trivial disassembly from different lisp
compilers specifically under 'compile and not 'compile-file,
which do different things in lisp. I'm going to take a rest.

$ ecl
> (ext:install-bytecodes-compiler)
> (disassemble (lambda () (print 'foo)))
Name:           NIL
   0    NOMORE
   1    PUSH    'FOO
   3    CALLG   1,PRINT
   6    EXIT

> (ext:install-c-compiler)
(disassemble (lambda () (print 'foo)))
/*      function definition for GAZONK                                */
/*      optimize speed 3, debug 0, space 0, safety 2                  */
static cl_object L1c__gazonk()
 cl_object env0 = ECL_NIL;
 const cl_env_ptr cl_env_copy = ecl_process_env();
 cl_object value0;
  value0 = ecl_print(VV[1],ECL_NIL);
  cl_env_copy->nvalues = 1;
  return value0;

But sbcl does not go via C:
* (disassemble (lambda () (print 'foo)))
; disassembly for (lambda ())
; I elided some stuff/memory addresses.
; MOV RAX, [R13+16]      
; MOV [RBP-8], RAX       
; MOV RDX, [RIP-67]      ; 'FOO
; MOV ECX, 2             
; MOV EAX, #x..          ; #<FDEFN PRINT>
; INT3 16                ; trap