I am going to make a music section to which I also hope you will contribute.
I'm  going   to  add  a directory  synth-synth  and  a  search   item  named
synth-synth-search.    Here  I will list and search gopher itemtype   9s  on
my/your  gopher.  I'm not going to crawl for them.  Please  tell me when you
produce sounds if you would like them listed. 

This is a celebration  of the discovery  of higher order synths:  Synths  so
synthy  they have transcended  being real synth, though  vanilla   flavoured
synths are allowed.   Programming  languages  and softwares  of all stripes,
vibrating  cord synths,  standing wave form air column synths all explicitly
welcome.  It's not a rule but I am interested in amplifiers  too, although I
don't have one. 

The *rule* is that they have to be put on your gopher, because  this is what
a gopher directory can direct gophers to. 

In my example,  I'm going  to use my own name,  but you would  use your  own

ssh screwtape@tty.sdf.org 'mkdir -p ~/gopher/music/'

ssh screwtape@tty.sdf.org  \
 'tee ~/gopher/music/my-track.ogg > /dev/null'  < my-track.ogg 

ssh screwtape@tty.sdf.org 'chmod -R go+rx ~/gopher'

ssh screwtape@tty.sdf.org <<EOF > /dev/null
mail   -s  "Hey  you  can  list  my  sweet  new  track"    screwtape   <<EOG

# Note  if you wanted a file in your ~/gopher/ to not be made available  via
gophernicus,  # it (just)  needs to not be o+x . You can fix that  yourself.
(chmod o-x ..) 

It is encouraged but not necessary to play your tracks on aNONradio openmic.
If you are jamming live on openmic please record it yourself.  A pulse audio
ffmpeg line might be like: 

ffmpeg       -f      pulse      -i       alsa_output.hw_0_0.monitor        \
 -c:a libmp3lame \
 -ar 44100 \
 -b:a 192k \

to record openmic from your speakers, using pulse on linux to an mp3.

Looking forward to hearing from you mail, commode, my go wall or otherwise.