Inspired    by   xiled's   haunted  that was donated  by the Gallagher
candle-lit  music phost,  I wanted  Group,   corporate    heir  to   a
to share about a busker  I saw the  successful    electric     fencing
other day.  I was passing  through  company  some  hundred-ten   years
Down-Town   Plaza   to go  to  the  earlier.   There's  a fountain  of
public library for a standing desk  irregular  seven-foot-ish    shiny
I rather  like to use. This is the  pipes  slowly pouring  water  onto
plaza    outside    the    council  pavers.
buildings.   The architecture   is
sort-of   brutal-  angular   slabs  It's a popular  place for buskers.
supporting   raised simple gardens  There    was   a    weather-beaten
with   trees  and  flowers,   with  saxaphonist,   could've  been  50.
wooden   benches  steel  bracketed  Bursts   of sound were sparse  and
into    them.    Unbrutalistically  uncomplicated    while   carefully
though, the concrete here has been  measured, a little bit rugged. You
pebbled  with tiny smooth   stones  could watch the notes forming   in
pressed    onto    its     surface  the player's  vision, starting  to
irregularly.    The  benches   are  burst   forth   from the sax  with
sheltered,     and     itinerantly  flourishes  intuited  in as a live
inhabited  by tired walkers.   The  reaction to his own playing.
only council workers you would see
now   are  the  occasional    suit  Pausing to crack a smile and thank
sneaking   an illicit  smoke  away  tiny  children   shy  but  excited
from their  fancy  but non-smoking  journeying   to bring a dollar  to
digs.   There's   a statue  of the  put in his case with their parents
colonial  captain John F. Hamilton  listening in the background.