compiler directives or some opt pass
It has been a very busy week!  I now  chicanery.
head a small but very libre computer
lab  for a local  charity   involved  Anyway,   I have taken  a liking  to
with independent ASD adults.          this absence of structural  function
                                      joists.  Maybe I need to put Hoyte's
My just-C-and-orgmode  SDL2 seems to  Let   Over   Lambda   back   on   my
be  working  as a  jumping-off-point  influential    book  list.   Another
for  at least  a few people,   while  bridge   I have not crossed  yet  is
being very much a work in progress.   arrays of structs.

One  of my incidental  idioms  I  am  ECL very  much  got left  out in the
thinking  about in the mileu of SDL2  cold because  of orgmode.   I  guess
80s arcade homages is the absence of  this C can tangle  into ECL not vice
functions   and presence  of  tangle  versa,  which is very good actually.
(orgmode's pre-compilation            Anyway,  I have taken  a liking   to
macroexpansion). This creates a very  this absence of structural  function
deliberate  setting-up of what would  joists.  Maybe I need to put Hoyte's
be  a big tangle  to ever   directly  Let   Over   Lambda   back   on   my
look at (which one is not called  to  influential   book  list.    Another
do). Normally the optimization  away  bridge   I have not crossed  yet  is
from functions  that this implies is  using arrays of structs.
done explicitly  with #pragma inline

*Working drafts of my SDL2 C org files appear in 1org-drafts