Where  is  the installer?    For  a
number  of reasons*,  I decided  on  Another  point is that the handbook
Gentoo  linux for our little   lab.  seems   to be imagining  you in the
One activity  for a few  university  gentoo  minimal  install  gnu/linux
graduates  involved  was looking at  environment,    refering   to   the
the install  process itself, famous  Handbook  on another  computer  and
internet joke that it is.            tapping away on a keyboard console.
                                     But  this  is not even  what   they
Gentoo doesn't have an installer**.  present,    nor  would  you  really
It  offers   minimal  or  live  USB  expect to end up like this. For one
gnu/gentoo   linux images which can  the   livedvd/usb    they   provide
be used...  As usb drive gnu/linux,  (though   their website  claims  it
for purposes including  getting the  does  not have one) is just a fully
gentoo  distribution/building   the  fledged squashfs KDE plasma.  So in
linux kernel  onto another  device.  practice  you are looking at... The
The  lack  of a separate  installer  Handbook  in Konqueror,  and have a
per  se  seems  to be a  point   of  Konsole   open (though   you  could
confusion.                           incidentally install your
                                     preference  on top).  You could set
**Or actually, you yourself are the  up emacs  and be doing  it from   _
gentoo install wizard.               emacs'    shell and eww modes.   In
                                     practice   I am  re-documenting   a
The infamous Gentoo Handbook babies  subset   of the Handbook  into  (an
the  reader   through  five  or  so  execute-maybe -able) org doc.
titanic pages of a
choose-your-own-adventure    novel,  *Reasons
mixing   common   usage   knowledge
amoung *nix-folk  and gentoo idioms  -Gentoo,     aside     from     the
without  much distinction   between  installation      Experience     is
the two, but a reasonable amount of  synonymous  to its portage  package
contextual exposition.               build system.  I am against  python
                                     as  a  C program,  but  the  gentoo
My  biggest  gripes  would probably  developers    have   really    done
include the inducement to use nano.  yeoman's  work making  this kind of
What  the  heck.   I guess  as  the  build/dependencies  orchestration a
singular  least  interesting   text  breeze (if
editor in existance,  they are sort  /etc/portage/package.use/   etc  is
of  dodging  talking  about  vi  or  configured    properly...!).      I
emacs usage.                         basically   don't  want to go  near
                                     emacs' alternate  community package
                                     lists   at this  point,  and I have
                                     steered    completely    clear   of
                                     programming   language    mock-cran
                                     so-called   dependency  management.

Gentoo   ebuilds   I accept  as  an
approach.    Further   I  like  its
overlay  system. It was a breeze to
set up sddm pointing to your choice
of a few themed wms, or KDE plasma.
I also  want to check  out Gentoo's
Funtoo's non-systemd gnome.

-(Not that I was planning on it for
user purposes  in this case anyway,
but the openbsd  installer  results
in   a   consistent     bewildering
post-boot   crash (in  single  user
mode too) on the profoundly  normal
machines.  I should probably post a
mail about that.)

-GNU/Linux      has    good    name
recognition  (as 'linux').   I have
some ecumenical if not particularly
practiced loyalty/affection towards