I scrambled together an i2pd tcp (not sam) gopher "chat". I am going to describe installing i2pd, lynx and proxychains then using lynx to connect to my chat (chat program spaghetti will be in my 1common-lisp/). I'm using openbsd but hopefully your package manager and init system are quite similar. ``` pkg_add lynx i2pd proxychains-ng rcctl start i2pd ``` It can take a while to integrate into the i2p network. It's not like tor, except that it is a hidden network (so you don't reveal your home address and what you are doing over the network to everyone and their dog, like you have no choice but to do on clearnet https). Furthermore, no one really has a chance to try to mess with your communication (they can't identify and don't have access to it). How integrated you are increases your "tunnel creation success rate". You might not be able to successfully create any/many tunnels when you first start connecting to i2p. Wait an hour or so if there's a problem. In the mean time, replace the last default line of /etc/proxychains.conf, which probably was ``` socks4 9050 ``` with ``` socks5 4447 ``` which is i2pd's socks5 proxy. All done and good to go! My gopher itemtype 7 chat can be used like this: ``` proxychains4 lynx "gopher://pqev3za2ehlmb4plp5tcrsa77655t5ymk3fng356qhlgcxersdma.b32.i2p/77((TEST . POST))" ``` After which posting a message (S type-your-message ret in lynx) sends the new message line. If you want to update but not send a message, you can send /r as your message. Small gotcha: If you have lynx caching results as is default, after issuing /r or any other message you have sent before, you may need to press Ctrl-r to get it to actually do it again, otherwise it just shows you an old one. I will put my asdf lisp project code into 1common-lisp presently. (agplv3)..