I wanted to do something  just a tiny bit more serious for a change.  It has
been  a while.   Most of the world seems  to conspire  to keep  me on paltry

One approach to linear algebra is to build up from a collection of fortran77
subroutines  named BLAS. The iconic higher level software is LAPACK  (linear
algebra pack). But I want to try something else. 

Now this  might be dubious,  but one thing I want to try is using cblas  - a
way to use legacy  BLAS from C - from Embeddable  Common Lisp, a common lisp
compiler that compiles to C and hence has good C interoperability.  The gist
is if you imagine 

pkg_add ecl cblas
and then for example if we try
(ffi:clines "
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>

#include <cblas.h>

(defun 3-3-dgemv (alpha a x beta y 
                  &aux (m 3) (n 3) (lda 3)) "
cblas_dgemv( .. );
currently makes a lot of assumptions (incx=1 etc
(ffi:c-inline (m n alpha beta lda a x y) 
              (:int :int :double :double :int
	      nil "
   enum CBLAS_ORDER order;
   enum CBLAS_TRANSPOSE transa;

   order = CblasColMajor;
   transa = CblasNoTrans;
   int m = #0, n = #1, lda = #4, incx = 1, incy = 1;
   double *a = (double *)#5;
   double *x = (double *)#6;
   double *y = (double *)#7;
   double alpha = #2, beta = #3;

   cblas_dgemv( order, transa, m, n, alpha, 
		a, lda, x, incx, beta, y, incy );

   @(return 0) = #7;

(defun 3-dgemv (alpha va vx beta vy)
 (ffi:with-foreign-object (a '(:array :double 9))
  (ffi:with-foreign-object (x '(:array :double 3))
   (ffi:with-foreign-object (y '(:array :double 3))
    (loop for v across va for c from 0 to 8 do
     (setf (ffi:deref-array a '(:array :double) c) v))
    (loop for v across vx for c from 0 to 2 do
     (setf (ffi:deref-array x '(:array :double) c) v))
    (loop for v across vy for c from 0 to 2 do
     (setf (ffi:deref-array y '(:array :double) c) v))

    (3-3-dgemv alpha a x beta y)
    (loop for c below 3 do
     (setf (aref vy c) 
      (ffi:deref-array y '(:array :double) c)))
    (values vy)))))

(time (dotimes (s 10000)
 (3-dgemv 1.5 #(2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1) #(1 1 1) 1.1 #(1 1 1))))
 (3-dgemv 1.5 #(2 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1) #(1 1 1) 1.1 #(1 1 1)))

Built by
#!/usr/local/bin/ecl --shell

(setf c:*USER-LD-FLAGS* "-lcblas -lblas")

(compile-file #p"lblas.ecl" :system-p t)

(c:build-program "lblas-test" :lisp-files '("lblas.o" ))
And then kinda like
chmod +x build.ecl
real time : 0.577 secs
run time  : 0.590 secs
gc count  : 3 times
consed    : 10085808 bytes

#(4.100000023841858d0 2.600000023841858d0 2.600000023841858d0) 
which at least seems to have done the right loop*  slowly in a
double precision float sort of way. I think  the  slowness  is
overhead from ecl. So given a big enough  algebra  problem,  I
think it could be faster than ecl on its own.

It's pretty neat. I think after finishing a thick wrapper into
cblas from ecl (-> a c lib), I will have a look at  making  my
own eigen3 or arpack.