I reject the addenda and friendly advice shared by candide's
shared essay dropping  out of society.  There is no merit to
grinning    and  bearing   it  while   learning    financial
responsibility.  I've known people from rich families.  Many
were  deep devotees  of Rich Dad Poor Dad The Boardgame   *I
imagine the author I'm reponding  to also rejects this.  The
moral   of that board  game is that  if you loyally  support
incumbent   big businesses  with the daily milling  of  your
soul, you will graduate  from the rat race and become a rent
seeker  (just a few more years) (just a few more!).  In that
game,  people who are janitors  or other low class  jobs are
lucky,  because  they can become rent seekers faster  due to
lower keeping-up-with-the-Jones social expectations. 

I've  been  thinking   about the  problems   with  software.
Software is in great shape, fantastic really.  OpenBSD, even
some GNU (or even nonGNU),  if you can stomach  some Google,
9front...  There is everything you could want ready for you,
and it is awesome. 

The government  here spills money into financial speculators
advertising   that their recently  hired medium.com   parrot
arby's   employees  will educate  the lazy and stupid   poor
people into Rich Dad Poor Dad The Boardgame janitors through
a government  certificate  in Microsoft Powershell.   Didn't
work,  they're  still morally  bad and unmotivated,  but the
government  issued an endorsement  to the financial venture,
well  there   will need to be a business  that  trains   the
trainers in a government accredited training course... 

This seems paradoxical. Why when things are- magnificent, is
this training pyramid-of-garbage  scheme (sorry,  multilevel
marketing-of-garbage   scheme backed by government  endorsed
loans to the victims) happening? 

And I think the answer is that software is like food. To put
two  halves   into this metaphor  McDonalds  sells a lot  of
burgers,  and they are surprisingly  not cheap.   The deeply
evil  and lazy people  two paragraphs  above in general  are
fantastic  at making food compared to McDonalds.  But people
buy McDonalds  instead of paying the unmotivated  and stupid
good  and local  cooks  the same damn amount  for  obviously
better  food.  At least where I write this, for one it would
be deeply illegal  to either pay one of the poor people,  or
for the poor person  to sell a food product  or service,  or
for the food to be called food in the protected  legal sense
which  is really the second half of the metaphor.   At least
here it is not explicitly  illegal  to privately prepare and
eat food yourself in many cases, analogous  to how we are on
a  ~, and generally  have some version  of nicely   set  up,
powerful, inexpensive boxen. 

This   was  by  way  of   saying    that   grin-and-bear-it,
live-for-the-weekends,   don't-be-an-activist  are solutions
that are not for our state of affairs. Shit is real.