Since  I already  know how to turn lead into gold,  I did my
wizard game (and then items) implementations  before reading
Land    of    Lisp's   sections    thereon,    though    the
non-time-reversed  order is advisable.   Here I will compare
what I did to what Land of Lisp did. 

We   both   program    in  a   lispy   way.    Compare    my
(mapcar 'car (cddr *room*))
and the example
(mapcar #'car '((foo bar) (baz qux)))
or Land of Lisp's
(eq (cadr (assoc obj obj-locs)) loc)
(assoc edge (cddr *room*))
And so forth.

The  biggest  difference,  already  visible  above is that I
decided to use a circular  list where the head of the single
special  list is the current  location,  and the details  of
each location  are all literally  at that location,  whereas
Land of Lisp used multiple  special  lists with #'ASSOC in a
relational  way. Relational  means that I can get a key from
list-1   that  can be used to #'ASSOC  an  item  in  list-2.
(Imagine join(1) in shell, or mariadb / sqlite). 

My  single-list   advantage   is that we  can  inspect   the
(sufficiently   small)  world, or just nearby entries  of  a
larger world
    (DOOR (GARDEN) #1#))

and lexically reason that (cdadr *rooms*) will be a SETFable
reference   to  the list  that is the items  at the  current
location,  (LAMP)  in this case and that (caadr *rooms*)  is
the name of the current location. symmetrically I think it's
clear to work out what (assoc 'door (cddr *rooms*)) is going
to return.  On the other hand this also constrains me to not
making  references  that reach  too far or would  be hard to
work  out.  In Common  Lisp, only up to 4 Ds and As come  as
built-in   functions.    (cddddr  '(1 2 3 4 5)) ->  (5)  but
#'cdddddr is not defined. 

On the other hand, the relational  approach  doesn't quickly
run  out of As and Ds to relate  connected  list items   (or
involve   writing   a reader  macro  for  run-length-encoded
#{c2a3d4adr   list}  which while cool might not be  socially
acceptable  in all contexts).   Since #'assoc  stops at  the
first  match,  it also creates  a natural  history  of  item
locations like 
(setq *items* '((whiskey . jar))) 

(push '(whiskey . player) *items*)

((WHISKEY      .      PLAYER)     (WHISKEY     .       JAR))
(assoc 'whiskey *items*)

so  while  #'assoc  returns  the correct   current   whiskey
location  (in the player)  we can look into the past and see
there's whiskey in the jar. 

My   everything-is-where-it-is    abstraction   suffers    a
correctable hiccup here as well. Since the player themselves
is not currently a game object, when I had the player #'TAKE
something, the item gets taken out of the game world and put
in a different list, the player's inventory. The solution to
this will be to put the player into the game world 

(defclass featherless () ())
(defclass biped () ((leg-one) (leg-two)))
(defclass player (featherless biped) ((inventory :initform (list))))

and in general have non-location  game entities be
instances   of  CLOS classes;   and the  player   and  other
characters/container   items would have inventories,   while
being inside the game world (my *ROOMS* list). Inventoryable
items   seem  natural  to describe  in the  CLOS  way  using
multiple  inheritance:
(defclass musical () ())
(defclass fruit () ())
(defclass beans (musical fruit) ())
Which let []
there be multiple  objects of the same class that are not EQ
if they  are not the same object:  
(setq  *dinner-today* (make-instance 'beans)) 
(setq *mystery-beans* (make-instance 'beans))  
(setq *dinner-tomorrow*  *mystery-beans*)  
> (eq *dinner-today* *mystery-beans*)

> (eq *dinner-tomorrow* *mystery-beans*)

But Land of Lisp didn't  get to CLOS yet. Already  I've used
common  lisp's  seedy underbelly's   Formatted   Output  for
describing  the game world  while  Land of Lisp is currently
in  a processable  form (strings  will be used as well  more
later I am promised). 

I guess I have been using #'SETQ instead  of #'DEFPARAMETER.
I used #'FIND when I should have used #'MEMBER  like Land of
Lisp did. When it's clear from context I normally  leave off
the sharp-sign from a function name, which is allowed, since
I like code to look as idiomatic  as possible if there is an
exceptional  clause  I try to use it.  (defun  foo (x) (cons
'foo x)) (mapcar  'foo '(1 2)) ; same as (mapcar  #'foo  '(1

I  am looking  forward  to seeing  some other  Land of  Lisp
wizard game writing phlogs! However loyal or disloyal to the
book they be. 

Common lisp names can be case sensitive,  or almost anything
else but you have to then demarcate  them with pipes.  
  |People might think this is a "string".| '|but it isn't.|) 

> |People might think this is a "string".|

|but it isn't.|