Earthquake and phosting my answers to Christy's questions

At 5am yesterday,  I was awoken by a 5.1 earthquake jiggling
me around in bed.  Previously,  my earthquake experience was
reading  nm03's phlog from Tokyo.  Nothing  enduringly   bad

1. What good thing ... 2022

The  superdimensional   fortress,  especially  starting  the
aNONradio  show :about  this lispy gopherhole  with you  and

2. Has internet changed me?

The way it changed  communication  changed me. Consider  how
YouTube ubiquitously  replaced television (and itself became
television).    I heard  the date 2013 for  this  happening.
Fortunately  the gopher is livelier than ever, and has three
decades of stability. 

3. What do I believe though I cannot prove?

Cannot  proximally  prove.  Many modern-only   diseases  are
closely   linked  to the sudden  replacement  of  ubiquitous
fermented   foods  with  sterile  refrigerated   foods  with
preservatives.   I think there is lots of evidence  mounting
for this though (every pop science  article  that SHOCKINGLY
solution   for  this  is not to buy  proprietary   probiotic

4. What did I change my mind about?

In noncyberspace  I run a computer  group.  Many people  had
warned   me that the people  doing  this with me  could   be
fundamentally  unsuitable for writing their own low level []
computer programs. I had thought that could have been right,
and was proven  wrong.  I don't think there  are people  who
fundamentally  have nothing  to share from their interest in

5. What would I like to return to?

Lisp machines