Today's  lispy gopher show had downs and ups. It almost, yet
bizarrely,   not quite didn't  work live.  The fact that  it
didn't quite completely not work live is a source of mystery
to  me.   How can it possibly  have almost  completely   not
worked? Seems like it should (work-p episode) -> either true
or false. 

On openbsd  sndio  I have three devices,  snd/0  my speakers
(output),  snd/1 my mic (capture),  snd/mon  : speakers  but
it's  a capture  (the system  sound monitor).   Refer to  my
previous  (openbsd  .  sndio) posts.  sndio and icecast  are
supported by ffmpeg. I have no need for complex filters, due
to routing everything  through my system sound and having  a
system  sound monitor.   Here's  most of my ffmpeg  line for
icecasting,  divergent  enough from publius'   that anything
wrong is my fault: 

ffmpeg  -f sndio -i snd/mon \  
	 -c:a libmp3lame  -ar 44100 -b:a 192k \ 
	 -legacy_icecast  1 -content_type  audio/mpeg \  
	 -ice_name "me" -f mp3 \ 	

Originally   I thought  legacy_icecast  meant that it wasn't
icecast2,  as suggested by the icecast://  and not http:// ;
however, legacy_icecast  is for supporting any icecast prior
to version 2.4. Because this ffmpeg line has worked, I think
its  flags are completely  correct  and something  else  was
going wrong today. 

When I say today didn't work, there was long, total silence,
punctuated  by 10 seconds of my speaker sound (during 9 Days
- Absolutely  (story  of a girl)) working normally.  That 10
seconds ruins a lot of theories.  claudiom commented  on the
track  choice, so I was confused  as to whether  it had been

After random  fiddling  hadn't  worked  for half an hour, in
which  tob  created  a discussion  of  getting
working  as a non-javascript  user, I just tried my original
line with snd/1 instead of snd/mon,  and it worked (but only
broadcast my mic capture device, snd/1). 

The same ffmpeg line is what I'd used at Synth Battle Royale
to play my system sound, though I hadn't  plugged  in my mic
in that case. 

After the live show's technical failure (bar 3 minutes of my
mic  right   at  the end),  I replaced   the  icecast   with
upload.mp3  in the original  line, and recorded  an abridged
version   of  what I intended  normally,  and  uploaded   it
appropriately named to clobber the previous archive. 

During  openmic,  I streamed  that mp3 via ezstream  as well
without a hitch.  It conforms  to aNONradio's  requirements,
and did in all cases. 

there seem to be three places something could've gone wrong.

- snd/mon was angry in this particular case on my end

- http or extreme latency problems on my end

- http or extreme latency problems on the icecast end

My  suspicion  and hope is that it will inexplicably  resume
working in the future.  I plan to record the show, with some
coordination,  during an openmic and then pre-upload  it for
my slot since user interaction  is important  (lispy,  after
all), but could happen during a spare openmic slot. 

Unrelatedly,  I've discovered  I had my mic's gain  negative
(logscale),  which explains  some of the disparity   between
music volume and my voice in the successful recording. 


I also used ffmpeg to direct my snd/1 to snd/0, which worked
in the recording and other cases

ffmpeg -f sndio -i snd/1 -f sndio snd/0

it's annoying to hear yourself echo though.