(Note I am talking about my 1common-lisp/0time-iterator.lisp)

On the off chance that it is directly  useful, I wrote 40 somewhat  daunting
lines of code that directly do roughly what I think C was describing. 

Aside  from  the  program   being useful,  my thinking   is  to  provide   a
counterpoint   to  most date programming  online examples.   Common lisp  in
particular and programming in general sometimes has unreliable commentary by
non-lispers (sez me). I will try to be complete here (more than I think many
people might need). 

I installed a lisp compiler, ecl, like this as root:

pkg_add ecl

Or on some linuxes:

emerge ecls

(I don't know why that s is there)

apt-get install -y ecl

and download   my lisp code, time-iterator.lisp.  The code has several notes
where number values might like to be changed. 

One     way     of    running    time-iterator.lisp     is    like     this:
ecl --load time-iterator.lisp
$ ecl --load time-iterator.lisp
;;; Loading "/path/of/time-iterator.lisp"
date:29 month:12 year:1969
date:1 month:1 year:1970
date:4 month:1 year:1970

date:28 month:1 year:1970
date:31 month:1 year:1970
date:3 month:2 year:1970

date:27 month:2 year:1970
date:2 month:3 year:1970
date:5 month:3 year:1970

date:29 month:3 year:1970
date:1 month:4 year:1970
date:4 month:4 year:1970

date:28 month:4 year:1970
date:1 month:5 year:1970
date:4 month:5 year:1970


At the end of the program  I use the ecl compiler's  si:quit.   In sbcl that
would be sb-ext:quit. 

I (defvar variablename) some variables, or (defparameter parametername) when
value will not be changeable. 

Then I (setq variablename new-value) inside a 'let. It's like this (but this
is      not      useful/from       the     program)      
(defvar      *foo*)
(let ((a 3) (b 4))
 (setq *foo* (* a b)))
(princ *foo*)
> 12

Let provides locally scoped variables.
In   lisp   normally    everything   you  write  is  a   list   like   this:
(function argument argument)
So     we     know     by    position     in    the     list     that     in
(* a b)
#'*   is   a   function    and  a  and   b   its   arguments.     Similarly,
(setq *foo* (* a b))
Has the special  function  #'setq,  with the arguements  *foo*  and (* a b).
Innermost lists are evaluated first.

The loop facility:
I just used #'loop  to do almost  everything.  Loops  are kind of like this:
>  (loop for x from 1 to 10 by 2 do (princ x) do (terpri)  finally (terpri))

Any whitespace  in lisp, including  newlines  is treated the same.  (terpri)
sends  a newline  to the terminal.   Another  way to do that loop would  be:
> (loop for x in (list 1 3 5 7 9) do (princ x) do (terpri) finally (terpri))
In general there can be lots of fors and lots of dos, and it's common to put
additional loops inside a do. 

A different view on time/date programming in lisp that is well known follows

I forgot the most important part. C if you look into lisp, I would  love  to
know more from Japan about Kyoto Common Lisp (the parent of ECL). The  copy-
right on the free software license starts at
Copyright (C) 1984 Taiichi Yuasa and Masami Hagiya
which I guess is why ECL's
> (describe 'get-decoded-time)
includes an explanation that Japan's time zone is -9, and that the  year  is
Christian and not long-live-Emperor.