Working compatibly  with acl2 gets rid of oop sort of except
in as much  as having  a von neumann  state  object  is oop.
There are packages,  I guess.  In the car game (I don't like
automobiles  so I will eventually rename this something like
robot-game) my system is like this 

(defsystem "car-game"
 :components ((:file "packages")
(:file "macros" :depends-on  ("packages"))
(:file "side-effects"  :depends-on ("macros"))
 (:file "car-game" :depends-on

Where  :car-game  has been nicknamed  to :acl2-user  so  the
logical  files, "macros.lisp"   and "car-game.lisp"   can be
loaded just like this: 

acl2 <<EOG
(include-book "macros" :uncertified-okp t)
(include-book      "car-game"       :uncertified-okp      t)

Eventually   I will add an acl2 book module  to  the  system
definition probably mostly for documentation. 

The objects as such are stobjs (which are secretly just very
particular  lists I think), which is passed  into and then a
new version  out from pseudo-stateful  functions,  like this
(using the seq macro rather than a stobj proper) 

(defmacro seq (stobj &rest rst)
 (cond ((endp rst) stobj)
       ((endp (cdr rst)) obj)
       (t `(let ((,stobj  ,(car rst)))
               (seq ,stobj ,@(cdr rst))))))

(defun reset (stobj)
 (declare (ignore stobj)) (list (list 'nodes)))

(defun add-node (stobj row col)
 (list (append  (assoc 'nodes stobj)
  `(((row . ,row) (co. . ,col))))))

(seq stobj
 (reset stobj) (add-node stobj 1 2) (add-node  stobj 3 4))

(((row . 1) (col . 2)) ((row . 3) (col . 4)))

In a throw  back to scm's  wumpus  hunting  guide,  since  I
decided  future-non-automobile-robots  will move  between  a
hypergrid   of  nodes,   I added  a graphviz   dot  language
visualizer.   I didn't realize  before that without  the  -T
argument,   graphviz  dot outputs a textual  description  of
where it would decide to put its nodes. That's  crazy useful
for making dumb terminal ascii graphviz graphs, or something
like an SDL2 program literally using the graph clustering. 

Addendum: I put acl2-primitives in side-effects

(Maybe defining some acl2-primitives is a side effect ;p)