;;Listen, it's not perfect yet. ;; (((HELLO . I2P) (PC . 1) (SECOND . 3) (MINUTE . 31) (HOUR . 6) (DATE . 17) (MONTH . JUN) (YEAR . 2022) (DAY . FRI)) ("Later, I want to pretend jns' justify is just a C++ lib and integrate that with my ecl. But that is a good idea, and has been slotted for later. What I did right now is use common lisp's aesthetic format argument to convert a newline delimited set of space delimited words into 'SYMBOLS with *print-pretty* set to t. This plays off the common lisp pretty printer, which will only allow additional symbols on a line if they seem to fit (in this case. It does lots of things.). " "But that's neither here nor there. I used my 3harder board from another boxen, also openbsd. I recently and fatally connected the two power out GPIO pins on an SBC, so my options were dwindling. It was like you might think. " "pkg_add lynx i2pd proxychains-ng " "and make the suggested /etc/login.conf and /etc/sysctl.conf changes in " "/usr/local/share/doc/pkg-readmes/i2pd " "and change the tail -n1 /etc/proxychains.conf from " socks4 9050 to socks5 4447 "and at some point doing " "rcctl start i2pd " "rcctl enable i2pd " ". i2pd's initial seeding seems to be a bit unreliable. Honestly, I just reinstalled it until I \"got a good one\" that seeded quickly. I think " "i2pd --reseed.urls " "or something might be the actual way of reseeding a crappy set of seeds. " "i2pd's router is on by default. Having done all of this I could finally " "proxychains4 lynx \"gopher://pqev3za2ehlmb4plp5tcrsa77655t5ymk3fng356qhlgcxersdma.b32.i2p/77nil?nil\" " "whence I could use lynx's S with the search argument " "\"I evidently need everything to be in one READable chunk\" " "And then issue another S to nil. Also useful is that while C-a does what you might think in lynx's minibuffer, killing the line is probably Esc-k. Sometimes there seem to be screen droppings even after a C-r, but all up I am calling this a resounding success so long as the lisp pretty printer successfully formats this writing here into something like terminal width lines with correct cases and dense paragraphs. ")) (NIL . "I evidently need everything to be in one READable chunk")