Because some gopher clients won't wrap single lines to a console dis
play (looking at you, most http proxies), I'm enforcing 68 character
s, which the request for comments mentions for compatibility reasons
. Automatically hyphenating lines and skipping some spaces turned ou
t to be a little tricky, so in the interest of brevity I skipped han
dling those for now; the function simply becomes too onerous and con
fusing. I put the function I'm using in my new common lisp subfolder
 of this gopherhole.
If I did want to do that, it seems like I should inspect the last tw
o characters of the line being printed and the first character of th
e next line. If a word would wrap, insert a hyphen, pushing the last
 character onto the new line. But don't do that if the 68th characte
r ended a word. If the +1th character was a space, skip it. I wrote 
a solution using two counters and a loop housing a cond, but it was 
too confusing. Further, I can't recover the unhyphenated text, thoug
h maybe I wouldn't want to.