(defpackage time-adder (:use cl))
(in-package time-adder)

(defun alist2seconds (alist)
  (second minute hour date month year day summerp timezone)
  (declare (ignore day summerp))
  (apply 'encode-universal-time
   (mapcar (lambda (name default) (or (cdr (assoc name alist)) default))
    '(second minute hour date month year timezone)
    (list second minute hour date month year timezone)))))

(defun seconds2alist (seconds)
  (second minute hour date month year day summerp timezone)
  (decode-universal-time seconds)
  (declare (ignore day summerp))
  (mapcar 'cons
   '(second minute hour date month year timezone)
   (list second minute hour date month year timezone))))

(defun a-b+c (&optional (a nil) (b nil) (c nil)
              &aux (a (when (listen) (read nil nil)))
                   (b (when (listen) (read nil nil)))
                   (c (when (listen) (read nil nil))))
 (seconds2alist (+ (-  (alist2seconds a) (alist2seconds b)) 
                 (alist2seconds c))))

(defun help-text ()
 (print "Try running ./a-b+c.exe with no standard inputs.
Its defaults for a, b and c are the current time.
Then maybe try
./a-b+c.exe <<EOG
((minute . 6) (hour . 3))
((minute . 14) (hour . 1))
./a-b+c.exe <<EOG
((minute . 6) (hour . 3))
((minute . 14) (hour . 1))
((date . 3) (year . 1992))

 (or (string= "--help" (second (ext:command-args)))
     (string= "-h" (second (ext:command-args))))

 (loop (prin1 (a-b+c)) (terpri)
  (let ((char (read-char-no-hang t nil)))
   (if char (unread-char char) (return))))
 (t (error) (format t "Error: ~a~%" error) (help-text)))