Phosting  in a new...   Anyway.    I
mostly make the food that I eat. The  You  can  change   the  texture   by
fact that this works really  well is  folding  the dough over itself  just
great,  but also horrifying.  I know  scoop/pull   half the dough over the
some people are allergic  to gluten.  other  half and press  it down again
This  post is however  about  bread.  lightly,   rotating   the  bowl   90
This always works.                    degrees  every time. This adds a lot
                                      of stability if your dough is pretty
Get some standard  flour.   Standard  wet.  I believe  this is what people
means  there is a normal  amount  of  are  talking  about  when  they  say
protein   in  it  for  baking.    In  folded steel swords.
advanced baking, you would often mix
some fraction  of high protein flour  Then  cook  it!  You can bake  it as
with a different flour, such as rye,  bread,   stretch  it out into  pizza
depending  on how chewy you want the  bases,    fry  it  in  a  pan  as  a
rye baking  to be. This is basically  flatbread,  whatever.  Since reading
the same and should  just be learned  jns'  insightful  pancake recipe,  I
through experimentation.              have been making a lot of very thick
                                      fried   flatbread,    which    works
Mix your standard  (or other)  flour  amazingly.    The secret  is not  to
with water in a small glass jar.  It  squish the (CO2) out of the bread by
should   be  not quite   but  almost  crushing   it flat when it's in  the
liquid,  but it doesn't matter  that  pan.  About  an inch thick  of light
much.   Every day, compost  half  of  dough   seems  to be very good.    I
what was in the jar and add the same  shallow fry it with butter "at four"
amount  of  new  flour/water   again  until  it's golden  brown,  and  the
(\"refeeding it\"). After a week you  other side similarly. Fresh parsely,
should   notice   it  grows  and  is  sage and spring onions  go very well
bubbly.   At that point instead   of  mixed   into  the dough  for  making
composting  what you don't use,  you  fried  flatbread   (they don't  burn
make   bread.    This  gets   called  because  they are mostly  inside the
sourdough    but  it  only   becomes  bread).
noticeably    tangy  under   certain
conditions, and it's still good.      Even fancy flour is basically  free,
                                      and   relative   to  buying   highly
There's nothing to making bread. Mix  processed   foods there is not  much
up some new flour and water  or milk  power    cost    to    frying/baking
in  a bowl  with  a dash   of  salt.  considering.
Either  add the half of your starter
right away, or after letting  it sit  Here we get to a scary  realisation.
for   a  while  which  changes   the  Bread  works with pretty   much  any
texture.    Leave the covered   bowl  flour  (=  wheat-like   grass   seed
somewhere  dark, for some amount  of  hybrids) and cooking method. This is
time.  I would say as little  as two  why  bread became  normal.    What's
hours  or as much as two days. After  worrying  is that mass market foods,
two  days  the result  can be  quite  even  styled  as bread are...    Not
sour.    You can add sugar  at  some  similar  to this.  And it's not just
point if you want the dough to raise  bread. All mass-market,  normal food
more  vigorously,  and taste  a  bit  is complete bullshit. I am confident
sweeter  (much of the sugar  will be  that    most   of   the    otherwise
eaten by the yeast as well).          inexplicable   modern-only  diseases
                                      relate  to the fake  and astroturfed
                                      nature of mass-market
                                      factory-produced   food of  unlisted
                                      and  obfuscated   ingredients    and
                                      processing.    All the  mysteriously
                                      healthier   diets have in common   a
                                      strong  connection   to  pre-factory
                                      food styles and preparation  - which
                                      you   can   still   do,   just    no
                                      advertising business is motivated to
                                      support   them.    Consider   Zoom's
                                      government/corporate support
                                      relative  to  jitsi,  Windows/Google

Android on GNU/linux  compared to an
authentic  GNU + linux, Apple iOS to

Be careful  of health  advertisement
web personalities.  The person whose
job it is might not know better, but
consider  this common example:  What
is described as an old family recipe
cooked or salad dish is named kimchi
but  contains  only newly  purchased
fresh  ingredients  and  mass-market
flavoring sauces.