(MINUTE . 37) (HOUR . 0) (DATE . 18) (MONTH . JUN) (YEAR . 2022) (DAY . SAT))
I see jynx very elegantly  figured  'use-package  already,  so I can
worry about a deep notational  problem  I have encountered  with  my
eclcblas.    There  seems  to  be no good way of  representing   the
following code:


(defvar *output*
 (3-dgemm 1.0 #(1 0 0
                0 2 0
                0 0 3) #(1 0 0
                         0 2 0
                         0 0 1) 1.0 #(0 0 0
                                      0 0 0
                                      0 0 0)))

@jynx (or anyone), how would you normally  do this in emacs org-mode
to generate a latex fragment?  But that's not beautiful to inline in
a program either. Eh, maybe it is. What do you think? Right now I've
got the above hanging over me.