&&&&&&   &&&&&&
            &&       &&
             &&     &&
T H E  ( X )  F I L E S
             &&     &&
            &&       &&
          &&&&&&   &&&&&&


() 90's style   - More round glasses, wool suits, crazy patterned ties
() 90's tech    - This is a love letter to early-90's technology.  The COS with all of its flashing lights, 
		  the laptops, the chunky 90's cameras, a floppy drive and keypads
() 90's life    - The slightly-pre-dot-com millionaire (sort of a Steve Jobs/Larry Ellison combo) and his
		  mansion equipped with a fountain and pinball machine. The sandwhich cart selling lunch in
		  the office is wild.

The tech and IT lingo is dated at best in some cases and just wildly inaccurate in other scenes.
I realize that almost no TV is very close when it comes to IT/Tech but this definitely falls into
the 'so bad it's good' category.