|| Phlog 28 - "Better Use of Leisure Time" (Read: I'm starting to loathe music streaming) ||
||			  			||			         	  ||
||                    A rant.		        ||   Planet Gemini Palmtop	          ||
||		       Work		      	||          7/11/2024			  ||

The 1950's "Educational Title" _Better Use of Leisure Time_ absolutely made me think about
the Rube Goldberg machine of pain that is streaming music.

I honestly resisted the streaming method as long as possible; I held on to a Gen3 iPod and
later on an original iPod Touch far into the Pandora and early Spotify days.
It was really nice to rip CDs, salvage music from the [original] Napster/Limewire/Kazaa/campus shares/etc.
and dip into the budding iTunes Music store.  I really liked having the ability to create playlists
and have a whole album or two at the ready. Before iPods began being phased out, I moved over to a
Sony NW30 walkman player since it suppoerted FLAC and direct file transers instead of relying on 
something like iTunes to get music on (as well as back from) the player.  Along with that, we've
been reliant on streaming services for at the office, in the car, on the various smart speakers. We
first dipped our toe in the Pandora water and then Spotify, which has since be jettisoned for Tidal.
Now that YouTube's streaming service is a little more robust, there's a real temptation to move to that
for the sheer number of independent artists, live performances and things that just aren't available on
the other services since it's able to draw from what's been uploaded to YouTube. Things left to 
	+Export/Import playlists from Tidal to YouTube Music?
	+Artist payout vs. Tidal?
	+Will it work with the various speakers? Bluetooth is always an option.