
Our primary home is here on Tor:

If you'd like to contribute, holler at us on Mastodon:


Technology was supposed to connect and liberate us. So how did we end up
in our present dystopia? Most users rely on a handful of programs and
platforms that surveil them, ultimately transforming people into a series      
of data points. Inefficient networking systems are unevenly distributed
and controlled by monopolistic telecom corporations. Perfectly fine
technologies are victimized by a culture of obsolescence that wants users
to only focus on new commodities.
In order to combat these disturbing tendencies, our blog focuses on the
seeds for radical transformation and the freedom that still exists within
technologies. We can unleash their latent power by focusing on a number of      
strategies. First, we decentralize technologies outside of state or
corporate control. Second, we adopt a DIY approach, nuturing our curiosity
by learning how the tech that matters to us works. Third, we explore the
still-relevant, potent possibilities in older technologies that the
capitalist marketplace wants us to consider outdated. Fourth, we freely 
share knowledge so that more and more people learn how to take control
over the technologies in their lives.

Our project is named "Rhizomatix" in homage to Gilles Deleuze & Felix
Guattari's rhizomatic theory. The two use the biological concept of the 
rhizome as inspiration: plants that send out roots & shoots from various,
self-generating nodes [i.e., ginger, poison oak, Venus fly-traps]. Deleuze     
& Guattari think of culture in this way: "rhizome has no beginning or end;
it is always in the middle, between things, interbeing, intermezzo." Human
interaction is always shifting, adaptive and freeing. We believe that    
becoming more rhizomatic in our attitudes towards technology can seriously
aid in our collective liberation.


SYRINX: I am the sysadmin, co-developer and a writer for blog. When
our main site goes down, blame me. When it works well, blame somebody
else. I am passionate about many a topic, including FOSS, cybersecurity, 
and anticensorship (Is that a word? Should it be hyphenated? IDK.) I am a
linux user with a serious distro hopping problem (Srsly, halp!) Currently,
I am running a heavily modified Xubuntu 19.04 install. I am the kind of 
person who doesn't pay more than a few dollars for a computer and then
installs $100 worth of hardware in it, a great example of this is the
server that I host this site on. Bought it for $5, upgraded the RAM,
installed several hard drives and spent hours fine tuning everything. I
then lost all of the case screws.

RUSTY: A meat-encased brain with too many ideas stuffed inside it. I
teach writing at a community college & research avant-garde art, computer
history, & the decentralized internet. I love cooking & getting lost in
the woods. I maintain this Gopher satellite site.