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February 8, 2011

Today I start my Gopher blog.  This is the only place I feel is a cool 
place to have a blog.  I don't like the word blog it's so stupid, just 
like so many of the buzz words of the last 5 years, or the buzz things for 
that matter. Here is a list of the things that have become popular that I 
can't stand...

The Blog - I like the concept, I don't like the word. 

Facebook.com - I hate facebook, it's nothing more than a sophmoric 
popularity contest mixed with a huge waste of time.  Mark Zuckerberg is 
NOT a genius, he didn't cure anything, he didn't make anything new, and 
what he did do isn't at all creative.  He did make a lot of money and 
unfortunatly that makes him a great person in our screwed up society.

Popular youtube.com videos - Youtube has a lot of great stuff on it, the 
problem is the great stuff seems to have been viewed a lot less than the 
total crap.  A teen girl telling her short ass life history has six 
million views, while some of the most beautiful animated shorts I have 
ever seen have like 50 views.  It's because people are stupid or because a 
lot more people than I thought are pedifiles.

Internet career advice - It's always bad, and it never has anything to do 
with knowing how to do anything.  The career advice on jobs.com or 
careerbuilder.com is all about what color tie is best, or how to be fake. 
First off I can't stand our corporate culture at all, and second how do 
the type of shoes you wear help you do better work?

Experts on stupid stuff - Did you know that you can get paid to be a 
"Hospitality Expert"?  That's code for "You don't know how to do shit".  
There are a lot of idiots out there who fall for this kind of no skill 

Anyhow, that's enough venting for me today.
