!A (surely outdated) copy of the cope homepage https://cope.rwth-aachen.de

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RESEARCH:	Profile, Projects, Publications
TEACHING:	Courses, Supervision
DATA LAB:	Seminars, Presentations, Meet us
NETWORK:	Team, Partners, Funding
ABOUT:	Contact, Impressum

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The working group Computational Ecotoxicology at the Institute for Environmental Research 
focuses on complexity in structures and processes of hierarchical dynamical bio-systems. We 
develop statistical, machine learning and AI-based algorithms and methods for multivariate 
modeling, pattern recognition, causal analysis and prediction in life-science disciplines like 
ecology, ecotoxicology and biomedical research. To link available lines of evidence (i.e. 
theory, simulation and observation) techniques from statistical pattern recognition, machine 
learning, data mining and bioinformatics as well as approaches from complex systems theory and 
chaos theory are used in a wide field of applications. More detailed attention is paid to 
non-linear dynamics, self-organization processes, the role of information and entropy, the 
integration of expert knowledge into modelling processes as well as epistemological 

In our most recent research we apply the developed methods in questions about:
Chemobehavioral profiling using Danio rerio video tracking data
Expert-augmented statistics in ecotoxicological bio-testing
Special long-term research questions we are interested in are:

Non-linear dynamics: Bifurcation and chaotic dynamics and their implications for the stability 
and resilience of natural agent-based systems
Entropy: Negentropic information flow and its relation to self-organization in dissipative 
living systems
Networks: Integration of theory and observations to assess ecosystem integrity
Complexity: Emerging phenomena and their relevance to ecological structures and dynamics
Limitations: Gdels incompleteness theorems and their implications for modelling in the life 
Understanding of patterns and processes in living systems requires a flexible range of data 
analysis techniques. Simulation using mathematical models, statistics and theoretical analysis 
of model equations are important generic tools to interpret and underpin results from lab and 
field observations. These in-silico-experiments are equally relevant to setting up and 
analysing laboratory experiments. They allow integration of empirical observations and 
theoretical models to generate and test multifactorial hypotheses. Such a system-oriented 
approach helps to elucidate structures, processes and dynamics in complexly interacting 
biological systems, e.g. ecological communities, gene expression networks and the immune 

For further details see the projects section. Here you can download a short COPE working group 

Animated Gif: A neural network showing different activation patterns from a carabid assemblage 
data set Png: A species community network in a tropical forest regeneration site, showing 
trophic interaction structure Animated Gif: An error optimization algorithm gets trapped in a 
local minimum Png: A wordle, displaying important research topics (all figures copyright R. 
Ottermanns) Animated Gif: PCA analysis of phytoplankton communities in a mesocosm experiment, 
showing temporal trajectories of community composition (red: control, blue: treatment)
From left to right: A neural network showing different activation patterns from a carabid 
assemblage data set, a species community network in a tropical forest regeneration site with 
hierachical trophic structure, an error optimization algorithm gets trapped in a local 
minimum, a wordle displaying important working group topics, a PCA analysis of phytoplankton 
communities in a mesocosm experiment (showing temporal trajectories of community composition, 
red: control, blue: treatment) (All Figs. (c) R. Ottermanns)
RESEARCH: Projects
>> GotoMenu

DILUTED: Detection of Environmental Pollution based on Behavioral Time-series Data from Danio 
rerio Tracking Experiments (Funded by the Verein des Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V., 
Gelsenkirchen, 2022-2024). See the project page for more information.
QU.BID: Quantitative Biology Digital (Funded by RWTH Aachen University with the competition 
Digital Teaching in the Curriculum, 2022). See the project page for more information.

MUDAFACS: Towards a multivariate data analysis of categorical and flow cytometry (FACS) data: 
use case analysis of samples from COVID-19 patients (Funded by RWTH Aachen University 
Exploratory Research Space, OPSF635, 2021-2022). See the project homepage for more 

ITIM: Identification of Phenotypic Differences in Inflammatory and Regulatory T-cell 
Populations in Immunodeficient Recipient Mice (2020-2021). See the project homepage for more 

Necessary adaptations of harmonised testing and risk assessment for earthworms (terrestrial) 
(Notwendige Anpassung zur harmonisierten Testung und Risikobewertung fr Regenwrmer 
(Terrestrik)) (Funded by UBA, FKZ 3715 67 420 0, 2016-2019). (Download the project report).

Statistische Auswertungstools und Modellierung. Teilprojekt im Verbundvorhaben "Edaphobase 
GBIF - Informationssystem, Daten-Repositorium, Daten-Infrastruktur und Service-Plattform fr 
die Bodenzoologie". (Funded by BMBF, FKZ 01LI1301D, 2013-2018) (RWTH Aachen News, Project 
description, Edaphobase Homepage in der Senckenberg Gesellschaft fr Naturforschung)

Das Gesellschaftliche in sozial-kologischen Modellen und Simulationen. Working group within 
the German Commitee Future Earth. (Project information). (Funded by DKN, 2015-2017).

METALFISH: Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Silber auf die Entwicklung und die Genexpression 
von Zebrafischembryonen. (2015-2016). In cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute For Molecular 
Biology And Applied Ecology IME, Aachen.

Integrative Metaanalyse zur Kausalitt beobachteter Effekte aus spezifischer Toxizitt und 
molekularen Wirkungsmechanismen sedimentgebundener Umweltschadstoffe. Sub-project within the 
cooperation project "DanTox - Identification of specific toxicity and molecular 
modes-of-action of sediment-bound pollutants using zebrafish (Danio rerio)". (Funded by BMBF, 
FKZ 02WU1055, 2010-2013)

Litter dwelling beetle diversity as indicator for habitat quality and development of an 
integrative data analysis concept for classification and ecological pattern recognition in 
secondary forests in the Mata Atlntica (Paran, Brazil). Sub-project within the cooperation 
project "SOLOBIOMA II - Soil biota and biogeochemistry in Southern Atlantic rainforests of 
Brazil - Assessment of the ecosystem quality of secondary forests and their potential for 
biodiversity conservation". (Funded by BMBF, FKZ 01LB0201A1, 2006-2010) (Federal University of 

Renaturation potential of drained palsa bogs. Survey within the Interreg III A-project 
"Heiden, Moore, Wiesen". In cooperation with the Biological Station Aachen and the Institute 
for Ecosystem Analysis and Assessment - gaiac; Aachen University (gaiac) (Abstract in German) 
(Funded by EU, 2002-2005)

PeMIXoS: Pesticide Mixture Effects on Soil Organisms. Ongoing.

ARAMOB: Semantic enrichment and mobilization of data in distributed repositories for taxonomy 
and ecology: Solving a Gordian knot in the taxonomy of neotropical jumping spiders and 
trait-based ecological habitat assessment with spider assemblages (Semantische Anreicherung 
und Mobilisierung von Daten netzbasierter Repositorien fr Taxonomie und kologie: Auflsung 
eines Gordischen Knotens in der Taxonomie sdamerikanischer Springspinnen und merkmalsbasierte 
kologische Standortbewertung mit Spinnenznosen). (Project homepage). (Funded by DFG, 

COMBITOX: Umweltrisiken von PSM zwischen Prognose und Realitt: Wie belastbar sind Ergebnisse 
der kotoxikologischen Risikobewertung zum einzelnen Mittel vor dem Hintergrund der blichen 
Anwendungspraxis (Tankmischungen, Spritzserien)? (Funded by UBA, FKZ 3715 63 407 0, 

Transformation, Bioakkumulation und Toxizitt organischer Mikroschadstoffe im Reservoir des 
Drei-Schluchten-Staudamms (MICROTOX). Teilprojekt im Verbundvorhaben "YANGTZE-PROJEKT - 
Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung des neu geschaffenen kosystems am Drei-Schluchten-Staudamm". 
(Funded by BMBF, FKZ 02WT1141, 2010-2014) (Homepage Yangtze-Project)

UFO 3: Future Energy - FuEne: Roadmap zur nachhaltigen und umweltgerechten Energiewende. 
Subproject within the HumTec Boost-Fund Project "Urban Future Outline - UFO" (Project 
information) (Funded by and within the RWTH Project House HumTec). (2013-2016).

SILVALUTA: Quantifying the effects of sustainable forest management: A case study in the Hmmel 
region (administrative district Ahrweiler, Eifel, Germany). (Project description, Funded by 
the Dr. Axe trust). (2012-2019).

ESR 1: Mechanism-specific screening tools in early life stages of Danio rerio. Sub-project 
within the Marie Curie ITN project "EDA-Emerge - Novel tools in effect-directed analysis for 
identifying and monitoring emerging toxicants on a European scale". (Funded by EU, 2011-2015) 
(Project informationen from the Institute for Environmantal Research, Project information from 
the Department of Effect Directed Analysis, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - 

Nachweis endokriner Wirkungen: Vernderungen der Steroidsynthese und Reproduktionstoxizitt. 
Teilprojekt 12 im Verbundvorhaben "Tox-Box - Gefhrdungsbasiertes Risikomanagement fr 
anthropogene Spurenstoffe zur Sicherung der Trinkwasserversorgung". (Funded by BMBF, FKZ 
02WRS1282I, 2011-2014) (Projektinformationen Institut fr Umweltforschung, Projektinformationen 
BMBF-Frdermanahme RiSKWa: Risikomanagement von neuen Schadstoffen und Krankheitserregern im 

Bewertung von siedlungswasserwirtschaftlichen und hydromorphologischen Manahmen hinsichtlich 
ihrer Wirkung auf den kologischen Zustand von Fliegewssern sowie deren Kosteneffizienz. 
(Forschungsinstitut fr kosystemanalyse und -bewertung RWTH Aachen (gaiac) und 
Forschungsinstitut fr Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft RWTH Aachen (FiW) 2011-2013)

Verbundprojekt "Sedimentkontakttests (SeKT)": Definition von Referenzbedingungen, 
Kontrollsedimenten und Toxizittsschwellen fr limnische Sedimentkontakttests. (Funded by BMBF, 
FKZ 02WU0598, 2007-2010).

TRIGGER (Workshop series within the RWTH Aachen University Exploratory Research Space): 
MusTererkennung zur ModellieRung und Steuerung dynamischer Systeme - Frhwarnindikatoren in der 
Informatik, KlimatoloGie, koloGie, VErfahrenstechnik und UnternehmenskybeRnetik.

Beweidungsprojekt Eindsberg (Funded by CIPRA)

The arthropods of grassy field margins (off crop) and the consequences for impact assessment 
of pesticides on terrestrial ecosystems. (Funded by UBA, FKZ 20063403, 2001-2004) (Abstract)

RESEARCH: Publications
>> GotoMenu

Peer reviewed journals:
PDF Sylvester F., Weichert F.G., Lozano V.L., Groh K.J., Blint M., Baumann L., Bssler C., 
Brack W., Brandl B., Curtius J., Dierkes P., Dll P., Ebersberger I., Fragkostefanakis S., 
Helfrich E.J.N., Hickler T., Johann S., Jourdan J., Klimpel S., Kminek H., Liquin F., 
Mllendorf D., Mller T., Oehlmann J., Ottermanns R., Pauls S.U., Piepenbring M., Pfefferle J., 
Schenk G.J., Scheepens J.F., Scheringer M., Schiwy S., Schlottmann A., Schneider F., Schulte 
L.M., Schulze-Sylvester M., Stelzer E., Strobl F., Sundermann A., Tockner K., Trger T., 
Vilcinskas A., Vlker C., Winkelmann R., Hollert H. (2023): Better integration of chemical 
pollution research will further our understanding of biodiversity loss. Nature Ecology & 
Evolution, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-023-02117-6.

PDF Haigis A.-C., Ottermanns R., Schiwy A., Hollert H., Legradi J. (2022): Getting more out of 
the zebrafish light dark transition test. Chemosphere, 295: 133863. 

PDF Nguyen K.T., Smith K.E.C., Ottermanns R., Wijntjes C., Van Dongen J.T., Schffer A. (2022): 
Reduced degradation of the herbicide 4-Chloro-2-Methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) in soil 
induced by the fungicide mixture Mancozeb, Metalaxyl-M, and Chlorothalonil used in tank 
mixtures and spray series. Soil Systems, 6,94. https://doi.org/10.3390/soilsystems6040094

PDF Daniels B., Ro-Nickoll M., Jaensch S., Roembke J., Scholz-Starke B., Ottermanns R. (2021): 
Application of the CPCAT to assess ecotoxicological field studies: comparative analysis using 
earthworm field test abundance data. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 40 (6): 
1750-1760. https://setac.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/etc.5015

PDF Heine P., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2021): Comparing eDNA metabarcoding 
with morphological analyses: Fungal species richness and community composition of differently 
managed stages along a forest conversion of Norway spruce towards European beech in Germany. 
Forest Ecology and Management, 496: 119429 + 497: 119495. 

PDF Politowski I., Regnery P., Hennig M.P., Siebers N., Ottermanns R., Schffer A. (2021): Fate 
of weathered multi-walled carbon nanotubes in an aquatic sediment system. Chemosphere, 277: 
130319. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S004565352100789X

PDF Politowski I., Wittmers F., Hennig M.P., Siebers N., Goffart B., Ro-Nickoll M., Ottermanns 
R., Schffer A. (2021): A trophic transfer study: accumulation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes 
associated to green algae in water flea Daphnia magna. NanoImpact, 22: 100303. 

PDF Daniels B., Jedamski J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2020): A Plan Bee for cities: 
Patterns of pollinator abundance and diversity, plant-pollinator interaction and the ecosystem 
service Pollination in varieties of urban green spaces. PLoS ONE, e0235492. 

PDF Sybertz A., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Scholz-Starke B., Daniels B., Frische T., Br S., 
Ullrich C., Ro-Nickoll M. (2020): Simulating spray series of pesticides in agricultural 
practice reveals evidence for accumulation of environmental risk in soil. Science of the Total 
Environment, 710: 135004. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135004

PDF Sybertz A., Ro-Nickoll M., Schffer A., Scholz-Starke B., Daniels B., Ottermanns R. (2020): 
MITAS: A model for assessing the time-dependent risk of sequential applications of pesticides 
for soil organisms by consideration of exposure, degradation and mixture toxicity. MethodsX, 
7: 100763. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2019.12.004

PDF Volz S.N., Hausen J., Nachev M., Ottermanns R., Schiwy S., Hollert H. (2020): Short 
exposure to cadmium disrupts the olfactory system of zebrafish (Danio rerio) - relating 
altered gene expression in the olfactory organ to behavioral deficits. Aquatic Toxicology, 
226: 105555. https://https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2020.105555

PDF Gottschlich A., Dolny R., Pannekens H., Benstm F., Wencki K., Rohn A., Ottermanns R., 
Hammers-Wirtz M., Linnemann V., Nahrstedt A., Dopp E. (2019): Erprobung einer Biotestbatterie 
zum Monitoring der Spurenstoffadsorption bei der weitergehenden Abwasserreinigung mit 
granulierter Aktivkohle. Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall, 66 (9): 706-713. 

PDF Heine P., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Ro-Nickoll M. (2019): Forest conversion 
from Norway spruce to European beech increases species richness and functional structure of 
aboveground macrofungal communities. Forest Management and Ecology, 432: 522-533. 

PDF Hennig M.P., Maes H.M., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Siebers N. (2019): Release of 
radiolabeled multi-walled carbon nanotubes (14C-MWCNT) from epoxy nanocomposites into quartz 
sand-water systems and their uptake by Lumbriculus variegatus. NanoImpact, 14: 100159. 

PDF Volz S.N., Hausen J., Smith K., Ottermanns R., Schaeffer A., Schiwy S., Hollert H. (2019): 
Do you smell the danger? Effects of three commonly used pesticides on the olfactory-mediated 
antipredator response of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Chemosphere, 241: 124963. 

PDF Heine P., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Ro-Nickoll M. (2018): Morphological 
dataset of aboveground macrofungal communities within different forest conversion stages in 
the Eifel National Park in Germany. Data in Brief, 21: 1151-1156. 

PDF Hollert H., Crawford S.E., Brack W., Brinkmann M., Fischer E., Hartmann K., Keiter S., 
Ottermanns R., Ouellet J.D., Rinke K., Rsch M., Ro-Nickoll M., Schffer A., Schth C., Schulze 
T., Schwarz A., Seiler T.-B., Wessels M., Hinderer M., Schwalb A. (2018): Looking back - 
looking forward: A novel multi-time slice weight-of-evidence approach for defining reference 
conditions to assess the impact of human activities on lake systems. Science of the Total 
Environment, 626: 1036-1046. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.113

PDF Ottermanns R., Cramer E., Daniels B., Lehmann R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2018): Uncertainty in 
site classification and its sensitivity to sample size and indicator quality - Bayesian 
misclassification rate in ecological risk assessment. Ecological Indicators, 94: 348-356. 
PDF Scholz-Starke B., Bo L., Wei H., Yuan X., Holbach A., Norra S., Floehr T., Hollert H., 
Rings U., Schffer A., Ro-Nickoll M., Ottermanns R. (2018): Simulation-based impact assessment 
of micropollutants on bioaccumulation processes in freshwater ecosystems at the Three Gorges 
Reservoir in China. Science of the Total Environment, 639: 286-303. 

PDF Daniels B., Zaunbrecher B.S., Paas B., Ottermanns R., Ziefle M., Ro-Nickoll M. (2017): 
Assessment of urban green space structures and their quality from a multidimensional 
perspective. Science of the Total Environment 615: 1364-1378. 
PDF Hausen J., Otte J.C., Legradi J., Yang L., Strhle U., Fenske M., Hecker H., Tang S., 
Hammers-Wirtz M., Hollert H., Keiter S.H., Ottermanns R. (2017): Fishing for contaminants: 
identification of three mechanism specific transcriptome signatures using Danio rerio embryos. 
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25(5): 4023-4036. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-8977-6 
(download supplementary material)

PDF Hausen J., Scholz-Starke B., Burkhardt U., Lesch S., Rick S., Russell D., Ro-Nickoll M., 
Ottermanns R. (2017): Edaphostat: Interactive ecological analysis of soil organism occurrences 
and preferences from the Edaphobase data warehouse. Database, Volume 2017, 1 January 2017, 
bax080. DOI: 10.1093/database/bax080

PDF Kais B., Ottermanns R., Scheller F., Helleis A., Reschke K., Oberrauch S., Braunbeck T. 
(2017): Modification and quantification of in vivo EROD live-imaging with zebrafish (Danio 
rerio) embryos to detect both induction and inhibition of CYP1A. Science of the Total 
Environment 615, 330-347. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.257
PDF Di Paolo C., Ottermanns R., Keiter S., Ait-Aissa S., Bluhm K., Brack W., Breitholtz M., 
Buchinger S., Carere M., Chalon C., Cousin X., Dulio V., Escher B.I., Hamers T., Hilscherov 
K., Jarque S., Jonas A., Maillot-Marechal E., Marneffe Y., Nguyen M.T., Pandard P., Schifferli 
A., Schulze T., Seidensticker S., Seiler T.-B., Tang J., van der Oost R., Vermeirssen E., 
Zounkov R., Zwart N., Hollert H. (2016): Bioassay battery interlaboratory investigation of 
emerging contaminants in spiked water extracts - Towards the implementation of bioanalytical 
monitoring tools in water quality assessment and monitoring. Water Research, 104: 473-484. 
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2016.08.018 (download supporting information)

PDF Gergs A., Classen S., Strauss T., Ottermanns R., Brock T.C.M., Ratte H.T., Hommen U., 
Preuss T.G. (2016): Ecological Recovery Potential of Freshwater Organisms: Consequences for 
Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemicals. In: P. de Voogt (ed.): Reviews of Environmental 
Contamination and Toxicology, 236: 259-294. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20013-2_5
PDF Schaeffer A., Amelung W., Hollert H., Kaestner M., Kandeler E., Kruse J., Miltner A., 
Ottermanns R., Pagel H., Peth S., Poll C., Rambold G., Schloter M., Schulz S., Streck T., 
Ro-Nickoll M. (2016): The impact of chemical pollution on the resilience of soils under 
multiple stresses: a conceptual framework for future research. Science of the Total 
Environment, 568: 1076-1085. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.06.161

PDF Hausen J., Otte J.C., Strhle U., Hammers-Wirtz M., Hollert H., Keiter S.H., Ottermanns R. 
(2015): Fold-change threshold screening - A robust algorithm to unmask hidden gene expression 
patterns in noisy aggregated transcriptome data. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 
22(21): 16384-16392. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-5019-0

PDF Hss S., Reiff N., Ottermanns R., Pagel-Wieder S., Dohrmann A.B., Tebbe C.C., Traunspurger 
W. (2015): Risk assessment of the cultivation of a stacked Bt-maize variety (MON89034 x 
MON88017) for nematode communities. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 91: 109-118. (DOI: 

PDF Hug C., Sievers M., Ottermanns R., Hollert H., Brack W., Krauss K. (2015): Linking 
mutagenic activity to micropollutant concentrations in wastewater samples by partial least 
square regression and subsequent identification of variables. Chemosphere, 138: 176-182. DOI: 

PDF Rmbke J., Collado R., Hfer H., Ottermanns R., Raub F., Ross-Nickoll M., Schmelz R.M. 
(2015): Species diversity of Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta) in pastures, regenerating secondary 
forests, and old-growth forests in the southern Mata Atlntica (Brazil). Soil Organisms, 87(2): 
101-120. www.soil-organisms.de

PDF Oellers J., Ernst M., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2014): Der Einfluss von Nutzung und 
Klima auf Carabidenznosen in der Agrarlandschaft der Jlicher Brde und der Nordeifel. 
Angewandte Carabidologie, 10: 73-85. Angewandte Carabidologie

PDF Ottermanns R., Szonn K., Preu T.G., Ro-Nickoll M. (2014): Non-linear Analysis Indicates 
Chaotic Dynamics and Reduced Resilience in Model-based Daphnia Populations Exposed to 
Environmental Stress. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96270. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096270

PDF Feiler U., Hss S., Ahlf W., Gilberg D., Hammers-Wirtz M., Hollert H., Meller M., 
Neumann-Hensel H., Ottermanns R., Seiler T.-B., Spira D., Heininger P. (2013): Sediment 
contact tests as a tool for the assessment of sediment quality in German waters. Environmental 
Toxicology and Chemistry, 32(1): 144-155. DOI: 10.1002/etc.2024

PDF Floehr T. & Xiao H., Scholz-Starke B., Wu L., Hou J., Yin D., Zhang X., Ji R., Yuan X., 
Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M., Schffer A., Hollert H. (2013): Solution by dilution? A review on 
the pollution status of the Yangtze River. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20: 
6934-6971. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-1666-1

PDF Scholz-Starke B. & Ottermanns R., Rings U., Floehr T., Hollert H., Hou J., Li B., Wu L.L., 
Yuan X., Strauch K., Wei H., Norra S., Holbach A., Westrich B., Schffer A., Ro-Nickoll M. 
(2013): An integrated approach to model the biomagnification of organic pollutants in aquatic 
food webs of the Yangtze Three Gorges Reservoir ecosystem using adapted pollution scenarios. 
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20: 7009-7026. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-1504-5

PDF Bergmann A., Bi Y., Chen L., Floehr T., Henkelmann B., Holbach A., Hollert H., Hu 
W.,Kranzioch I.,Klumpp E., Kppers E., Norra S., Ottermanns R., Pfister G., Ro-Nickoll M., 
Schffer A., Schleicher N., Schmidt B., Scholz-Starke B., Schramm K.-W., Subklew G., Tiehm A., 
Temoka C., Wang J., Westrich B., Wilken R.-D., Wolf A., Xiang X., Yuan Y. (2012): The 
Yangtze-Hydro Project: a Chinese-German environmental program. Environmental Science and 
Polution Research, 19(4): 1341-1344. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-011-0645-7

PDF Hfer H., Bihn J., Borges C., de Britez R.M., Brandl R., Fabry R., Jetzkowitz J., Kahle 
H.-P., Marques R., Ottermanns R., Paulsch D., Rmbke J., Ro-Nickoll M., Verhaagh M. (2011): 
InBioVeritas - Valuating nature in the southern Mata Atlntica of Brazil. Procedia 
Environmental Sciences, 9: 64-71. DOI:10.1016/j.proenv.2011.11.012

PDF Hopp P.W., Caron E., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2011): Evaluating leaf litter beetle 
data sampled by Winkler extraction from Atlantic forest sites in southern Brazil. Revista 
Brasileira de Entomologia, 55(2): 253-266. DOI: 10.1590/S0085-56262011000200017

PDF Ottermanns R., Hopp P.W., dos Santos G.P., Meyer S., Ro-Nickoll M. (2011): Causal 
relationship between leaf litter beetle communities and regeneration patterns of vegetation in 
the Atlantic rainforest of Southern Brazil (Mata Atlntica). Ecological Complexity, 8(4): 
299-309. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecocom.2011.06.001

PDF Hammers-Wirtz M., Strauss T., Toschki A., Ottermanns R., Lennartz G., Classen S., 
Ro-Nickoll M., Hollert H., Ratte H.T., Schffer A. (2010): gaiac - research institute for 
ecosystem analysis and assessment: a small and medium enterprise working hand in hand with 
RWTH Aachen University. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, 22: 507-508. DOI: 

PDF Hss S., Ahlf W., Fahnenstich C., Gilberg D., Hollert H.; Melbye K., Meller M., 
Hammers-Wirtz M., Heininger P., Neumann-Hensel H., Ottermanns R., Ratte H.T., Seiler T.-B., 
Spira D., Weber J., Feiler U. (2010): Variability of freshwater sediment contact tests in 
sediments with low anthropogenic contamination - Determination of toxicity thresholds. 
Environmental pollution, 158: 2999-3010. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2010.05.013

PDF Hopp P.W., Ottermanns R., Meyer S., Ro-Nickoll M. (2010): Recovery of litter inhabiting 
beetle assemblages during forest regeneration in the Atlantic Forest of Southern Brazil. 
Insect Conservation and Diversity, 3: 103-113 DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2010.00078.x

PDF Keiter S., Peddinghaus S., Feiler U., von der Goltz B., Hafner C., Yu Ho N., Rastegar S., 
Otte J., Ottermanns R., Reifferscheid G., Strhle U., Braunbeck T., Hammers-Wirtz M., Hollert 
H. (2010): DanTox - A novel joint research project using zebrafish (Danio rerio) to identify 
specific toxicity and molecular modes of action of sediment-bound pollutants. Journal of Soils 
and Sediments, 10: 714-717. DOI: 10.1007/s11368-010-0221-7

PDF Keiter S., Peddinghaus S., Feiler U., von der Goltz B., Hafner C., Yu Ho N., Rastegar S., 
Otte J., Ottermanns R., Reifferscheid G., Strhle U., Braunbeck T., Hammers-Wirtz M., Hollert 
H. (2010): DanTox - ein BMBF-Verbundprojekt zur Ermittlung spezifischer Toxizitt und 
molekularer Wirkungsmechanismen sedimentgebundener Umweltschadstoffe mit dem Zebrabrbling 
(Danio rerio). Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, 22: 94-98. DOI: 

PDF Ottermanns R., Ratte H.T., Ro-Nickoll M. (2010): Darstellung maskierter Nutzungseffekte 
auf naturraumspezifische Artengemeinschaften grasiger Feldraine mit Hilfe von 
Restvarianzmustern. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, 22(1): 20-35. DOI: 

Books & chapters:
Ottermanns R. (2008): Mustererkennung, Dimensionsreduktion und statistische Modellierung in 
der kologie - dargestellt am Beispiel der Lebensgemeinschaften grasiger Feldraine in deutschen 
Agrarlandschaften (Pattern recognition, dimensionality reduction and statistical modelling in 
ecology - demonstrated for ecological communities of grassy field margins in German 
agricultural landscapes). Studien zur Mustererkennung, 27: 1-499. Logos Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 
978-3-8325-2032-8. (Abstract, Order from Logos Verlag)

Ottermanns R. (2008): Lokale Referenzzustnde fr stehende Kleingewsser: Wiedervernsste Palsen 
im Hohen Venn (Hautes-Fagnes, Belgium/Germany). In: F. Lennartz (Hrsg.): Naturschutz und 
Freizeitgesellschaft, 8: Renaturierung - Programmatik und Effektivittsmessung. Academia 
Verlag, Sankt Augustin: 44-59.

Lecture notes:
Ottermanns R. et al. (since 2022): Modelling and Programming in Ecotoxiycology: From 
populations to system dynamics. Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University.

Ottermanns R. et al. (since 2022): Statistics and Machine Learning in Ecotoxicology: 
Univariate, Bayesian and multivariate statistics to analyze and model species and community 
response to environmental stress. Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen 

Ottermanns R. et al. (since 2008): Quantitative Biologie und Computeranwendungen (Quantitative 
biology and computer applications). Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen 

Ottermanns R. et al. (2019-2021): Mechanistic Modelling in Ecotoxiycology, Part 1: From 
populations to system dynamics. Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University.

Ottermanns R. et al. (2018-2021): Statistics in Ecotoxicology: Univariate, Bayesian and 
multivariate statistics to analyze and model species and community response to environmental 
stress. Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University.

Ottermanns R. et al. (2017-2018): Mechanistische Modellierung in der kotoxikologie, Teil 1: 
From populations to system dynamics. Institut fr Umweltforschung, RWTH Aachen.

Ottermanns R. et al. (2012-2017): Statistik in der kotoxikologie: Univariate and multivariate 
statistics to analyze and model species and community response to environmental stress. 
Institut fr Umweltforschung, RWTH Aachen.

Ottermanns R. et al. (2007-2016): Statistische und mechanistische Modellierung in der 
kotoxikologie, Teil 1: From populations to system dynamics. Institut fr Umweltforschung, RWTH 

Ottermanns R. et al. (2005-2011): Multivariate Statistik in der kotoxikologie. 
Postgradualstudium kotoxikologie (Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry Europe, 
German-Language Branch e.V. und Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V.). Institut fr 
Umweltforschung, RWTH Aachen.

Ottermanns R. et al. (2003-2009): Multivariate Data Analysis in Ecology. Institute for 
Environmental Research (Biology V). RWTH Aachen University.

Ottermanns R. et al. (2003-2006): Modelling and Simulation in Ecology. Institute for 
Environmental Research (Biology V). RWTH Aachen University.

Technical reports:
PDF Knillmann S., Liess M., Scholz-Starke B., Daniels B., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Sybertz 
A., Ro-Nickoll M. (2021): Environmental risks of pesticides between forecast and reality: How 
reliable are results of the environmental risk assessment for individual products in the light 
of agricultural practice (tank mixtures, spray series)? UBA Text Berlin, 82/2021: ISSN: 
1862-4804, pp 196.

PDF Rmbke J., Frster B., Jnsch S., Kaiser F., Scheffczyk A., Ro-Nickoll M., Daniels B., 
Ottermanns R., Scholz-Starke B. (2020): Necessary adaptations for a harmonized field-testing 
procedure and risk assessment of earthworms (terrestrial). UBA Text Berlin, 193/2020: ISSN: 
1862-4804, pp 117.

PDF Di Paolo C., Keiter S., Ottermanns R., Seiler T.B., Hollert H. (2015): The NORMAN 
interlaboratory study on biotesting of spiked water extracts. Norman Bulletin, 4: 19-21.
PDF Ro-Nickoll M., Lennartz G., Frste A., Mause R., Ottermanns R., Schfer S., Smolis M., 
Theien B., Toschki A., Ratte H.T. (2004): The arthropods of grassy field margins (off crop) 
and the consequences for impact assessment of pesticides on terrestrial ecosystems. UBA Text 
Berlin, 10/04: ISSN: 0722-186X, pp 148. (in German, Abstract)

Oral presentations:
Hommen U., Classen S., Ottermanns R., Krner O., Schriever C. (2023): Neue Analysen der 
Makroinvertebratendaten aus dem Projekt Kleingewssermonitoring. Oral presentation, 63. 
Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung, 26.- 29. September 2023, Georg-August-Universitt Gttingen, 
Germany. (Tagungsband)

Lange J., Ottermanns R. (2023): Reconstruction of complex systems dynamics. In: Heufer K.A., 
Liauw M: Modelling of complex chemical reaction networks. WS 2022/2023. 11.07.2023. RWTH 
Aachen University. Invited lecture.

Schrder K., Ottermanns R. (2023): Multivariate time-series analysis for sensitive evaluation 
of behavior data from the light/dark transition rest with zebrafish larvae. Oral presentation, 
SETAC 12th Young Environmental Scientists Meeting, 28. August - 01. September 2023, Landau, 
Johann S., Ottermanns R., Marigomez I., Lekube X., Izagirre U., Soto M., Lehtonen K.K., Turja 
R., Jenssen B.M., Ciesielski T.M., Altin D., Hollert H., Seiler T.-B. (2023): An effect-based 
toolbox for petroleum toxicity testing evaluated for hazard assessment. Oral presentation, 
33rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe 
, 20. April - 04. May 2023, Dublin, Ireland. (Download abstracts)

Dallmann N., Izcue A., Ottermanns R. (2020): Dimension reduction in multidimensional studies 
combining flow cytometry studies and categorical data. Oral presentation, Lab-meeting 
Institute of Molecular Medicine, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, 17. September 2020.

Bialozyt R., Jetzkowitz J., Ro-Nickoll M., Ottermanns R. (2019): The societal dimension in 
socioecological models: modelling the modelling process. Oral presentation, The International 
Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2019, 01.-05. October, Salzburg, Austria. 
(See the conference program)

Sybertz A., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Daniels B., Ro-Nickoll M. (2019): Simulation of 
time-dependent mixture exposure to pesticides in agricultural landscapes and estimation of 
effects on terrestrial organisms. Oral presentation, 17th International Conference on 
Chemistry and the Environment, 16.-20. June 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. (Download conference 

Krmer-Klement K., Bursche V., Bach A., Siebenaler L., Stratemann L., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll 
M. (2018): Einfluss der Waldbewirtschaftung auf die Diversitt und die strukturelle und 
funktionelle Zusammensetzung der Lebensgemeinschaft am Beispiel der Eifel. Oral presentation, 
FOWITA Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung, 24.-27. September 2018, Gttingen, Germany. (Download 
book of abstracts)

Krmer-Klement K., Bursche V., Bach A., Siebenaler L., Stratemann L., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll 
M. (2018): How does forest management affect diversity, species composition and functional 
composition of forest communities? Oral presentation, 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological 
Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 10.-14. September 2018, Vienna, Austria. 
(Download book of abstracts)

Krmer-Klement K., Bursche V., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2018): Einfluss der 
Waldbewirtschaftung auf die Laufkfergemeinschaft am Beispiel der Eifel. Oral presentation, 21. 
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fr Angewandte Carabidologie e.V. (GAC), 16.-18. February 2018, 
Freckenhorst, Germany. (Download program)

Oellers J., Burkhardt U., Haase H., Hfer H., Jnsch S., Ottermanns R., Raub F., Rmbke J., 
Ro-Nickoll M., Russell D., Salamon J.-A., Scholz-Starke B., Toschki A. (2018): The Edaphobase 
Nationwide Field Monitoring - an approach to find reference values of soil organism 
communities of different habitat types. Oral presentation, European Geosciences Union (EGU) 
General Assembly 2018 08.-13. April 2018, Vienna, Austria. (Access the program)

Ro-Nickoll, Burkhardt U., Hausen J., Hfer H., Jnsch S., Lesch S., Oellers J., Ottermanns R., 
Raub F., Rick S., Rmbke J., Scholz-Starke B., Toschki A., Russell D. (2018): EDAPHOBASE - soil 
biodiversity data warehouse and its applications in ecotoxicology. Oral presentation, 28th 
Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe , 
13.-17. May 2018, Rome, Italy. (Download abstracts)

Schaeffer A., Amelung W., Hollert H., Kaestner M., Kandeler E., Kruse J., Miltner A., 
Ottermanns R., Pagel H., Peth S., Poll C., Rambold G., Schloter M., Schulz ., Streck T., 
Ro-Nickoll M. (2018): The impact of chemical pollution on the resilience of soils under 
multiple stress. Oral presentation, 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental 
Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe , 13.-17. May 2018, Rome, Italy. (Download 

Scholz-Starke B., Br S., Daniels B., Frische T., Liess M., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M., 
Schffer A., Sybertz A., Ullrich C., Knillmann S. (2018): Pesticides do rarely come alone, 
except in risk assessment - Risk indices of ranked spray series of the project COMBITOX. Oral 
presentation, 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 
(SETAC) - Europe , 13.-17. May 2018, Rome, Italy. (Download abstracts)

Sybertz A., Ottermanns R., Daniels B., Schffer A., Scholz-Starke B., Ro-Nickoll M. (2017): 
Zeitabhngige Modellierung der Toxizitt von Pflanzenschutzmittelspritzserien in der 
Agrarlandschaft - unter Bercksichtigung von Exposition, Abbau und Mischungstoxizitt. Oral 
presentation, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 
(SETAC) - Europe, German Language Branch, 12.-14. November 2017, Neustadt an der Weinstrae, 
Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Burkhardt U., Gntsch A., Hfer H., Ottermanns R., Rmbke J., Ro-Nickoll M., Russel D., Toschki 
A., Xylander W. et al. (2016): Edaphobase - Data Warehouse, Sammlungsdokumentation, Metadaten 
und Auswertungswerkzeuge. Oral presentation, 7. Tagung zum Sammlungsdatenmanagement 
Dokumentation ohne Grenzen - Sammlungen interdisziplinr und multilingual, 16.-18. July 2016, 
Grlitz, Germany. (Download program)

Hausen J., Scholz-Starke B., Ro-Nickoll M., Ottermanns R. (2016): Automated analysis of 
ecological databases: Interactive tools for the Edaphobase data warehouse. Oral presentation, 
25th Annual Meeting of the Working group Mesofauna, Universitt Bremen, 27.-28. September 2016, 
Bremen, Germany. (Download programm)

Hausen J., Scholz-Starke B., Ro-Nickoll M., Ottermanns R. (2016): Edaphobase automated tools 
for analysis of ecological data: the ambivalence between data mining and data meaning. Oral 
presentation, 46th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and 
Switzerland, 05.-09. September 2016, Marburg, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Scholz-Starke B., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2016): Are large soil zoological 
databases helpful in defining site-specific biocoenoses of soil organisms? Developments of the 
joint EDAPHOBASE-project. Oral presentation, 25th Annual Meeting of the Working group 
Mesofauna, Universitt Bremen, 27.-28. September 2016, Bremen, Germany. (Download programm)

Scholz-Starke B., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2016): Are large soil zoological 
databases helpful in defining site-specific biocoenoses of soil organisms? Developments of the 
joint EDAPHOBASE-project. Oral presentation
Heine P., Hausen J., Prell J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2015): Effects of forest 
management on funtional diversity of fungi during forest conversion in the Eifel National 
Park. Oral presentation, 45th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and 
Switzerland, 31. August-04. September 2015, Gttingen, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Ro-Nickoll M., Deubert M., Lennartz G., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Scholz-Starke B., Streib 
L., Toschki A., Trapp M. (2015): Biodiversitt und strukturelle Vielfalt in der Agrarlandschaft 
- eine bergeordnete Perspektive auch fr die Pestizidzulassung?. Oral presentation, 20th Annual 
Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe, German 
Language Branch, 07.-10. September 2015, Zrich, Switzerland. (Download book of abstracts)

Bursche V., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2014): Vitality indicators for a sustainable 
management in differently managed beech forest stands in the German low mountain range region 
Eifel. Oral presentation, 44th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria 
and Switzerland, 08.-12. September 2014, Hildesheim, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Rmbke J., Collado R., Hfer H., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M., Schmelz R.M. (2014): The 
Enchytraeid fauna (diversity and abundance) of forest plots in the Atlantic Rain Forest 
(Brazil) - an overview of the results of the SOLOBIOMA project. Oral presentation, 11th 
International Symposium on Enchytraeidae, 25.-27. July 2014, Georgsmarienhtte, Germany. 
(Download announcement)

Schollee J., Ottermanns R., Hollender J. (2014): Multivariate Workflow for the Screening of 
Nontarget Peaks from Biologically-Treated Wastewater. Oral presentation, SETAC Europe 24th 
Annual Meeting, 11.-15. May 2014, Basel, Switzerland. (Download short abstract)

Scholz-Starke B., Ottermanns R., Floehr T., Holbach A., Hollert H., Bo L., Rings U., Schaeffer 
A., Wei H., Yuan X., Ro-Nickoll M. (2014): Simulation of the environmental situation of the 
tributary ecosystem Daninghe River in the Yangtze Three Gorges Area. Oral presentation, SETAC 
Europe 24th Annual Meeting, 11.-15. May 2014, Basel, Switzerland. (Download short abstract)

Hausen J., Keiter S., Strhle U., Hammers-Wirtz M., Hollert H., Ottermanns R. (2013): 
Schwellenwert-ANOVA: Ein Algorithmus zur Datenintegration und Kausalmodellierung zur Detektion 
von Sedimentkontaminierung aus Microarraydaten. Oral presentation, SETAC GLB 18th Annual 
Meeting, 23.-26. September 2013, Essen, Germany. (Download abstract book)

Hollert H., Schiwy S., Feiler U., Kais B., Hafner C., Garcia-Kufer M., Ho N.Y., Rastegar S., 
Otte J.C., Ottermanns R., Reifferscheid G., Strhle U., Braunbeck T., Hammers-Wirtz M., Keiter 
S.H. (2013): DanTox-BMBF-Verbundprojekt zur Ermittlung spezifischer Toxizitt und molekularer 
Wirkungsmechanismen sedimentgebundener Umweltschadstoffe mit dem Zebrabrbling (Danio rerio). 
Oral presentation, DanTox-Symposium: Methoden zur Bewertung von Sedimenttoxizitt mit dem 
Zebrabrbling Danio rerio, 10.-11. Juni 2013, Aachen, Germany. (Download Programm)

Ottermanns R., Hausen J., Otte J.C., Keiter S., Strhle U., Hollert H., Hammers-Wirtz M. 
(2013): Datenintegration und statistische Kausalmodellierung von Genexpressionsdaten und 
kotoxikologischen Effekten im Zebrabrbling (Data integration and statistical causel modelling 
of gene expression data and ecotoxicological effects in Danio rerio). Oral presentation, 
DanTox-Symposium: Methoden zur Bewertung von Sedimenttoxizitt mit dem Zebrabrbling Danio 
rerio, 10.-11. Juni 2013, Aachen, Germany. (Download Programm)

Oellers J., Ernst M., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2012): Der Einfluss von Nutzung und Klima 
auf Carabidenznosen in der Agrarlandschaft der Jlicher Brde und der Nordeifel. Oral 
presentation, Jahrestagung der Coleopterologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mnster, 19. Februar 
2012, Mnster, Germany.

Scholz-Starke B., Chen Z., Floehr T., Hollert H., Huo J., Li B., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M., 
Schmidt B., Strauch K., Wu L., Yin D., Yuan Y., Yuan X., Zoschke A., Schffer A. (2012): 
Consequences of the Three Gorges Dam in China - Conceptual approaches to study the fate, 
bioaccumulation and effects of organic micropollutants in aquatic food webs and sediments of 
the Yangtze. Oral presentation, 6th SETAC World Congress / SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, 
20.-24. May 2012, Berlin, Germany. (Download abstract book)

Scholz-Starke B., Yuan Y., Floehr T., Strauch K., Heister S., Chen Z., Li B., Wu L.-L., Hou 
J., Yuan X., Yin D., Ottermanns R., Schmidt B., Ro-Nickoll M., Hollert H., Schffer A. (2011): 
Conceptual approach and first results of the MICROTOX project - Fate, effects and 
bioaccumulation of organic pollutants in the Yangtze river. Oral presentation, Processes in 
the Yangtze River System, November 28.-29. 2011, Aachen, Germany. (Download proceedings book)

Krmer K., Siehoff S., Lennartz G., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2011): Succession of Cytisus 
scoparius shrubberies in the Eifel National Park. Oral presentation, 41st Annual Meeting of 
the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 05.-09. September 2011, Oldenburg, 
Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Keiter S., Peddinghaus S., Brunig J., Feiler U., Hafner C., Hammers-Wirtz M., Ho N.Y., Kais 
B., Otte J.C., Ottermanns R., Rastegar S., Reifferscheid G., Braunbeck T., Strhle U., Hollert 
H. (2011): The DanTox-Project - Identification of specific toxicity and molecular modes of 
action of sediment-bound pollutants in zebrafish. Oral presentation, 21st SETAC Europe Annual 
Meeting, 15.-19. May 2011, Milan, Italy. (Download abtract book)

Keiter S., Peddinghaus S., Feiler U., Hafner C., Hammers-Wirtz M., Ho N.Y., Kais B., Otte 
J.C., Ottermanns R., Rastegar S., Reifferscheid G., Braunbeck T., Strhle U., Hollert H. 
(2010): Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Verfahrens zur Ermittlung spezifischer Toxizitt und 
molekularer Wirkungsmechanismen sedimentgebundener Umweltschadstoffe mit dem Zebrabrbling 
(Danio rerio). Vortrag, SETAC-GLB, 6.-9. September 2010, Dessau-Rolau, Germany.(Download 
abtract book)

Keiter S., Peddinghaus S., Feiler U., Hafner C., Hammers-Wirtz M., Ho N.Y., Kais B., Otte 
J.C., Ottermanns R., Rastegar S., Reifferscheid G., Braunbeck T., Strhle U., Hollert H. 
(2010): DanTox - A novel joint research project using zebrafish (Danio rerio) to identify 
specific toxicity and molecular modes of action of sediment-bound pollutants. Oral 
presentation, The zebrafish embryo model in toxicology and teratology, 2.-3. September 2010, 
Karlsruhe, Germany.

Hopp P., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2008): Recovery of leaf litter Beetle communities 
during Forest Regeneration in the Atlantic Forest. Oral presentation, 15th International 
Colloquium on Soil Zoology, 25.-29. August 2008, Curitiba, Brazil.

Ro-Nickoll M., Lennartz G., Ottermanns R., Theien B., Toschki A., Schffer A., Ratte H.T. 
(2004): The typical composition of biocoenosis in off-crop-sites of three agricultural 
landscape areas in Germany. Syngenta Jealotts Hill, England, 9th June 2004, invited lecture.

Ro-Nickoll M., Lennartz G., Ottermanns R., Theien B., Toschki A., Schffer A., Ratte H.T. 
(2004): The typical composition of biocoenosis in off-crop-sites of three agricultural 
landscape areas in Germany. Oral presentation, SETAC Europe 14th Annual Meeting 18.-22. April 
2004, Prague, Czech Republic.

Ro-Nickoll, M., Lennartz, G., Ottermanns R., Ratte, H.T., Schffer, A., Theien, B, Toschki, A. 
(2003): Terrestrische Lebensgemeinschaften als Bioindikatoren in der Agrarlandschaft. Vortrag 
SETAC-GLB-Jahrestagung, Heidelberg, Germany, 21.-23. September 2003.

Ro-Nickoll M., Engels H., Lennartz G., Ottermanns R., Ratte H.T., Schffer A., Theien B, 
Toschki A. (2002): Untersuchungen zur Eignung von Mesofauna - Freilandstudien zur 
Bioindikation fr landwirtschaftlich genutzte Bden. Vortrag Jahrestagung Umweltchemie und 
kotoxikologie (SETAC-GLB, GDCh), Braunschweig, Germany, 6.-8. Oktober 2002.

Poster presentations:
Oberg G., Leopold A., Seiler T., Liu C., De Marchi B., McIlroy-Young B., Ottermanns R., Steel 
D. (2020): SETAC members perception of the role of science in decision making. Poster 
presentation, SETAC SciCon, SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting , 3.-7. May 2020, Dublin, 
Ireland. (Download the abstract book)

Seiler T., Mueller L., Leopold A., Hollert H., Oguguah N., Ottermanns R., Brockmeier E. 
(2020): Outreach and communication activites conducted by SETAC members - A survey of the 
state and room for improvement. Poster presentation, SETAC SciCon, SETAC Europe 30th Annual 
Meeting , 3.-7. May 2020, Dublin, Ireland. (Download the abstract book)

Sybertz A., Ottermanns R., Schaeffer A., Daniels B., Ross-Nickoll M. (2020): Pesticide 
mixtures in soil: Simulation of time-dependent effects on soil organisms. Poster presentation, 
SETAC SciCon, SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting , 3.-7. May 2020, Dublin, Ireland. (Download 
the abstract book)

Seiler T.-B., Kunze J., Ahrens L., Gago-Ferrero P., Smith K., Ottermanns R., Hollert H. 
(2019): Ecotoxicological assessment of freely bioavailable, polar pollutants in Swedish 
streams. Poster presentation, 29th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology 
and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe , 26.-30. May 2019, Helsinki, Finland. (Download the abtract 

Daniels B., Jnsch S., Kotschik P., Ottermanns R., Pieper S., Ro-Nickoll M., Scholz-Starke B. 
(2018): The application of the CPCAT approach reduces shortcomings of effect detection for 
earthworm field studies. Poster presentation, 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of 
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe , 13.-17. May 2018, Rome, Italy. 
(Download abstracts)

Hausen J., Scholz-Starke B., Ro-Nickoll M., Ottermanns R. (2018): Edaphostat - A web 
application for automated and interactive meta-analysis of environmental data from the 
Edaphobase data warehouse. Poster presentation, 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of 
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe , 13.-17. May 2018, Rome, Italy. 
(Download abstracts)

Rmbke J., Daniels B. Frster B., Jnsch S., Kotschik P., Ottermanns R., Pieper S., Ro-Nickoll 
M., Scheffczyk A., Scholz-Starke B. (2018): Adaptation of the earthworm field test method: 
conceptual overview and first results. Poster presentation, 28th Annual Meeting of the Society 
of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe , 13.-17. May 2018, Rome, Italy. 
(Download abstracts)

Haase H., Russell D.J., Burkhardt U., Toschki A., Oellers J., Scholze-Stark B., Ottermanns R., 
Ro-Nickoll M., Hausen J., Rmbke J., Jnsch S., Hfer H. (2017): Working with databases - 
Assessing the practical usability of the soil-zoological data warehouse Edaphobase with 
myriapod data. Poster presentation, The 17th International Congress of Myriapodology, 23.-26. 
July 2017, Krabi, Thailand.
Kirch J, Krmer-Klement K.,Bursche V., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2017): How does 
silviculture affect forest structure, regeneration and dynamics? Poster presentation, Joint 
annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the 
Nederlands-Vlaamse vereniging voor ecologie and the British Ecological Society, 11.-14. 
December 2017, Ghent, Belgium.
Knillmann S., Scholz-Starke B., Br S., Daniels B., Frische T., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., 
Sybertz A., Ro-Nickoll M., Liess M. (2017): Pesticides do rarely come alone, except in risk 
assessment - Framework of the project COMBITOX. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 27th Annual 
Meeting, 7.-11. May 2017, Brussells, Belgium. (Download abstracts)

Oellers J., Burkhardt U., Classen S., Hammers-Wirtz M., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll 
M., Scholz-Starke B., Toschki A. (2017): The use of the Edaphobase data-warehouse in soil risk 
assessment. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, 7.-11. May 2017, Brussells, 
Belgium. (Download abstracts)

Scholz-Starke B., Br S., Daniels B., Frische T., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Sybertz A., 
Ullrich C., Kuppe K., Liess M., Ro-Nickoll M., Knillmann S. (2017): Pesticides do rarely come 
alone, except in risk assessment - Typical treatment regimes of the project COMBITOX. Poster 
presentation, SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, 7.-11. May 2017, Brussells, Belgium. (Download 

Toschki A., Burkhardt U., Hfer H., Jnsch S., Oellers J., Ottermanns R., Rmbke J., Russell D., 
Scholz-Starke B., Ro-Nickoll M. (2017): The Edaphobase Nationwide Field Monitoring - an 
approach to determine reference values for soil organism communities of different habitat 
types. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, 7.-11. May 2017, Brussells, 
Belgium. (Download abstracts)

Bach A., Krmer K., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2016): Forest management intensity 
leads to a shift in functional groups of epigeic spider communities. Poster presentation, 46th 
Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 05.-09. 
September 2016, Marburg, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Daniels B., Ottermanns R., Schffer S., Ro-Nickoll M. (2016): A multidisciplinary instrument to 
assess and compare ecosystem services of urban greens in eco-cities. Poster presentation, 2nd 
Congress of the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE), 08.-10. July 2016, Shanghai, China. 
(Download program)

Krmer K., Bursche V., Bach A., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2016): How does forest management 
affect food web structures? Poster presentation, 46th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society 
of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 05.-09. September 2016, Marburg, Germany. (Download book 
of abstracts)

Krmer K., Bursche V., Byun J., Bach A., Knautz T., Siebenaler L., Strk J., Ottermanns R., 
Ro-Nickoll M. (2016): Auswirkung der strukturellen Ausprgung von Waldbestnden auf die Bioznose 
am Beispiel verschieden bewirtschafteter Wlder der Eifel. Poster presentation, FOWITA: 
Forstwirtschaftliche Tagung, 26.-29. September 2016, Freiburg, Germany.
Ottermanns R., Bialozyt R., Ro-Nickoll M., Jetzkowitz J. (2016): Sozialkologische Modelle und 
Simulationen fr den Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs: Wie lsst sich das Gesellschaftliche in einem 
Modell bercksichtigen, das Mglichkeiten zur Reduzierung des Fleischkonsums abwgen hilft? 
Poster presentation, 2nd German Future Earth Summit, 28.-29. January 2016, Berlin, Germany 
(Download final program booklet)

Russel D.J., Hausen J., Burkhardt U., Hfer H., Lesch S., Rick S., Jnsch S., Rmbke J., 
Ro-Nickoll M., Scholz-Starke B., Ottermanns R. (2016): Ecological species models within the 
Edaphobase GBIF project of Germany. Poster presentation, Soil Biodiversity for Our Future 
Earth: XVII International Colloquium on Soil Zoology and XIV International Colloquium on 
Apterygota, 22.-26. August 2016, Nara, Japan.
Byun J., Bursche V., Hausen J., Krmer K., Ro-Nickoll M., Ottermanns R. (2015): Modelling 
effects of management strategies on beech forest tree growth in the Eifel region (Germany). 
Poster presentation, 45th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and 
Switzerland, 31. August-04. September 2015, Gttingen, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Byun J., Bursche V., Hausen J., Krmer K., Wohlleben P., Schffer A., Ross-Nickoll M., 
Ottermanns R. (2015): Simulating beech forest growth on different management strategies in 
Eifel region in Germany. Poster presentation, Euro-Korean Conference on Science and 
Technology, 22.-24. July 2015, Strasbourg, France.
Daniels B., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2015): Towards a multidisciplinary evaluation of 
ecosystem services for urban greens and their structural elements. Poster presentation, 
European Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change (ECBCC), 17.-19. November 2015, Bonn, 
Daniels B., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2015): Ein itegrativer Bewertungsansatz fr 
kosystemleistungen urbaner Grnflchen unter Bercksichtigung kolgischer, klimatologischer und 
akzeptanzrelevanter Indikatoren. Poster presentation, IALE-D Jahrestagung, 20.-23. October 
2015, Bonn, Germany. (Download Tagungsband mit Abstracts)

Di Paolo C., Graf K., Legradi J., Fenske M., Ottermanns R., Hausen J., Werner I., Legler J., 
Hollert H., Seiler T.-B. (2015): Alcohol, coffee and cigarettes: evaluation of candidate 
positive control chemicals for behavioural assessment in zebrafish early life stages. Poster 
presentation, SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, 3.-7. May 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Di Paolo C., Keiter S., Ottermanns R., Ait-Aissa S., Brack W., Breitholtz M., Buchinger S., 
Carere M., Chalon C., Cousin X., Dulio V., Escher B., Hamers T., Hilscherov K., Jarque S., 
Jonas A., Kase R., Maillot-Marechal E., Marneffe Y., Pandard P., Schifferli A., Schulze T., 
Seidensticker S., Seiler T.-B., Tang J., Nguyen M.T., van der Oost R., Vermeirssen E., Zounkov 
R., Zwart N., Hollert H. (2015): The NORMAN interlaboratory study on biotesting of spiked 
water extracts. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, 3.-7. May 2015, 
Barcelona, Spain.
Krmer K., Bursche V., Byun J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2015): SilValuta - Quantifying 
the effects of sustainable forest management: a case study in the Eifel region. Poster 
presentation, 45th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and 
Switzerland, 31. August-04. September 2015, Gttingen, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Ro-Nickoll M., Deubert M., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Scholz-Starke B., Streib L., Toschki A., 
Trapp M. (2015): Biodiversity and structural diversity in the agricultural landscape - An 
overall concept relevant for soil risk assessment? Poster presentation, Topical Scientific 
Workshop on Soil Risk Assessment, European Chemicals Agency ECHA, 7.-8. October 2015, 
Helsinki, Finland. (Download book of abstracts)

Byun J., Ro-Nickoll M., Bursche V., Ottermanns R. (2014): Relationship between tree size ratio 
(DBH/H) and environmental factors in differently managed beech forests (Eifel region, 
Germany). Poster presentation, EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology, 22.-25. July 
2014, Vienna, Austria.
Ottermanns R., Bursche V., Byun J., Krmer K., Ro-Nickoll M. (2014): On cybernetic principles 
in environmental science: Assessment of self-organized ecosystem integrity by means of 
negentropic information (Zur Bedeutung kybernetischer Prinzipien in der kologischen 
Umweltbewertung: Beurteilung selbstorganisierter kosystemintegritt anhand negentropischer 
Information). Poster presentation, Exploring Cybernetics, 12.-14. Oktober 2014, RWTH Aachen 
University, Germany.
Byun J., Ro-Nickoll M., Schffer A., Bursche V., Ottermanns R. (2014): Analyzing causal 
relationships between forest management practice and tree growth in beech forests using the 
DBH/height ratio. Poster presentation, 44th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of 
Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 08.-12. September 2014, Hildesheim, Germany. (Download book 
of abstracts)

Heine P., Prell J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2014): Fungal communities in different 
management stages of forest conversion in the Eifel National Park. Poster presentation, 44th 
Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 08.-12. 
September 2014, Hildesheim, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Knautz T., Krmer K., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2014): Influence of forest management and 
microhabitat structure on the spider community regarding the autumnal aspect. Poster 
presentation, 44th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and 
Switzerland, 08.-12. September 2014, Hildesheim, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Scholz-Starke B., Ottermanns R., Floehr T., Holbach A., Hollert H., Bo L., Rings U., Schaeffer 
A., Wei H., Yuan X., Ross-Nickoll M. (2014): Simulation of the environmental situation of the 
tributary ecosystem Daninghe River in the Yangtze Three Gorges Area. Poster presentation, 
SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, 11.-15. May 2014, Basel, Switzerland. (Download abstracts)

Hausen J., Otte J.C., Strhle U., Hammers-Wirtz M., Ottermanns R. (2013): Threshold-ANOVA: 
Finding reliable reliable genes from microarray data with an algorithm for data integration 
and statistical causal modelling. Poster presentation, DanTox-Symposium: Methoden zur 
Bewertung von Sedimenttoxizitt mit dem Zebrabrbling Danio rerio, 10.-11. Juni 2013, Aachen, 
Germany. (Download Programm)

Rings U., Floehr T., Holbach A., Hollert H., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M., Schffer A., Wei H., 
Scholz-Starke B. (2013): The impact of nutrients and pollutants on biomagnification processes 
in food webs of the Yangtze and Daning River. Poster presentation, 23rd SETAC Europe Annual 
Meeting, 12.-16. May 2013, Glasgow, United Kingdom. (Download extended abstracts)

Ottermanns R., Verhaagh M., Lennartz G., Jetzkowitz J., Wohlleben P., Ro-Nickoll M. (2012): 
SilValuta: kologisch nachhaltige Nutzung von Buchenwldern und ihrer kosystemdienstleistungen 
in Mittelgebirgslagen - auf der Basis einer kologischen und konomischen Bilanzierung des 
Forstreviers Hmmel (Osteifel). Poster presentation, nefo-Workshop Nationales 
Biodiversittsmonitoring 2020, 14.-15. Juni 2012, Berlin, Germany. (Download Programm)

Scholz-Starke B., Floehr T., Hollert H., Huo J., Li B., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Strauch K., 
Wu L., Yin D., Yuan X., Ro-Nickoll M. (2012): Modeling the potential biomagnification of 
organic pollutants in aquatic food webs of the new Three Gorges Reservoir ecosystem at the 
Yangtze River. Poster presentation, 6th SETAC World Congress / SETAC Europe 22nd Annual 
Meeting, 20.-24. May 2012, Berlin, Germany. (Download abstract book)

Scholz-Starke B., Ottermanns R., Strauch K., Floehr T., Bo L., Wu L.-L., Hou J., Yuan X., Yin 
D., Ro-Nickoll M. (2011): Bioaccumulation of model pollutants in the Yangtze River. Poster 
presentation, Processes in the Yangtze River System, November 28.-29. 2011, Aachen, Germany. 
(Download proceedings book)

Oellers J., Ernst M., Bless J., Hannig K., Lennartz G., Ottermanns R., Toschki A., Ro-Nickoll 
M. (2011): Der Einfluss von Nutzung und Klima auf Carabiden- und Collembolenznosen in 
ausgewhlten Agrarlandschaften der Jlicher Brde und der Nordeifel - Auswertung von 
regionalisierten Mustern. Poster presentation, 16. Jahrestagung der SETAC GLB, 18.-20. 
September 2011, Landau, Germany. (Download proceedings book)

Schffer A., Hollert H., Ro-Nickoll M., Schmidt B., Ottermanns R., Scholz-Starke B., Yuan Y., 
Floehr T., Strauch K. (2011): Transformation, Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of Organic 
Micropollutants in the Yangtze Three Gorges Reservoir - MICROTOX. Poster presentation, 21st 
SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, 15.-19. May 2011, Milan, Italy. (Download abtract book)

Keiter S., Peddinghaus S., Feiler ., Kais B., Hafner C., Ho N.Y., Rastegar S., Otte J.C., 
Ottermanns R., Reifferscheid G., Strhle ., Braunbeck T., Hammers-Wirtz M., Hollert H. (2010): 
DanTox - A novel joint research project using zebrafish (Danio rerio) to identify specific 
toxicity and molecular modes of action of sediment-bound pollutants. Poster presentation, 20th 
Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe, 
23.-27. May 2010, Seville, Spain.

Peddinghaus S., Brunig J., Bui T., Hoen T., Winkens K., Feiler ., Kais B., Ho N. Y., Rastegar 
S., Otte J. C., Ottermanns R., Reifferscheid G. (2010): Ah-Receptor-Agonist Activity of 
Sediment Extracts from Hamburg Harbor and the Rhine River in Danio rerio. Poster presentation, 
SETAC-GLB, 6.-9. September 2010, Dessau-Rolau, Germany. (Download abtract book)

Zielke H., Brinkmann M., Ottermanns R., Preu T., Ro-Nickoll M., Schmidt B., Ratte H.-T., 
Schffer A., Seiler T.-B., Hollert H. (2009): Das Studentenlabor Faszination Umwelt - 
Universitt und Industrie Hand in Hand fr eine exzellente Ausbildung in der kotoxikologie. 
Poster presentation, 14th Annual Conference of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and 
Chemistry (SETAC) Europe (German-Language Branch), 05.-07. October 2009, Weihenstephan, 
Germany. (Download abstract book)

Schffer A., Ro-Nickoll M., Ratte H.-T., Schmidt B. , Preu T., Ottermanns R., Wlz J., Seiler 
T.-B.. Hollert H. (2009): Neuer Masterstudiengang kotoxikologie an der RWTH Aachen - fr eine 
exzellente Ausbildung in der kotoxikologie. Poster presentation, 14th Annual Conference of the 
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe (German-Language Branch), 
05.-07. October 2009, Weihenstephan, Germany. (Download abstract book)

von Lochow H.E.C., Maes H.M., Ottermanns R., Baumgartner W., Ratte H.T., Schffer A. (2009): 
Does purification of carbon nanotubes change their toxicity in the Lemna growth inhibition 
test? Poster presentation, 4th International Conference on Environmental Effects of 
Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, 06.-09. September 2009, Vienna, Austria.

Guschal M., Ottermanns R., Hopp P., Ro-Nickoll M. (2009): Do beetle assemblages recover after 
deforestation? Effect of natural forest regeneration on beetle family composition in the 
Atlantic Forest of Southern Brazil. Poster presentation, Gf Annual Conference, 14.-18. 
September 2009, Bayreuth, Germany.

Meyer S., Ottermanns R., Pacheco dos Santos G., Hopp P., Ro-Nickoll M. (2009): Does tree 
composition of coastal submontane rainforest regenerate towards old growth forest patterns? 
Poster presentation, Gf Annual Conference, 14.-18. September 2009, Bayreuth, Germany.

Hopp P., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2008): Recovery of leaf litter Beetle communities 
during Forest Regeneration in the Atlantic Forest. Poster presentation, 15th International 
Colloquium on Soil Zoology, 25.-29. August 2008, Curitiba, Brazil.

Hopp P., Bihn J., Hfer H., Marques R., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2007): Recovery of litter 
dwelling beetle communities during secondary succession in the Atlantic forest of Southern 
Brazil. Poster presentation, 20th International Conference of the German Society for Tropical 
Ecology, 21.-25. February, Bonn, Germany.

Gergs A., Ottermanns R., Ratte H.T. (2006): Assoziationen aquatischer Kfer und Wanzen von 
Heide- und Niedermooren des linken Niederrheins - ein Beitrag zur Entomosoziologie stehender 
Kleingewsser. Posterprsentation, Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fr Limnologie (DGL), 
25.-29. September, Dresden, Germany.

Ottermanns R., Ratte H.T. (2003): Site specific species compositions as basis for ecological 
assessment - benthic macroinvertebrate organisms in freshwater systems. Poster presentation, 
Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fr Limnologie (DGL) und der deutschsprachigen Sektion der 
Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL), 29. September - 3. October, Cologne, Germany: 
68-73. (in German, Abstract)

Ottermanns R. (2000): Biocoenological characterisation of small standing water bodies in the 
Aachen area (Germany). (Diploma Thesis RWTH Aachen University) (in German, Abstract)

Ottermanns R. (1992): Waste minimisation of aqueous defatting systems. (Diploma Thesis AcUAS 
Aachen University of Applied Sciences) (in German, Abstract)

>> GotoMenu

For details about courses please go to RWTH Online. All courses are taught in German, English 
on request.

Summer semester:
Lecture including exercise and exam: Quantitative biology including computer applications 
(Quantitative Biologie und Computeranwendungen, 16.17333, 16.27279, 16.04822)
Practical undergraduate research course: Ecology 3 (Forschungspraktikum kotoxikologie und 
Umweltchemie, 16.01069)

Anleitung zu selbstndigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (16.19465)

Beratung in statistischer Datenanalyse fr Studierende, Doktoranden und Postdocs (16.49323)

Forschungsberichte aus dem Institut fr Umweltforschung (16.03709)

Winter semester:
Practical course including lecture: Mechanistic modelling in ecotoxicology (Mechanistische 
Modellierung in der kotoxikologie, 16.08226, 16.19766, 16.23095)

Practical course including lecture and exam: Statistics in ecotoxicology (Statistik in der 
kotoxikologie, 16.24856, 16.24855, 16.24854)

Lecture including seminar and exam: Ecology 1: Terrestrial ecology (kologie I: kologie 
terrestrischer Systeme, 16.19759, 16.23306)

Practical undergraduate research course: Ecology 3 (Forschungspraktikum kotoxikologie und 
Umweltchemie (16.04023)

Anleitung zu selbstndigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (16.01170)

Kolloquium zur kotoxikologie und Umweltchemie (16.04359)

Beratung in statistischer Datenanalyse fr Studierende, Doktoranden und Postdocs (16.02137)

Forschungsberichte aus dem Institut fr Umweltforschung (16.03811)
TEACHING: Supervision
>> GotoMenu

Luca Frings (ongoing): Sensitivity analysis of an autocorrelation model for behavior 
time-series derived from the light/dark transition test with Danio rerio embryos to evaluate 
the biological relevance of the model parameters. MSc-Thesis.

Dana Hilberath (ongoing): The seasonal and diurnal occurrence of raccoons (Procyon lotor) at 
amphibian spawning waters in the Eifel National Park. In cooperation with the Eifel National 
Park administration.

Dominik Blank (2023): Einfluss von Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis Toxinen auf Vertreter 
der Chironomidae. Msc-Thesis. In cooperation with Kommunalen Aktionsgemeinschaft zur Bekmpfung 
der Schnakenplage (KABS e.V.).

Leonie Hmmeler (2023): Hyper-paramter tuning of neural network models for prediction of WHO 
COVID-19 severity states based on immunological marker signatures. BSc-Thesis. In cooperation 
with the Institute for Molecular Medicine, Uniklinik Aachen.

Jaqueline Lange (2023): Non-linear dynamics in behavior of Danio rerio larvae in the 
light-dark transition test. MSc-Thesis.

Charline Marreiros (2023): Optimization of a deep learning approach to model time-series of 
Danio rerio larvae behavior in the light-dark transition test. BSc-Thesis. In cooperation with 
the Department of Evolutionary Ecology and Environmental Toxicology, Goethe University 

Leon Frommer (2022): Comparative evaluation and testing of an algorithm for multivariate 
analysis of immunological flow cytometry data. BSc-Thesis. In cooperation with the Institute 
for Molecular Medicine, Uniklinik Aachen.

Natalie Dallmann (2021): Supervised non-linear dimension reduction in multidimensional, 
immunological case-control-studies. Master-Thesis.

Katja Schrder (2021): Application, advancement and automation of an existing algorithm for 
analysis of behavioural toxicity evaluated by the light/dark transition test with Danio rerio. 

Maximilian Zimmermann (2021): Multivariate analysis of time series data from a forest 
management simulation model (Multivariate Analyse von Zeitreihendaten eines 
Waldwirtschaftssimulationsmodells). Bachelor-Thesis.

Sarah Elisa Zentis (2020): Comparative statistical analysis of effect values from 
dose-response curves (Vergleichende statistische Analysen zu Effektwerten aus 
Dosis-Wirkungskurven). Bachelor-Thesis.

Dominik Ziaja (2020): An implementation of a data processing workflow: Analyzing behavioural 
toxicity in light/dark Transition Tests with Danio rerio using multivariate statistics. 

Jana Gerhard (2018): Non-linear effects and decorrelization in collembola population dynamics 
under environmental stress (Nicht-lineare Effekte und Dekorrelation in Populationsdynamiken 
von Collembolen unter Umweltstress). Master-Thesis.

David Pyka (2018): Development of a food web model integrating ecological theory and empirical 
data to assess the stability of terrestrial communities towards environmental changes. 

Alexandra Sybertz (2017): An integrated model for time-dependent analysis of pesticide 
application series - including exposure, degradation and mixture toxicity (Ein integriertes 
Modell fr die Analyse von zeitabhngigen Pestizidanwendungsserien - unter Einbeziehung von 
Exposition, Abbau und Mischungstoxizitt). Master-Thesis.

Ibrahim Kahraman (2016): Recovery in non-linear Daphnia population dynamics (Wiedererholung in 
nicht-linearen Daphnienpopulationen). Master-Thesis.

Daniel Koske (2016): Developmental stage dependend variation in gene expression in Danio rerio 
embryos after environmentally relevant exposure to metals and possible implications 
(Entwicklungsstufen-basierte Vernderung der Genexpression von Danio rerio Embryonen bei 
umweltrelevanter Metallexposition und mgliche Schlussfolgerungen). Master-Thesis.

Marc Hoffmeister (2015): A study about the relationship of breeding bird occurrence and forest 
structure in the municipal forest of Aachen based on standardized avifaunal and vegetational 
survey data. (Eine Studie ber den Zusammenhang von Brutvogelvorkommen und Waldstruktur im 
Aachener Stadtwald auf der Basis avifaunistischer und vegetationskundlicher Erfassungsdaten). 

Vanessa Bursche (2013): Vitality indicators for a sustainable management in differently 
managed beech forest stands in the municipalities association Adenau (administrative district 
Ahrweiler, Eifel, Germany) (Vitalittsindikatoren fr ein nachhaltiges Management in 
unterschiedlich bewirtschafteten Buchenwaldbestnden der Verbandsgemeinde Adenau (Lankreis 
Ahrweiler, Eifel)). Master-Thesis.

Fabian Knpfel (2013): Verification and improvement of an algorithm for modelling of species 
sensitivity distributions of non-target plants under realistic competition conditions 
(Verifikation und Weiterentwicklung eines Algorithmus zur Modellierung von 
Artenempfindlichkeitsverteilungen von Nichtzielpflanzen unter realen Konkurrenzbedingungen). 
Diploma-Thesis in German.

Jonas Hausen (2012): Development of an algorithm for data integration and statistical causal 
modeling of microarray data and ecotoxicological effects in Danio rerio regarding typical 
sediment contamination scenarios (Entwicklung eines Algorithmus zur Datenintegration und 
statistischen Kausalmodellierung von Genexpressionsdaten und kotoxikologischen Effekten in 
Danio rerio in Abhngigkeit sedimenttypischer Belastungsszenarien). Staatsexamensarbeit in 

Katrin Strauch (2012): Evaluation of bioaccumulation models for different contamination 
scenarios in the Three Gorges Dam region, China (Evaluation von Bioakkumulationsmodellen fr 
verschiedene Schadstoffszenarien in der Region des Drei-Schluchten-Staudamms in China). 
Diploma-Thesis. (Abstract in German)

Nora Hoeltzenbein (2011): Model-based effect balancing of different forest management 
strategies on socio-economic aspects and ecosystem functions (Modellbasierte 
Effektbilanzierung unterschiedlicher Waldnutzungsformen auf sozio-konomische Aspekte und 
kosystemdienstleistungen). Diploma-Thesis. (Abstract in German)

Kerstin Szonn (2011): Non-linear dynamics in age class structured populations of Daphnia magna 
exposed to different stressors. Diploma-Thesis.

Rolf Zimmermann (2011): Assessment and operationalization of ecosystem functions and services 
with respect to sustainable forest utilization within the forest district Hmmel (Erfassung und 
Operationalisierung von kosystemfunktionen und -services im Hinblick auf eine nachhaltige 
Waldnutzung im Forstrevier Hmmel). Diploma-Thesis. (Abstract)

Andr Gergs (2005): Analysis of habitat selection of macroinvertebrate organisms in freshwater 
systems of different seral stages in heath moors and fens of the Northern Rhineland, Germany 
(Untersuchungen zur Habitatbindung ausgewhlter Makrozoobenthostaxa in stehenden Kleingewssern 
unterschiedlicher Sukzessionsstadien in Heide- und Niedermoorgebieten des linken 
Niederrheins). Diploma-Thesis. (Abstract in German)

Bjrn Scholz-Starke (2004): Optimization of bottle traps used in population biological studies 
of beetle assemblages in small standing waters (Vergleichende bioznotische Untersuchungen 
wassergebundener Kfer in stehenden Gewssern des linken Niederrheins mit Hilfe von 
Reusenfallen). Diploma-Thesis. (Abstract in German)

Andr Gergs (2003): Analysis of the succession potential of macrophyte stands in selected small 
water bodies (Untersuchung des Sukzessionspotentials von Makrophyten im Litoral ausgewhlter 
Kleingewsser). Undergraduade research course. (Abstract in German)

Bjrn Scholz-Starke (2002): Ecological assessment of the homogeneity of different study areas 
on the basis of taxa and habitat diversity of macroinvertebrate organisms and macrophytes 
(Beurteilung der Homogenitt verschiedener Untersuchungsgebiete anhand der Taxa- und 
Habitatdiversitt von Makrozoobenthos und Makrophyten aquatischer Probenahmestellen). 
Undergraduade research course. (Abstract in German)

DATA LAB: Seminars
>> GotoMenu

Methodological Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning
The methodological seminar is meant to inform about actual methods everyone can use in her/his 
scientific work. It is a professional training for the working group members but also for all 
interested people from the institute. Topics are developed at the moment. Exact dates will be 
published when a topic is ready to run. If you want to join one of the topics please register 
by sending an e-mail to ottermanns@bio5.rwth-aachen.de.

MS-03: SSH, SCREEN and some LINUX, 07.12.2020 + 18.04.2023
MS-02: Linear and generalized linear models (LM, GLM), 30.07.2020
MS-01: Git, GitHub and GitLab, 03.04.2020 + 27.05.2020
In preparation/on schedule:

MS-04: Getting started with high performance computing in R
MS-05: Code optimization and parallel computing with R
MS-06: Machine learning
MS-07: Neural networks and Deep Learning
MS-08: Advanced power analysis
MS-09: Chaos theory and attractor reconstruction
MS-10: Structural equation modelling
MS-11: Time-series analysis
MS-12: How to script
MS-13: Multilevel and hierarchical modelling (LME, GLMM) in R
MS-14: Research data management
DATA LAB: Presentations
>> GotoMenu

Official presentations are given in the institute seminar or the working group colloqium. 
TechTalks are a more informal way to present project ideas, discus methods, related problems 
or astounding findings with your collegues. Feel free to choose your favorite way of 
presentation. Use slides, meditative speed dating or a dada performance. According to Paul 
Feyerabend: Anything goes.

Jaqueline Lange: Non-linear behavior in Danio rerio larvae in the light-dark transition test. 
Final Master Thesis Colloquium. 22.09.2023.
Charline Marreiros: Optimization of a deep learning approach to model time-series of Danio 
rerio larvae behavior in the light-dark transition test. Final Bachelor Thesis Colloquium. 
14.09.2023. Leonie Hmmeler: Hyper-paramter tuning of neural network models for prediction of 
WHO COVID-19 severity states based on immunological marker signatures. Final Bachelor Thesis 
Colloqium. 06.09.2023. Leonie Hmmeler: Hyper-paramter tuning of neural network models for 
prediction of WHO COVID-19 severity states based on immunological marker signatures - 
introduction to BSc-project. 04.07.2023.
Luca Frings: Sensitivity analysis of an autocorrelation model for behavior time-series derived 
from the light/dark transition test with Danio rerio embryos to evaluate the biological 
relevance of the model parameters - introduction to MSc-project. 04.07.2023.
Charline Marreiros: Optimization of a deep learning approach to model time-series of Danio 
rerio larvae behavior in the light-dark transition test - introduction to BSc-project. 
Jaqueline Lange: Non-linear dynamics in behavior of Danio rerio larvae in the light-dark 
transition test - introduction to MSc-project. 28.06.2023
Katja Schrder: Progress report - Development of Sensitive Statistics for Chemobehavioural 
Profiling with Zebrafish light/dark Transition Test Data, Talk at the 1st DILUTED project 
meeting, 15.03.2023.
Katja Schrder: Progress report - Development of Sensitive Statistics for Chemobehavioural 
Profiling with Zebrafish light/dark Transition Test Data, Talk at the Computational 
Photobiology Lab Meeting 08.03.2023.
Dominik Blank: Einfluss von Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis Toxinen auf verschiedene Arten 
der Chironomidae, 19.01.2023
Sebastian Brings: Network analysis of soil microbial communities under drought stress based on 
amplicon sequence variants and functional background knowledge, 16.11.2022
Leon Frommer: Comparative evaluation and testing of an algorithm for multivariate analysis of 
immunological flow cytometry data, 05.09.2022.
Katja Schrder: Introduction to Dissertation Project -  Development of Sensitive Statistics for 
Chemobehavioural Profiling with Zebrafish light/dark Transition Test Data, 21.06.2022
Franziska Ludwig: Measuring biomass and cell count via automated image analysis for 
ecotoxicological algae test data, 30.05.2022
Katja Schrder: Application, Advancement and Automation of an Existing Algorithm for Analysis 
of Behavioural Toxicity Evaluated by the Light/Dark Transition Test with Danio rerio, 
Maximilian Zimmermann: Multivariate Analyse von Zeitreihendaten eines 
Waldwirtschaftssimulationsmodells (Multivarite analysis of time series data from a forest 
management simulation model), 13.04.2021
Natalie Dallmann: Method Development for Supervised Dimension Reduction of Multidimensional 
Flow Cytometry Data Integrating Categorial and Temporal Information, 16.03.2021
Katja Schrder: Application, advancement and automation of an existing algorithm for analysis 
of behavioural toxicity evaluated by the light/dark transition test with Danio rerio, 
Elisa Zentis: Comparative statistical analysis of effect values from dose-response curves, 
Natalie Dallmann: Dimension reduction in multidimensional studies combining flow cytometry 
studies and categorical data, 15.09.2020
Alexandra Sybertz: Simulation of time-dependent mixture exposure to pesticides in agricultural 
landscapes and estimation of effects on terrestrial organisms, 11.06.2019
Jana Gerhard: Nicht-lineare Effekte in Populationsdynamiken Springschwaenzen (Folsomia 
candida) unter toxischem Stress, 04.09.2018
Jaegyun Byun: Predicting influence of management strategies on tree growth with regeneration 
using a wrapper function and expert-assisted model calibration, 12.06.2018
Jonas Hausen: Tailor-made data mining algorithms for biological big data using expert 
knowledge, 27.03.2018
Jana Gerhard: Nicht-lineare Effekte in Populationsdynamiken von Springschwnzen (Folsomia 
candida) unter toxischem Stress, 28.03.2018
Michael Gundlach: Technical implementation of Edaphostat, 09.03.2018
David Pyka: Development of a food web model integrating ecological theory and empirical data 
to assess the stability of terrestrial communities towards environmental changes, 16.01.2018
Bjoern Scholz-Starke: Comparison of multiple dose levels, 17.10.2017
David Pyka: Analysis and Simulation of pertubation-induced changes in Arthropod-Plant-Cenoses 
by a computer-based food web model, 27.09.2017
Jonas Hausen: Integration of expert knowledge into KDBD (Knowledge Discovery in Biological 
Databases) - Taylor-made data mining algorithms for environmental data, 13.07.2017
Alexandra Sybertz: An integrated model for time-dependent analysis of pesticide application 
series - including exposure, degradation and mixture toxicity, 27.06.2017
Alexandra Sybertz: Vorhersage von Mischungstoxizitt, 01.02.2017
Jonas Hausen: Edaphostat-Tools for automated data analysis, 12.01.2017
Jonas Hausen: Edaphobase: automated tools for analysis of ecological data - The ambivalence 
between data mining and data meaning, 10.01.2017
Richard Ottermanns: Modellierung und Analyse von Nahrungsnetzen, 21.11.2016
Ibrahim Kahraman: Wiedererholung in nicht-linearen Daphnienpopulationen, 05.04.2016
Daniel Koske: Developmental stage dependent variation in gene expression in Danio rerio 
embryos after environmentally relevant exposure to metals and possible implications, 
Daniel Koske: Developmental stage dependent variation in gene expression changes in Danio 
rerio embryos after environmentally relevant exposure to metals and possible implications, 
Ibrahim Kahraman: Wiedererholung in nicht-linearen Daphnienpopulationen, 14.09.2015
Marc Hoffmeister: Eine Studie ber den Zusammenhang von Brutvogelvorkommen und Waldstruktur im 
Aachener Wald auf der Basis standardisierter avifaunistischer und vegetationskundlicher 
Erfassungsmethoden, 30.04.2015
Jaegyun Byun: Causal relationships between forest management practice and tree growth in beech 
(Fagus Sylvatica) forests, 02.09.2014
Vanessa Bursche: Vitalittsindikatoren fr ein nachhaltiges Management in unterschiedlich 
bewirtschafteten Buchenwald-bestnden der Verbandsgemeinde Adenau, (Landkreis Ahrweiler, 
Eifel), 18.02.2014
Jaegyun Byun: Assessing the relationship of tree growth and environmental factors in beech 
forest under different management strategies, 03.09.2013
Fabian Knpfel: Species Sensitivity Distribution (SSD), 28.05.2013
Vanessa Bursche: Methods for tree vitality indicators, 11.12.2012
Katrin Strauch: Evaluation von Bioakkumulationsmodellen fr verschiedene Schadstoffszenarien in 
der Region des Drei-Schluchten-Staudamms in China, 22.11.2012
Jonas Hausen: Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Verfahrens zur Ermittlung spezifischer Toxizitt 
und molekularer Wirkungsmechanismen sedimentgebundener Umweltschadstoffe mit dem Zebrabrbling 
(Danio rerio), 11.07.2012
Kerstin Szonn: Nichtlineare Dynamiken in altersklassenstrukturierten Populationen von Daphnia 
magna unter Einfluss verschiedener Stressoren, 24.01.2012
Nora I. Hoeltzenbein: Modellbasierte Effektbilanzierung unterschiedlicher Waldnutzungsformen 
auf kosystemdienstleistungen, 03.03.2011
Kerstin Szonn: Auf der Suche nach chaotischen Dynamiken in Daphnien-Populationen, 16.11.2010
DATA LAB: Meet us
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Join the COPE IRC channel: #cope @ irc.libera.chat

Meet us in the COPE Data Lab: Zoom link, Meeting ID: 991 7638 4302, Passcode: 048360

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Ottermanns, Richard, Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Biol.
Photo: Richard Ottermanns

COPE working group leader
IFER IT & RDM-team leader
Member of the Center for Computational Life Sciences (CCLS), RWTH Aachen University
Member of the RWTH Aachen scientific staff council
Research topics: Computational ecotoxicology, machine learning, statistical modelling, 
non-linear dynamics, ecological complexity, theoretical ecology, systems theory
Memberships: Gesellschaft fr Wissenschaftsphilosophie (GWP); Ecological Society of Germany, 
Austria and Switzerland (Gf); Research Institute for Ecosystem Analysis and Assessment RWTH 
Aachen University (gaiac); Super Dimension Fortress (SDF)
PhD thesis (2008): Pattern recognition, dimensionality reduction and statistical modelling in 
ecology - demonstrated for ecological communities of grassy field margins in German 
agricultural landscapes. (in German)
Diploma thesis (2000): Biocoenological characterisation of small standing water bodies in the 
Aachen area (Germany). (Diploma Thesis RWTH Aachen University). (in German)
Diploma thesis (1992): Waste minimisation of aqueous defatting systems. (Diploma Thesis AcUAS 
Aachen University of Applied Sciences). (in German)
Actual bibliometrics Web of Science/Google Scholar (02.10.2023):

Articles: 40/72
Hirsch: 15/16
Citations without self-citations: 673/1146
Room: 110
Tel: +49-241-8026688
Mail: ottermanns(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de
Web: https://cope.rwth-aachen.de
Office hours: On appointment
Business card: download

My staff page at the Institute for Environmental Research
My profile on ResearchGate
My profile on Linkedin
My profile on Academia.edu
My profile on Google scholar
My profile on Github
My gopherhole at SDF.org (gopher://sdf.org/1/users/rio)
My ORCID-ID: 0000-0002-2168-9455
Blank, Dominik, BSc
MSc-Thesis (2023): Einfluss von Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis Toxinen auf Vertreter der 
Photo: Dominik Blank

Mail: dominik(dot)blank(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Brings, Sebastian, BSc
Co-investigator in the QU.BID project
Assistance in lecture, tutorial and exam: Quantitative biology including computer applications 
(Quantitative Biologie und Computeranwendungen)
Assistance in practical course: Statistics in Ecotoxicology
Photo: Sebastian Brings

Room: 105
Tel: +49-241-8023693
Fax: +49-241-8022182
Mail: sebastian(dot)brings(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Byun, Jaegyun, MSc
PhD-Thesis (ongoing): Water balance of beech forests under different management conditions. 
Balancing ecosystem functions and services.
Photo: Jaegyun Byun

Mail: jaegyun(dot)byun(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Daniels, Benjamin, Dr.rer.nat.
Assistance in practical course: Statistics in ecotoxicology (Statistik in der kotoxikologie)
Assistance in lecture, tutorial and exam: Quantitative biology including computer applications 
(Quantitative Biologie und Computeranwendungen)
Photo: Benjamin Daniels

Room: 104
Tel: +49-241-8026669
Fax: +49-241-8022182
Mail: benjamin(dot)daniels(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Frings, Luca
MSc-Thesis (ongoing): Sensitivity analysis of an autocorrelation model for behavior 
time-series derived from the light/dark transition test with Danio rerio embryos to evaluate 
the biological relevance of the model parameters.
Co-investigator in the DILUTED project
Photo: Luca Frings

Mail: luca(dot)frings(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Lange, Jaqueline, BSc
MSc-Thesis (2023): Non-linear dynamics in behavior of Danio rerio larvae in the light-dark 
transition test.
Co-investigator in the DILUTED project
Photo: Jaqueline Lange

Room: 160
Tel: +49-241-8025636
Fax: +49-241-8022182
Mail: jaqueline(dot)lange(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Schrder, Katja, MSc
PhD-Thesis (ongoing): Development of sensitive statistics for chemobehavioral profiling with 
zebrafish light/dark transition test data.
Co-PI in the DILUTED project
Assistance in practical course: Mechanistic modelling in ecotoxicology
MSc-Thesis (2021): Application, advancement and automation of an existing algorithm for 
analysis of behavioural toxicity evaluated by the light/dark transition test with Danio rerio.
Photo: Katja Schrder

Room: 105
Tel: +49-241-8026698
Fax: +49-241-8022182
Mail: katja(dot)schroeder(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Sybertz, Alexandra, MSc
Principal investigator in the PeMIXoS project
PhD-Thesis (ongoing): Modelling of single and mixed applications of pesticides and their 
effects on communities in the agricultural landscape (Modellierung von Einzel- und 
Mischapplikationen von Pestiziden und deren Wirkung auf Lebensgemeinschaften in der 
MSc-Thesis (2017): An integrated model for time-dependent analysis of pesticide application 
series - including exposure, degradation and mixture toxicity (Ein integriertes Modell fr die 
Analyse von zeitabhngigen Pestizidanwendungsserien - unter Einbeziehung von Exposition, Abbau 
und Mischungstoxizitt).
Photo: Alexandra Sybertz

Room: 106
Tel: +49-241-8025237
Fax: +49-241-8022182
Mail: alexandra(dot)sybertz(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Torringen, Volker
Member of the IFER IT & RDM-team
No computation without a good admin ;-)
Photo: Volker Torringen

Room: 105
Tel: +49-241-8026698
Fax: +49-241-8022182
Mail: v(dot)torringen(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

NETWORK: Partners
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Recent projects:
Computational Photobiology Lab, RWTH Aachen University

Department of Biogeophysics, University of Hohenheim

Department of Evolutionary Ecology and Environmental Toxicology, Goethe University Frankfurt

Environmental Science, Baylor University Waco, TX

Hygiene-Institut des Ruhrgebiets, Gelsenkirchen

gaiac - Research Institute for Ecosystem Analysis and Assessment, Aachen

Kommunalen Aktionsgemeinschaft zur Bekmpfung der Schnakenplage e.V. - KABS e.V., Speyer

ToxRat Solutions GmbH & Co. KG, Alsdorf

Former projects:
Darwin Statistics, Aachen

Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg

ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH, Flrsheim am Main

Fraunhofer-Institut fr Molekularbiologie und Angewandte kologie IME, Aachen

Institute for Applied Microbiology (iAMB), RWTH Aachen University

Institute for Molecular Medicine, Uniklinik Aachen

Project House HumTec, RWTH Aachen University

Senckenberg Museum fr Naturkundemuseum Grlitz

Staatliches Museum fr Naturkunde Karlsruhe, Project SOLOBIOMA

UFZ - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig, Department System Ecotoxicology

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Environmental Health and Toxicology

NETWORK: Funding
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Bundesministerium fr Bildung und Forschung (BmBF)

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Dr. Axe-Stiftung

RWTH Exploratory Research Space (ERS)

Umweltbundesamt (UBA)

Verein des Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V., Gelsenkirchen

ABOUT: Contact
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Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Ing. Richard Ottermanns
Computational Ecotoxicology (COPE)
Institute for Environmental Research (IFER)
Department of Ecology & Computational Life Science
RWTH Aachen University
Kackertstrae 10
D-52072 Aachen

Room: 110
Tel: +49-241-8026688
Fax: +49-241-8022182
Mail: ottermanns(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de
Web: https://cope.rwth-aachen.de
Business card: download

ABOUT: Impressum
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Herausgegeben im Auftrag des Rektors der Rheinisch-Westflischen Technischen Hochschule (RWTH) 

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Templergraben 55

52062 Aachen (Hausanschrift)

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Telefon: +49 241 80 1

Telefax: +49 241 80 92312

Internet: www.rwth-aachen.de

Die RWTH Aachen ist eine Krperschaft des ffentlichen Rechts. Sie wird durch den Rektor, Dr. 
rer. nat. Dr. h. c. mult., Univ.-Prof. Ulrich Rdiger, vertreten.

Zustndige Aufsichtsbehrde
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40221 Dsseldorf.

Gem  27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 121689807

Inhaltliche Verantwortlichkeit
Ansprechpartner: Dr. Richard Ottermanns

Telefon: +49 241 80 26688

E-Mail: ottermanns(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Webmaster: Dr. Richard Ottermanns

Telefon: +49 241 80 26688

E-Mail: ottermanns(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Die Webseiten der Zentralen Hochschulverwaltung, der Zentralen Einrichtungen, der 
Gruppenvertretungen, der Institute, Lehrsthle sowie Lehr- und Forschungsgebiete werden von den 
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# Translate data to knowledge
Image: Logo Institute for Environmental Research
RESEARCH:	Profile, Projects, Publications
TEACHING:	Courses, Supervision
DATA LAB:	Seminars, Presentations, Meet us
NETWORK:	Team, Partners, Funding
ABOUT:	Contact, Impressum
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The working group Computational Ecotoxicology at the Institute for Environmental Research 
focuses on complexity in structures and processes of hierarchical dynamical bio-systems. We 
develop statistical, machine learning and AI-based algorithms and methods for multivariate 
modeling, pattern recognition, causal analysis and prediction in life-science disciplines like 
ecology, ecotoxicology and biomedical research. To link available lines of evidence (i.e. 
theory, simulation and observation) techniques from statistical pattern recognition, machine 
learning, data mining and bioinformatics as well as approaches from complex systems theory and 
chaos theory are used in a wide field of applications. More detailed attention is paid to 
non-linear dynamics, self-organization processes, the role of information and entropy, the 
integration of expert knowledge into modelling processes as well as epistemological 

In our most recent research we apply the developed methods in questions about:
Chemobehavioral profiling using Danio rerio video tracking data
Expert-augmented statistics in ecotoxicological bio-testing
Special long-term research questions we are interested in are:

Non-linear dynamics: Bifurcation and chaotic dynamics and their implications for the stability 
and resilience of natural agent-based systems
Entropy: Negentropic information flow and its relation to self-organization in dissipative 
living systems
Networks: Integration of theory and observations to assess ecosystem integrity
Complexity: Emerging phenomena and their relevance to ecological structures and dynamics
Limitations: Gdels incompleteness theorems and their implications for modelling in the life 
Understanding of patterns and processes in living systems requires a flexible range of data 
analysis techniques. Simulation using mathematical models, statistics and theoretical analysis 
of model equations are important generic tools to interpret and underpin results from lab and 
field observations. These in-silico-experiments are equally relevant to setting up and 
analysing laboratory experiments. They allow integration of empirical observations and 
theoretical models to generate and test multifactorial hypotheses. Such a system-oriented 
approach helps to elucidate structures, processes and dynamics in complexly interacting 
biological systems, e.g. ecological communities, gene expression networks and the immune 

For further details see the projects section. Here you can download a short COPE working group 

Animated Gif: A neural network showing different activation patterns from a carabid assemblage 
data set Png: A species community network in a tropical forest regeneration site, showing 
trophic interaction structure Animated Gif: An error optimization algorithm gets trapped in a 
local minimum Png: A wordle, displaying important research topics (all figures copyright R. 
Ottermanns) Animated Gif: PCA analysis of phytoplankton communities in a mesocosm experiment, 
showing temporal trajectories of community composition (red: control, blue: treatment)
From left to right: A neural network showing different activation patterns from a carabid 
assemblage data set, a species community network in a tropical forest regeneration site with 
hierachical trophic structure, an error optimization algorithm gets trapped in a local 
minimum, a wordle displaying important working group topics, a PCA analysis of phytoplankton 
communities in a mesocosm experiment (showing temporal trajectories of community composition, 
red: control, blue: treatment) (All Figs. (c) R. Ottermanns)
RESEARCH: Projects
>> GotoMenu

DILUTED: Detection of Environmental Pollution based on Behavioral Time-series Data from Danio 
rerio Tracking Experiments (Funded by the Verein des Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V., 
Gelsenkirchen, 2022-2024). See the project page for more information.
QU.BID: Quantitative Biology Digital (Funded by RWTH Aachen University with the competition 
Digital Teaching in the Curriculum, 2022). See the project page for more information.

MUDAFACS: Towards a multivariate data analysis of categorical and flow cytometry (FACS) data: 
use case analysis of samples from COVID-19 patients (Funded by RWTH Aachen University 
Exploratory Research Space, OPSF635, 2021-2022). See the project homepage for more 

ITIM: Identification of Phenotypic Differences in Inflammatory and Regulatory T-cell 
Populations in Immunodeficient Recipient Mice (2020-2021). See the project homepage for more 

Necessary adaptations of harmonised testing and risk assessment for earthworms (terrestrial) 
(Notwendige Anpassung zur harmonisierten Testung und Risikobewertung fr Regenwrmer 
(Terrestrik)) (Funded by UBA, FKZ 3715 67 420 0, 2016-2019). (Download the project report).

Statistische Auswertungstools und Modellierung. Teilprojekt im Verbundvorhaben "Edaphobase 
GBIF - Informationssystem, Daten-Repositorium, Daten-Infrastruktur und Service-Plattform fr 
die Bodenzoologie". (Funded by BMBF, FKZ 01LI1301D, 2013-2018) (RWTH Aachen News, Project 
description, Edaphobase Homepage in der Senckenberg Gesellschaft fr Naturforschung)

Das Gesellschaftliche in sozial-kologischen Modellen und Simulationen. Working group within 
the German Commitee Future Earth. (Project information). (Funded by DKN, 2015-2017).

METALFISH: Untersuchungen zum Einfluss von Silber auf die Entwicklung und die Genexpression 
von Zebrafischembryonen. (2015-2016). In cooperation with Fraunhofer Institute For Molecular 
Biology And Applied Ecology IME, Aachen.

Integrative Metaanalyse zur Kausalitt beobachteter Effekte aus spezifischer Toxizitt und 
molekularen Wirkungsmechanismen sedimentgebundener Umweltschadstoffe. Sub-project within the 
cooperation project "DanTox - Identification of specific toxicity and molecular 
modes-of-action of sediment-bound pollutants using zebrafish (Danio rerio)". (Funded by BMBF, 
FKZ 02WU1055, 2010-2013)

Litter dwelling beetle diversity as indicator for habitat quality and development of an 
integrative data analysis concept for classification and ecological pattern recognition in 
secondary forests in the Mata Atlntica (Paran, Brazil). Sub-project within the cooperation 
project "SOLOBIOMA II - Soil biota and biogeochemistry in Southern Atlantic rainforests of 
Brazil - Assessment of the ecosystem quality of secondary forests and their potential for 
biodiversity conservation". (Funded by BMBF, FKZ 01LB0201A1, 2006-2010) (Federal University of 

Renaturation potential of drained palsa bogs. Survey within the Interreg III A-project 
"Heiden, Moore, Wiesen". In cooperation with the Biological Station Aachen and the Institute 
for Ecosystem Analysis and Assessment - gaiac; Aachen University (gaiac) (Abstract in German) 
(Funded by EU, 2002-2005)

PeMIXoS: Pesticide Mixture Effects on Soil Organisms. Ongoing.

ARAMOB: Semantic enrichment and mobilization of data in distributed repositories for taxonomy 
and ecology: Solving a Gordian knot in the taxonomy of neotropical jumping spiders and 
trait-based ecological habitat assessment with spider assemblages (Semantische Anreicherung 
und Mobilisierung von Daten netzbasierter Repositorien fr Taxonomie und kologie: Auflsung 
eines Gordischen Knotens in der Taxonomie sdamerikanischer Springspinnen und merkmalsbasierte 
kologische Standortbewertung mit Spinnenznosen). (Project homepage). (Funded by DFG, 

COMBITOX: Umweltrisiken von PSM zwischen Prognose und Realitt: Wie belastbar sind Ergebnisse 
der kotoxikologischen Risikobewertung zum einzelnen Mittel vor dem Hintergrund der blichen 
Anwendungspraxis (Tankmischungen, Spritzserien)? (Funded by UBA, FKZ 3715 63 407 0, 

Transformation, Bioakkumulation und Toxizitt organischer Mikroschadstoffe im Reservoir des 
Drei-Schluchten-Staudamms (MICROTOX). Teilprojekt im Verbundvorhaben "YANGTZE-PROJEKT - 
Nachhaltige Bewirtschaftung des neu geschaffenen kosystems am Drei-Schluchten-Staudamm". 
(Funded by BMBF, FKZ 02WT1141, 2010-2014) (Homepage Yangtze-Project)

UFO 3: Future Energy - FuEne: Roadmap zur nachhaltigen und umweltgerechten Energiewende. 
Subproject within the HumTec Boost-Fund Project "Urban Future Outline - UFO" (Project 
information) (Funded by and within the RWTH Project House HumTec). (2013-2016).

SILVALUTA: Quantifying the effects of sustainable forest management: A case study in the Hmmel 
region (administrative district Ahrweiler, Eifel, Germany). (Project description, Funded by 
the Dr. Axe trust). (2012-2019).

ESR 1: Mechanism-specific screening tools in early life stages of Danio rerio. Sub-project 
within the Marie Curie ITN project "EDA-Emerge - Novel tools in effect-directed analysis for 
identifying and monitoring emerging toxicants on a European scale". (Funded by EU, 2011-2015) 
(Project informationen from the Institute for Environmantal Research, Project information from 
the Department of Effect Directed Analysis, Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - 

Nachweis endokriner Wirkungen: Vernderungen der Steroidsynthese und Reproduktionstoxizitt. 
Teilprojekt 12 im Verbundvorhaben "Tox-Box - Gefhrdungsbasiertes Risikomanagement fr 
anthropogene Spurenstoffe zur Sicherung der Trinkwasserversorgung". (Funded by BMBF, FKZ 
02WRS1282I, 2011-2014) (Projektinformationen Institut fr Umweltforschung, Projektinformationen 
BMBF-Frdermanahme RiSKWa: Risikomanagement von neuen Schadstoffen und Krankheitserregern im 

Bewertung von siedlungswasserwirtschaftlichen und hydromorphologischen Manahmen hinsichtlich 
ihrer Wirkung auf den kologischen Zustand von Fliegewssern sowie deren Kosteneffizienz. 
(Forschungsinstitut fr kosystemanalyse und -bewertung RWTH Aachen (gaiac) und 
Forschungsinstitut fr Wasser- und Abfallwirtschaft RWTH Aachen (FiW) 2011-2013)

Verbundprojekt "Sedimentkontakttests (SeKT)": Definition von Referenzbedingungen, 
Kontrollsedimenten und Toxizittsschwellen fr limnische Sedimentkontakttests. (Funded by BMBF, 
FKZ 02WU0598, 2007-2010).

TRIGGER (Workshop series within the RWTH Aachen University Exploratory Research Space): 
MusTererkennung zur ModellieRung und Steuerung dynamischer Systeme - Frhwarnindikatoren in der 
Informatik, KlimatoloGie, koloGie, VErfahrenstechnik und UnternehmenskybeRnetik.

Beweidungsprojekt Eindsberg (Funded by CIPRA)

The arthropods of grassy field margins (off crop) and the consequences for impact assessment 
of pesticides on terrestrial ecosystems. (Funded by UBA, FKZ 20063403, 2001-2004) (Abstract)

RESEARCH: Publications
>> GotoMenu

Peer reviewed journals:
PDF Sylvester F., Weichert F.G., Lozano V.L., Groh K.J., Blint M., Baumann L., Bssler C., 
Brack W., Brandl B., Curtius J., Dierkes P., Dll P., Ebersberger I., Fragkostefanakis S., 
Helfrich E.J.N., Hickler T., Johann S., Jourdan J., Klimpel S., Kminek H., Liquin F., 
Mllendorf D., Mller T., Oehlmann J., Ottermanns R., Pauls S.U., Piepenbring M., Pfefferle J., 
Schenk G.J., Scheepens J.F., Scheringer M., Schiwy S., Schlottmann A., Schneider F., Schulte 
L.M., Schulze-Sylvester M., Stelzer E., Strobl F., Sundermann A., Tockner K., Trger T., 
Vilcinskas A., Vlker C., Winkelmann R., Hollert H. (2023): Better integration of chemical 
pollution research will further our understanding of biodiversity loss. Nature Ecology & 
Evolution, https://doi.org/10.1038/s41559-023-02117-6.

PDF Haigis A.-C., Ottermanns R., Schiwy A., Hollert H., Legradi J. (2022): Getting more out of 
the zebrafish light dark transition test. Chemosphere, 295: 133863. 

PDF Nguyen K.T., Smith K.E.C., Ottermanns R., Wijntjes C., Van Dongen J.T., Schffer A. (2022): 
Reduced degradation of the herbicide 4-Chloro-2-Methylphenoxyacetic acid (MCPA) in soil 
induced by the fungicide mixture Mancozeb, Metalaxyl-M, and Chlorothalonil used in tank 
mixtures and spray series. Soil Systems, 6,94. https://doi.org/10.3390/soilsystems6040094

PDF Daniels B., Ro-Nickoll M., Jaensch S., Roembke J., Scholz-Starke B., Ottermanns R. (2021): 
Application of the CPCAT to assess ecotoxicological field studies: comparative analysis using 
earthworm field test abundance data. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 40 (6): 
1750-1760. https://setac.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/full/10.1002/etc.5015

PDF Heine P., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2021): Comparing eDNA metabarcoding 
with morphological analyses: Fungal species richness and community composition of differently 
managed stages along a forest conversion of Norway spruce towards European beech in Germany. 
Forest Ecology and Management, 496: 119429 + 497: 119495. 

PDF Politowski I., Regnery P., Hennig M.P., Siebers N., Ottermanns R., Schffer A. (2021): Fate 
of weathered multi-walled carbon nanotubes in an aquatic sediment system. Chemosphere, 277: 
130319. https://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S004565352100789X

PDF Politowski I., Wittmers F., Hennig M.P., Siebers N., Goffart B., Ro-Nickoll M., Ottermanns 
R., Schffer A. (2021): A trophic transfer study: accumulation of multi-walled carbon nanotubes 
associated to green algae in water flea Daphnia magna. NanoImpact, 22: 100303. 

PDF Daniels B., Jedamski J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2020): A Plan Bee for cities: 
Patterns of pollinator abundance and diversity, plant-pollinator interaction and the ecosystem 
service Pollination in varieties of urban green spaces. PLoS ONE, e0235492. 

PDF Sybertz A., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Scholz-Starke B., Daniels B., Frische T., Br S., 
Ullrich C., Ro-Nickoll M. (2020): Simulating spray series of pesticides in agricultural 
practice reveals evidence for accumulation of environmental risk in soil. Science of the Total 
Environment, 710: 135004. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.135004

PDF Sybertz A., Ro-Nickoll M., Schffer A., Scholz-Starke B., Daniels B., Ottermanns R. (2020): 
MITAS: A model for assessing the time-dependent risk of sequential applications of pesticides 
for soil organisms by consideration of exposure, degradation and mixture toxicity. MethodsX, 
7: 100763. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mex.2019.12.004

PDF Volz S.N., Hausen J., Nachev M., Ottermanns R., Schiwy S., Hollert H. (2020): Short 
exposure to cadmium disrupts the olfactory system of zebrafish (Danio rerio) - relating 
altered gene expression in the olfactory organ to behavioral deficits. Aquatic Toxicology, 
226: 105555. https://https://doi.org/10.1016/j.aquatox.2020.105555

PDF Gottschlich A., Dolny R., Pannekens H., Benstm F., Wencki K., Rohn A., Ottermanns R., 
Hammers-Wirtz M., Linnemann V., Nahrstedt A., Dopp E. (2019): Erprobung einer Biotestbatterie 
zum Monitoring der Spurenstoffadsorption bei der weitergehenden Abwasserreinigung mit 
granulierter Aktivkohle. Korrespondenz Abwasser, Abfall, 66 (9): 706-713. 

PDF Heine P., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Ro-Nickoll M. (2019): Forest conversion 
from Norway spruce to European beech increases species richness and functional structure of 
aboveground macrofungal communities. Forest Management and Ecology, 432: 522-533. 

PDF Hennig M.P., Maes H.M., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Siebers N. (2019): Release of 
radiolabeled multi-walled carbon nanotubes (14C-MWCNT) from epoxy nanocomposites into quartz 
sand-water systems and their uptake by Lumbriculus variegatus. NanoImpact, 14: 100159. 

PDF Volz S.N., Hausen J., Smith K., Ottermanns R., Schaeffer A., Schiwy S., Hollert H. (2019): 
Do you smell the danger? Effects of three commonly used pesticides on the olfactory-mediated 
antipredator response of zebrafish (Danio rerio). Chemosphere, 241: 124963. 

PDF Heine P., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Ro-Nickoll M. (2018): Morphological 
dataset of aboveground macrofungal communities within different forest conversion stages in 
the Eifel National Park in Germany. Data in Brief, 21: 1151-1156. 

PDF Hollert H., Crawford S.E., Brack W., Brinkmann M., Fischer E., Hartmann K., Keiter S., 
Ottermanns R., Ouellet J.D., Rinke K., Rsch M., Ro-Nickoll M., Schffer A., Schth C., Schulze 
T., Schwarz A., Seiler T.-B., Wessels M., Hinderer M., Schwalb A. (2018): Looking back - 
looking forward: A novel multi-time slice weight-of-evidence approach for defining reference 
conditions to assess the impact of human activities on lake systems. Science of the Total 
Environment, 626: 1036-1046. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.scitotenv.2018.01.113

PDF Ottermanns R., Cramer E., Daniels B., Lehmann R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2018): Uncertainty in 
site classification and its sensitivity to sample size and indicator quality - Bayesian 
misclassification rate in ecological risk assessment. Ecological Indicators, 94: 348-356. 
PDF Scholz-Starke B., Bo L., Wei H., Yuan X., Holbach A., Norra S., Floehr T., Hollert H., 
Rings U., Schffer A., Ro-Nickoll M., Ottermanns R. (2018): Simulation-based impact assessment 
of micropollutants on bioaccumulation processes in freshwater ecosystems at the Three Gorges 
Reservoir in China. Science of the Total Environment, 639: 286-303. 

PDF Daniels B., Zaunbrecher B.S., Paas B., Ottermanns R., Ziefle M., Ro-Nickoll M. (2017): 
Assessment of urban green space structures and their quality from a multidimensional 
perspective. Science of the Total Environment 615: 1364-1378. 
PDF Hausen J., Otte J.C., Legradi J., Yang L., Strhle U., Fenske M., Hecker H., Tang S., 
Hammers-Wirtz M., Hollert H., Keiter S.H., Ottermanns R. (2017): Fishing for contaminants: 
identification of three mechanism specific transcriptome signatures using Danio rerio embryos. 
Environmental Science and Pollution Research 25(5): 4023-4036. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-017-8977-6 
(download supplementary material)

PDF Hausen J., Scholz-Starke B., Burkhardt U., Lesch S., Rick S., Russell D., Ro-Nickoll M., 
Ottermanns R. (2017): Edaphostat: Interactive ecological analysis of soil organism occurrences 
and preferences from the Edaphobase data warehouse. Database, Volume 2017, 1 January 2017, 
bax080. DOI: 10.1093/database/bax080

PDF Kais B., Ottermanns R., Scheller F., Helleis A., Reschke K., Oberrauch S., Braunbeck T. 
(2017): Modification and quantification of in vivo EROD live-imaging with zebrafish (Danio 
rerio) embryos to detect both induction and inhibition of CYP1A. Science of the Total 
Environment 615, 330-347. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2017.09.257
PDF Di Paolo C., Ottermanns R., Keiter S., Ait-Aissa S., Bluhm K., Brack W., Breitholtz M., 
Buchinger S., Carere M., Chalon C., Cousin X., Dulio V., Escher B.I., Hamers T., Hilscherov 
K., Jarque S., Jonas A., Maillot-Marechal E., Marneffe Y., Nguyen M.T., Pandard P., Schifferli 
A., Schulze T., Seidensticker S., Seiler T.-B., Tang J., van der Oost R., Vermeirssen E., 
Zounkov R., Zwart N., Hollert H. (2016): Bioassay battery interlaboratory investigation of 
emerging contaminants in spiked water extracts - Towards the implementation of bioanalytical 
monitoring tools in water quality assessment and monitoring. Water Research, 104: 473-484. 
DOI: 10.1016/j.watres.2016.08.018 (download supporting information)

PDF Gergs A., Classen S., Strauss T., Ottermanns R., Brock T.C.M., Ratte H.T., Hommen U., 
Preuss T.G. (2016): Ecological Recovery Potential of Freshwater Organisms: Consequences for 
Environmental Risk Assessment of Chemicals. In: P. de Voogt (ed.): Reviews of Environmental 
Contamination and Toxicology, 236: 259-294. DOI: 10.1007/978-3-319-20013-2_5
PDF Schaeffer A., Amelung W., Hollert H., Kaestner M., Kandeler E., Kruse J., Miltner A., 
Ottermanns R., Pagel H., Peth S., Poll C., Rambold G., Schloter M., Schulz S., Streck T., 
Ro-Nickoll M. (2016): The impact of chemical pollution on the resilience of soils under 
multiple stresses: a conceptual framework for future research. Science of the Total 
Environment, 568: 1076-1085. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2016.06.161

PDF Hausen J., Otte J.C., Strhle U., Hammers-Wirtz M., Hollert H., Keiter S.H., Ottermanns R. 
(2015): Fold-change threshold screening - A robust algorithm to unmask hidden gene expression 
patterns in noisy aggregated transcriptome data. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 
22(21): 16384-16392. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-015-5019-0

PDF Hss S., Reiff N., Ottermanns R., Pagel-Wieder S., Dohrmann A.B., Tebbe C.C., Traunspurger 
W. (2015): Risk assessment of the cultivation of a stacked Bt-maize variety (MON89034 x 
MON88017) for nematode communities. Soil Biology & Biochemistry, 91: 109-118. (DOI: 

PDF Hug C., Sievers M., Ottermanns R., Hollert H., Brack W., Krauss K. (2015): Linking 
mutagenic activity to micropollutant concentrations in wastewater samples by partial least 
square regression and subsequent identification of variables. Chemosphere, 138: 176-182. DOI: 

PDF Rmbke J., Collado R., Hfer H., Ottermanns R., Raub F., Ross-Nickoll M., Schmelz R.M. 
(2015): Species diversity of Enchytraeidae (Oligochaeta) in pastures, regenerating secondary 
forests, and old-growth forests in the southern Mata Atlntica (Brazil). Soil Organisms, 87(2): 
101-120. www.soil-organisms.de

PDF Oellers J., Ernst M., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2014): Der Einfluss von Nutzung und 
Klima auf Carabidenznosen in der Agrarlandschaft der Jlicher Brde und der Nordeifel. 
Angewandte Carabidologie, 10: 73-85. Angewandte Carabidologie

PDF Ottermanns R., Szonn K., Preu T.G., Ro-Nickoll M. (2014): Non-linear Analysis Indicates 
Chaotic Dynamics and Reduced Resilience in Model-based Daphnia Populations Exposed to 
Environmental Stress. PLoS ONE 9(5): e96270. DOI: 10.1371/journal.pone.0096270

PDF Feiler U., Hss S., Ahlf W., Gilberg D., Hammers-Wirtz M., Hollert H., Meller M., 
Neumann-Hensel H., Ottermanns R., Seiler T.-B., Spira D., Heininger P. (2013): Sediment 
contact tests as a tool for the assessment of sediment quality in German waters. Environmental 
Toxicology and Chemistry, 32(1): 144-155. DOI: 10.1002/etc.2024

PDF Floehr T. & Xiao H., Scholz-Starke B., Wu L., Hou J., Yin D., Zhang X., Ji R., Yuan X., 
Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M., Schffer A., Hollert H. (2013): Solution by dilution? A review on 
the pollution status of the Yangtze River. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20: 
6934-6971. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-1666-1

PDF Scholz-Starke B. & Ottermanns R., Rings U., Floehr T., Hollert H., Hou J., Li B., Wu L.L., 
Yuan X., Strauch K., Wei H., Norra S., Holbach A., Westrich B., Schffer A., Ro-Nickoll M. 
(2013): An integrated approach to model the biomagnification of organic pollutants in aquatic 
food webs of the Yangtze Three Gorges Reservoir ecosystem using adapted pollution scenarios. 
Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 20: 7009-7026. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-013-1504-5

PDF Bergmann A., Bi Y., Chen L., Floehr T., Henkelmann B., Holbach A., Hollert H., Hu 
W.,Kranzioch I.,Klumpp E., Kppers E., Norra S., Ottermanns R., Pfister G., Ro-Nickoll M., 
Schffer A., Schleicher N., Schmidt B., Scholz-Starke B., Schramm K.-W., Subklew G., Tiehm A., 
Temoka C., Wang J., Westrich B., Wilken R.-D., Wolf A., Xiang X., Yuan Y. (2012): The 
Yangtze-Hydro Project: a Chinese-German environmental program. Environmental Science and 
Polution Research, 19(4): 1341-1344. DOI: 10.1007/s11356-011-0645-7

PDF Hfer H., Bihn J., Borges C., de Britez R.M., Brandl R., Fabry R., Jetzkowitz J., Kahle 
H.-P., Marques R., Ottermanns R., Paulsch D., Rmbke J., Ro-Nickoll M., Verhaagh M. (2011): 
InBioVeritas - Valuating nature in the southern Mata Atlntica of Brazil. Procedia 
Environmental Sciences, 9: 64-71. DOI:10.1016/j.proenv.2011.11.012

PDF Hopp P.W., Caron E., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2011): Evaluating leaf litter beetle 
data sampled by Winkler extraction from Atlantic forest sites in southern Brazil. Revista 
Brasileira de Entomologia, 55(2): 253-266. DOI: 10.1590/S0085-56262011000200017

PDF Ottermanns R., Hopp P.W., dos Santos G.P., Meyer S., Ro-Nickoll M. (2011): Causal 
relationship between leaf litter beetle communities and regeneration patterns of vegetation in 
the Atlantic rainforest of Southern Brazil (Mata Atlntica). Ecological Complexity, 8(4): 
299-309. DOI: 10.1016/j.ecocom.2011.06.001

PDF Hammers-Wirtz M., Strauss T., Toschki A., Ottermanns R., Lennartz G., Classen S., 
Ro-Nickoll M., Hollert H., Ratte H.T., Schffer A. (2010): gaiac - research institute for 
ecosystem analysis and assessment: a small and medium enterprise working hand in hand with 
RWTH Aachen University. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, 22: 507-508. DOI: 

PDF Hss S., Ahlf W., Fahnenstich C., Gilberg D., Hollert H.; Melbye K., Meller M., 
Hammers-Wirtz M., Heininger P., Neumann-Hensel H., Ottermanns R., Ratte H.T., Seiler T.-B., 
Spira D., Weber J., Feiler U. (2010): Variability of freshwater sediment contact tests in 
sediments with low anthropogenic contamination - Determination of toxicity thresholds. 
Environmental pollution, 158: 2999-3010. DOI: 10.1016/j.envpol.2010.05.013

PDF Hopp P.W., Ottermanns R., Meyer S., Ro-Nickoll M. (2010): Recovery of litter inhabiting 
beetle assemblages during forest regeneration in the Atlantic Forest of Southern Brazil. 
Insect Conservation and Diversity, 3: 103-113 DOI: 10.1111/j.1752-4598.2010.00078.x

PDF Keiter S., Peddinghaus S., Feiler U., von der Goltz B., Hafner C., Yu Ho N., Rastegar S., 
Otte J., Ottermanns R., Reifferscheid G., Strhle U., Braunbeck T., Hammers-Wirtz M., Hollert 
H. (2010): DanTox - A novel joint research project using zebrafish (Danio rerio) to identify 
specific toxicity and molecular modes of action of sediment-bound pollutants. Journal of Soils 
and Sediments, 10: 714-717. DOI: 10.1007/s11368-010-0221-7

PDF Keiter S., Peddinghaus S., Feiler U., von der Goltz B., Hafner C., Yu Ho N., Rastegar S., 
Otte J., Ottermanns R., Reifferscheid G., Strhle U., Braunbeck T., Hammers-Wirtz M., Hollert 
H. (2010): DanTox - ein BMBF-Verbundprojekt zur Ermittlung spezifischer Toxizitt und 
molekularer Wirkungsmechanismen sedimentgebundener Umweltschadstoffe mit dem Zebrabrbling 
(Danio rerio). Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, 22: 94-98. DOI: 

PDF Ottermanns R., Ratte H.T., Ro-Nickoll M. (2010): Darstellung maskierter Nutzungseffekte 
auf naturraumspezifische Artengemeinschaften grasiger Feldraine mit Hilfe von 
Restvarianzmustern. Umweltwissenschaften und Schadstoff-Forschung, 22(1): 20-35. DOI: 

Books & chapters:
Ottermanns R. (2008): Mustererkennung, Dimensionsreduktion und statistische Modellierung in 
der kologie - dargestellt am Beispiel der Lebensgemeinschaften grasiger Feldraine in deutschen 
Agrarlandschaften (Pattern recognition, dimensionality reduction and statistical modelling in 
ecology - demonstrated for ecological communities of grassy field margins in German 
agricultural landscapes). Studien zur Mustererkennung, 27: 1-499. Logos Verlag, Berlin. ISBN 
978-3-8325-2032-8. (Abstract, Order from Logos Verlag)

Ottermanns R. (2008): Lokale Referenzzustnde fr stehende Kleingewsser: Wiedervernsste Palsen 
im Hohen Venn (Hautes-Fagnes, Belgium/Germany). In: F. Lennartz (Hrsg.): Naturschutz und 
Freizeitgesellschaft, 8: Renaturierung - Programmatik und Effektivittsmessung. Academia 
Verlag, Sankt Augustin: 44-59.

Lecture notes:
Ottermanns R. et al. (since 2022): Modelling and Programming in Ecotoxiycology: From 
populations to system dynamics. Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University.

Ottermanns R. et al. (since 2022): Statistics and Machine Learning in Ecotoxicology: 
Univariate, Bayesian and multivariate statistics to analyze and model species and community 
response to environmental stress. Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen 

Ottermanns R. et al. (since 2008): Quantitative Biologie und Computeranwendungen (Quantitative 
biology and computer applications). Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen 

Ottermanns R. et al. (2019-2021): Mechanistic Modelling in Ecotoxiycology, Part 1: From 
populations to system dynamics. Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University.

Ottermanns R. et al. (2018-2021): Statistics in Ecotoxicology: Univariate, Bayesian and 
multivariate statistics to analyze and model species and community response to environmental 
stress. Institute for Environmental Research, RWTH Aachen University.

Ottermanns R. et al. (2017-2018): Mechanistische Modellierung in der kotoxikologie, Teil 1: 
From populations to system dynamics. Institut fr Umweltforschung, RWTH Aachen.

Ottermanns R. et al. (2012-2017): Statistik in der kotoxikologie: Univariate and multivariate 
statistics to analyze and model species and community response to environmental stress. 
Institut fr Umweltforschung, RWTH Aachen.

Ottermanns R. et al. (2007-2016): Statistische und mechanistische Modellierung in der 
kotoxikologie, Teil 1: From populations to system dynamics. Institut fr Umweltforschung, RWTH 

Ottermanns R. et al. (2005-2011): Multivariate Statistik in der kotoxikologie. 
Postgradualstudium kotoxikologie (Society of Environmental Toxicology & Chemistry Europe, 
German-Language Branch e.V. und Gesellschaft Deutscher Chemiker e.V.). Institut fr 
Umweltforschung, RWTH Aachen.

Ottermanns R. et al. (2003-2009): Multivariate Data Analysis in Ecology. Institute for 
Environmental Research (Biology V). RWTH Aachen University.

Ottermanns R. et al. (2003-2006): Modelling and Simulation in Ecology. Institute for 
Environmental Research (Biology V). RWTH Aachen University.

Technical reports:
PDF Knillmann S., Liess M., Scholz-Starke B., Daniels B., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Sybertz 
A., Ro-Nickoll M. (2021): Environmental risks of pesticides between forecast and reality: How 
reliable are results of the environmental risk assessment for individual products in the light 
of agricultural practice (tank mixtures, spray series)? UBA Text Berlin, 82/2021: ISSN: 
1862-4804, pp 196.

PDF Rmbke J., Frster B., Jnsch S., Kaiser F., Scheffczyk A., Ro-Nickoll M., Daniels B., 
Ottermanns R., Scholz-Starke B. (2020): Necessary adaptations for a harmonized field-testing 
procedure and risk assessment of earthworms (terrestrial). UBA Text Berlin, 193/2020: ISSN: 
1862-4804, pp 117.

PDF Di Paolo C., Keiter S., Ottermanns R., Seiler T.B., Hollert H. (2015): The NORMAN 
interlaboratory study on biotesting of spiked water extracts. Norman Bulletin, 4: 19-21.
PDF Ro-Nickoll M., Lennartz G., Frste A., Mause R., Ottermanns R., Schfer S., Smolis M., 
Theien B., Toschki A., Ratte H.T. (2004): The arthropods of grassy field margins (off crop) 
and the consequences for impact assessment of pesticides on terrestrial ecosystems. UBA Text 
Berlin, 10/04: ISSN: 0722-186X, pp 148. (in German, Abstract)

Oral presentations:
Hommen U., Classen S., Ottermanns R., Krner O., Schriever C. (2023): Neue Analysen der 
Makroinvertebratendaten aus dem Projekt Kleingewssermonitoring. Oral presentation, 63. 
Deutsche Pflanzenschutztagung, 26.- 29. September 2023, Georg-August-Universitt Gttingen, 
Germany. (Tagungsband)

Lange J., Ottermanns R. (2023): Reconstruction of complex systems dynamics. In: Heufer K.A., 
Liauw M: Modelling of complex chemical reaction networks. WS 2022/2023. 11.07.2023. RWTH 
Aachen University. Invited lecture.

Schrder K., Ottermanns R. (2023): Multivariate time-series analysis for sensitive evaluation 
of behavior data from the light/dark transition rest with zebrafish larvae. Oral presentation, 
SETAC 12th Young Environmental Scientists Meeting, 28. August - 01. September 2023, Landau, 
Johann S., Ottermanns R., Marigomez I., Lekube X., Izagirre U., Soto M., Lehtonen K.K., Turja 
R., Jenssen B.M., Ciesielski T.M., Altin D., Hollert H., Seiler T.-B. (2023): An effect-based 
toolbox for petroleum toxicity testing evaluated for hazard assessment. Oral presentation, 
33rd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe 
, 20. April - 04. May 2023, Dublin, Ireland. (Download abstracts)

Dallmann N., Izcue A., Ottermanns R. (2020): Dimension reduction in multidimensional studies 
combining flow cytometry studies and categorical data. Oral presentation, Lab-meeting 
Institute of Molecular Medicine, Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, 17. September 2020.

Bialozyt R., Jetzkowitz J., Ro-Nickoll M., Ottermanns R. (2019): The societal dimension in 
socioecological models: modelling the modelling process. Oral presentation, The International 
Society for Ecological Modelling Global Conference 2019, 01.-05. October, Salzburg, Austria. 
(See the conference program)

Sybertz A., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Daniels B., Ro-Nickoll M. (2019): Simulation of 
time-dependent mixture exposure to pesticides in agricultural landscapes and estimation of 
effects on terrestrial organisms. Oral presentation, 17th International Conference on 
Chemistry and the Environment, 16.-20. June 2019, Thessaloniki, Greece. (Download conference 

Krmer-Klement K., Bursche V., Bach A., Siebenaler L., Stratemann L., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll 
M. (2018): Einfluss der Waldbewirtschaftung auf die Diversitt und die strukturelle und 
funktionelle Zusammensetzung der Lebensgemeinschaft am Beispiel der Eifel. Oral presentation, 
FOWITA Forstwissenschaftliche Tagung, 24.-27. September 2018, Gttingen, Germany. (Download 
book of abstracts)

Krmer-Klement K., Bursche V., Bach A., Siebenaler L., Stratemann L., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll 
M. (2018): How does forest management affect diversity, species composition and functional 
composition of forest communities? Oral presentation, 48th Annual Meeting of the Ecological 
Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 10.-14. September 2018, Vienna, Austria. 
(Download book of abstracts)

Krmer-Klement K., Bursche V., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2018): Einfluss der 
Waldbewirtschaftung auf die Laufkfergemeinschaft am Beispiel der Eifel. Oral presentation, 21. 
Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft fr Angewandte Carabidologie e.V. (GAC), 16.-18. February 2018, 
Freckenhorst, Germany. (Download program)

Oellers J., Burkhardt U., Haase H., Hfer H., Jnsch S., Ottermanns R., Raub F., Rmbke J., 
Ro-Nickoll M., Russell D., Salamon J.-A., Scholz-Starke B., Toschki A. (2018): The Edaphobase 
Nationwide Field Monitoring - an approach to find reference values of soil organism 
communities of different habitat types. Oral presentation, European Geosciences Union (EGU) 
General Assembly 2018 08.-13. April 2018, Vienna, Austria. (Access the program)

Ro-Nickoll, Burkhardt U., Hausen J., Hfer H., Jnsch S., Lesch S., Oellers J., Ottermanns R., 
Raub F., Rick S., Rmbke J., Scholz-Starke B., Toschki A., Russell D. (2018): EDAPHOBASE - soil 
biodiversity data warehouse and its applications in ecotoxicology. Oral presentation, 28th 
Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe , 
13.-17. May 2018, Rome, Italy. (Download abstracts)

Schaeffer A., Amelung W., Hollert H., Kaestner M., Kandeler E., Kruse J., Miltner A., 
Ottermanns R., Pagel H., Peth S., Poll C., Rambold G., Schloter M., Schulz ., Streck T., 
Ro-Nickoll M. (2018): The impact of chemical pollution on the resilience of soils under 
multiple stress. Oral presentation, 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental 
Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe , 13.-17. May 2018, Rome, Italy. (Download 

Scholz-Starke B., Br S., Daniels B., Frische T., Liess M., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M., 
Schffer A., Sybertz A., Ullrich C., Knillmann S. (2018): Pesticides do rarely come alone, 
except in risk assessment - Risk indices of ranked spray series of the project COMBITOX. Oral 
presentation, 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 
(SETAC) - Europe , 13.-17. May 2018, Rome, Italy. (Download abstracts)

Sybertz A., Ottermanns R., Daniels B., Schffer A., Scholz-Starke B., Ro-Nickoll M. (2017): 
Zeitabhngige Modellierung der Toxizitt von Pflanzenschutzmittelspritzserien in der 
Agrarlandschaft - unter Bercksichtigung von Exposition, Abbau und Mischungstoxizitt. Oral 
presentation, 22nd Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry 
(SETAC) - Europe, German Language Branch, 12.-14. November 2017, Neustadt an der Weinstrae, 
Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Burkhardt U., Gntsch A., Hfer H., Ottermanns R., Rmbke J., Ro-Nickoll M., Russel D., Toschki 
A., Xylander W. et al. (2016): Edaphobase - Data Warehouse, Sammlungsdokumentation, Metadaten 
und Auswertungswerkzeuge. Oral presentation, 7. Tagung zum Sammlungsdatenmanagement 
Dokumentation ohne Grenzen - Sammlungen interdisziplinr und multilingual, 16.-18. July 2016, 
Grlitz, Germany. (Download program)

Hausen J., Scholz-Starke B., Ro-Nickoll M., Ottermanns R. (2016): Automated analysis of 
ecological databases: Interactive tools for the Edaphobase data warehouse. Oral presentation, 
25th Annual Meeting of the Working group Mesofauna, Universitt Bremen, 27.-28. September 2016, 
Bremen, Germany. (Download programm)

Hausen J., Scholz-Starke B., Ro-Nickoll M., Ottermanns R. (2016): Edaphobase automated tools 
for analysis of ecological data: the ambivalence between data mining and data meaning. Oral 
presentation, 46th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and 
Switzerland, 05.-09. September 2016, Marburg, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Scholz-Starke B., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2016): Are large soil zoological 
databases helpful in defining site-specific biocoenoses of soil organisms? Developments of the 
joint EDAPHOBASE-project. Oral presentation, 25th Annual Meeting of the Working group 
Mesofauna, Universitt Bremen, 27.-28. September 2016, Bremen, Germany. (Download programm)

Scholz-Starke B., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2016): Are large soil zoological 
databases helpful in defining site-specific biocoenoses of soil organisms? Developments of the 
joint EDAPHOBASE-project. Oral presentation
Heine P., Hausen J., Prell J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2015): Effects of forest 
management on funtional diversity of fungi during forest conversion in the Eifel National 
Park. Oral presentation, 45th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and 
Switzerland, 31. August-04. September 2015, Gttingen, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Ro-Nickoll M., Deubert M., Lennartz G., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Scholz-Starke B., Streib 
L., Toschki A., Trapp M. (2015): Biodiversitt und strukturelle Vielfalt in der Agrarlandschaft 
- eine bergeordnete Perspektive auch fr die Pestizidzulassung?. Oral presentation, 20th Annual 
Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe, German 
Language Branch, 07.-10. September 2015, Zrich, Switzerland. (Download book of abstracts)

Bursche V., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2014): Vitality indicators for a sustainable 
management in differently managed beech forest stands in the German low mountain range region 
Eifel. Oral presentation, 44th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria 
and Switzerland, 08.-12. September 2014, Hildesheim, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Rmbke J., Collado R., Hfer H., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M., Schmelz R.M. (2014): The 
Enchytraeid fauna (diversity and abundance) of forest plots in the Atlantic Rain Forest 
(Brazil) - an overview of the results of the SOLOBIOMA project. Oral presentation, 11th 
International Symposium on Enchytraeidae, 25.-27. July 2014, Georgsmarienhtte, Germany. 
(Download announcement)

Schollee J., Ottermanns R., Hollender J. (2014): Multivariate Workflow for the Screening of 
Nontarget Peaks from Biologically-Treated Wastewater. Oral presentation, SETAC Europe 24th 
Annual Meeting, 11.-15. May 2014, Basel, Switzerland. (Download short abstract)

Scholz-Starke B., Ottermanns R., Floehr T., Holbach A., Hollert H., Bo L., Rings U., Schaeffer 
A., Wei H., Yuan X., Ro-Nickoll M. (2014): Simulation of the environmental situation of the 
tributary ecosystem Daninghe River in the Yangtze Three Gorges Area. Oral presentation, SETAC 
Europe 24th Annual Meeting, 11.-15. May 2014, Basel, Switzerland. (Download short abstract)

Hausen J., Keiter S., Strhle U., Hammers-Wirtz M., Hollert H., Ottermanns R. (2013): 
Schwellenwert-ANOVA: Ein Algorithmus zur Datenintegration und Kausalmodellierung zur Detektion 
von Sedimentkontaminierung aus Microarraydaten. Oral presentation, SETAC GLB 18th Annual 
Meeting, 23.-26. September 2013, Essen, Germany. (Download abstract book)

Hollert H., Schiwy S., Feiler U., Kais B., Hafner C., Garcia-Kufer M., Ho N.Y., Rastegar S., 
Otte J.C., Ottermanns R., Reifferscheid G., Strhle U., Braunbeck T., Hammers-Wirtz M., Keiter 
S.H. (2013): DanTox-BMBF-Verbundprojekt zur Ermittlung spezifischer Toxizitt und molekularer 
Wirkungsmechanismen sedimentgebundener Umweltschadstoffe mit dem Zebrabrbling (Danio rerio). 
Oral presentation, DanTox-Symposium: Methoden zur Bewertung von Sedimenttoxizitt mit dem 
Zebrabrbling Danio rerio, 10.-11. Juni 2013, Aachen, Germany. (Download Programm)

Ottermanns R., Hausen J., Otte J.C., Keiter S., Strhle U., Hollert H., Hammers-Wirtz M. 
(2013): Datenintegration und statistische Kausalmodellierung von Genexpressionsdaten und 
kotoxikologischen Effekten im Zebrabrbling (Data integration and statistical causel modelling 
of gene expression data and ecotoxicological effects in Danio rerio). Oral presentation, 
DanTox-Symposium: Methoden zur Bewertung von Sedimenttoxizitt mit dem Zebrabrbling Danio 
rerio, 10.-11. Juni 2013, Aachen, Germany. (Download Programm)

Oellers J., Ernst M., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2012): Der Einfluss von Nutzung und Klima 
auf Carabidenznosen in der Agrarlandschaft der Jlicher Brde und der Nordeifel. Oral 
presentation, Jahrestagung der Coleopterologischen Arbeitsgemeinschaft Mnster, 19. Februar 
2012, Mnster, Germany.

Scholz-Starke B., Chen Z., Floehr T., Hollert H., Huo J., Li B., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M., 
Schmidt B., Strauch K., Wu L., Yin D., Yuan Y., Yuan X., Zoschke A., Schffer A. (2012): 
Consequences of the Three Gorges Dam in China - Conceptual approaches to study the fate, 
bioaccumulation and effects of organic micropollutants in aquatic food webs and sediments of 
the Yangtze. Oral presentation, 6th SETAC World Congress / SETAC Europe 22nd Annual Meeting, 
20.-24. May 2012, Berlin, Germany. (Download abstract book)

Scholz-Starke B., Yuan Y., Floehr T., Strauch K., Heister S., Chen Z., Li B., Wu L.-L., Hou 
J., Yuan X., Yin D., Ottermanns R., Schmidt B., Ro-Nickoll M., Hollert H., Schffer A. (2011): 
Conceptual approach and first results of the MICROTOX project - Fate, effects and 
bioaccumulation of organic pollutants in the Yangtze river. Oral presentation, Processes in 
the Yangtze River System, November 28.-29. 2011, Aachen, Germany. (Download proceedings book)

Krmer K., Siehoff S., Lennartz G., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2011): Succession of Cytisus 
scoparius shrubberies in the Eifel National Park. Oral presentation, 41st Annual Meeting of 
the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 05.-09. September 2011, Oldenburg, 
Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Keiter S., Peddinghaus S., Brunig J., Feiler U., Hafner C., Hammers-Wirtz M., Ho N.Y., Kais 
B., Otte J.C., Ottermanns R., Rastegar S., Reifferscheid G., Braunbeck T., Strhle U., Hollert 
H. (2011): The DanTox-Project - Identification of specific toxicity and molecular modes of 
action of sediment-bound pollutants in zebrafish. Oral presentation, 21st SETAC Europe Annual 
Meeting, 15.-19. May 2011, Milan, Italy. (Download abtract book)

Keiter S., Peddinghaus S., Feiler U., Hafner C., Hammers-Wirtz M., Ho N.Y., Kais B., Otte 
J.C., Ottermanns R., Rastegar S., Reifferscheid G., Braunbeck T., Strhle U., Hollert H. 
(2010): Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Verfahrens zur Ermittlung spezifischer Toxizitt und 
molekularer Wirkungsmechanismen sedimentgebundener Umweltschadstoffe mit dem Zebrabrbling 
(Danio rerio). Vortrag, SETAC-GLB, 6.-9. September 2010, Dessau-Rolau, Germany.(Download 
abtract book)

Keiter S., Peddinghaus S., Feiler U., Hafner C., Hammers-Wirtz M., Ho N.Y., Kais B., Otte 
J.C., Ottermanns R., Rastegar S., Reifferscheid G., Braunbeck T., Strhle U., Hollert H. 
(2010): DanTox - A novel joint research project using zebrafish (Danio rerio) to identify 
specific toxicity and molecular modes of action of sediment-bound pollutants. Oral 
presentation, The zebrafish embryo model in toxicology and teratology, 2.-3. September 2010, 
Karlsruhe, Germany.

Hopp P., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2008): Recovery of leaf litter Beetle communities 
during Forest Regeneration in the Atlantic Forest. Oral presentation, 15th International 
Colloquium on Soil Zoology, 25.-29. August 2008, Curitiba, Brazil.

Ro-Nickoll M., Lennartz G., Ottermanns R., Theien B., Toschki A., Schffer A., Ratte H.T. 
(2004): The typical composition of biocoenosis in off-crop-sites of three agricultural 
landscape areas in Germany. Syngenta Jealotts Hill, England, 9th June 2004, invited lecture.

Ro-Nickoll M., Lennartz G., Ottermanns R., Theien B., Toschki A., Schffer A., Ratte H.T. 
(2004): The typical composition of biocoenosis in off-crop-sites of three agricultural 
landscape areas in Germany. Oral presentation, SETAC Europe 14th Annual Meeting 18.-22. April 
2004, Prague, Czech Republic.

Ro-Nickoll, M., Lennartz, G., Ottermanns R., Ratte, H.T., Schffer, A., Theien, B, Toschki, A. 
(2003): Terrestrische Lebensgemeinschaften als Bioindikatoren in der Agrarlandschaft. Vortrag 
SETAC-GLB-Jahrestagung, Heidelberg, Germany, 21.-23. September 2003.

Ro-Nickoll M., Engels H., Lennartz G., Ottermanns R., Ratte H.T., Schffer A., Theien B, 
Toschki A. (2002): Untersuchungen zur Eignung von Mesofauna - Freilandstudien zur 
Bioindikation fr landwirtschaftlich genutzte Bden. Vortrag Jahrestagung Umweltchemie und 
kotoxikologie (SETAC-GLB, GDCh), Braunschweig, Germany, 6.-8. Oktober 2002.

Poster presentations:
Oberg G., Leopold A., Seiler T., Liu C., De Marchi B., McIlroy-Young B., Ottermanns R., Steel 
D. (2020): SETAC members perception of the role of science in decision making. Poster 
presentation, SETAC SciCon, SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting , 3.-7. May 2020, Dublin, 
Ireland. (Download the abstract book)

Seiler T., Mueller L., Leopold A., Hollert H., Oguguah N., Ottermanns R., Brockmeier E. 
(2020): Outreach and communication activites conducted by SETAC members - A survey of the 
state and room for improvement. Poster presentation, SETAC SciCon, SETAC Europe 30th Annual 
Meeting , 3.-7. May 2020, Dublin, Ireland. (Download the abstract book)

Sybertz A., Ottermanns R., Schaeffer A., Daniels B., Ross-Nickoll M. (2020): Pesticide 
mixtures in soil: Simulation of time-dependent effects on soil organisms. Poster presentation, 
SETAC SciCon, SETAC Europe 30th Annual Meeting , 3.-7. May 2020, Dublin, Ireland. (Download 
the abstract book)

Seiler T.-B., Kunze J., Ahrens L., Gago-Ferrero P., Smith K., Ottermanns R., Hollert H. 
(2019): Ecotoxicological assessment of freely bioavailable, polar pollutants in Swedish 
streams. Poster presentation, 29th Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology 
and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe , 26.-30. May 2019, Helsinki, Finland. (Download the abtract 

Daniels B., Jnsch S., Kotschik P., Ottermanns R., Pieper S., Ro-Nickoll M., Scholz-Starke B. 
(2018): The application of the CPCAT approach reduces shortcomings of effect detection for 
earthworm field studies. Poster presentation, 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of 
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe , 13.-17. May 2018, Rome, Italy. 
(Download abstracts)

Hausen J., Scholz-Starke B., Ro-Nickoll M., Ottermanns R. (2018): Edaphostat - A web 
application for automated and interactive meta-analysis of environmental data from the 
Edaphobase data warehouse. Poster presentation, 28th Annual Meeting of the Society of 
Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe , 13.-17. May 2018, Rome, Italy. 
(Download abstracts)

Rmbke J., Daniels B. Frster B., Jnsch S., Kotschik P., Ottermanns R., Pieper S., Ro-Nickoll 
M., Scheffczyk A., Scholz-Starke B. (2018): Adaptation of the earthworm field test method: 
conceptual overview and first results. Poster presentation, 28th Annual Meeting of the Society 
of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) - Europe , 13.-17. May 2018, Rome, Italy. 
(Download abstracts)

Haase H., Russell D.J., Burkhardt U., Toschki A., Oellers J., Scholze-Stark B., Ottermanns R., 
Ro-Nickoll M., Hausen J., Rmbke J., Jnsch S., Hfer H. (2017): Working with databases - 
Assessing the practical usability of the soil-zoological data warehouse Edaphobase with 
myriapod data. Poster presentation, The 17th International Congress of Myriapodology, 23.-26. 
July 2017, Krabi, Thailand.
Kirch J, Krmer-Klement K.,Bursche V., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2017): How does 
silviculture affect forest structure, regeneration and dynamics? Poster presentation, Joint 
annual meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, the 
Nederlands-Vlaamse vereniging voor ecologie and the British Ecological Society, 11.-14. 
December 2017, Ghent, Belgium.
Knillmann S., Scholz-Starke B., Br S., Daniels B., Frische T., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., 
Sybertz A., Ro-Nickoll M., Liess M. (2017): Pesticides do rarely come alone, except in risk 
assessment - Framework of the project COMBITOX. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 27th Annual 
Meeting, 7.-11. May 2017, Brussells, Belgium. (Download abstracts)

Oellers J., Burkhardt U., Classen S., Hammers-Wirtz M., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll 
M., Scholz-Starke B., Toschki A. (2017): The use of the Edaphobase data-warehouse in soil risk 
assessment. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, 7.-11. May 2017, Brussells, 
Belgium. (Download abstracts)

Scholz-Starke B., Br S., Daniels B., Frische T., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Sybertz A., 
Ullrich C., Kuppe K., Liess M., Ro-Nickoll M., Knillmann S. (2017): Pesticides do rarely come 
alone, except in risk assessment - Typical treatment regimes of the project COMBITOX. Poster 
presentation, SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, 7.-11. May 2017, Brussells, Belgium. (Download 

Toschki A., Burkhardt U., Hfer H., Jnsch S., Oellers J., Ottermanns R., Rmbke J., Russell D., 
Scholz-Starke B., Ro-Nickoll M. (2017): The Edaphobase Nationwide Field Monitoring - an 
approach to determine reference values for soil organism communities of different habitat 
types. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 27th Annual Meeting, 7.-11. May 2017, Brussells, 
Belgium. (Download abstracts)

Bach A., Krmer K., Hausen J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2016): Forest management intensity 
leads to a shift in functional groups of epigeic spider communities. Poster presentation, 46th 
Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 05.-09. 
September 2016, Marburg, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Daniels B., Ottermanns R., Schffer S., Ro-Nickoll M. (2016): A multidisciplinary instrument to 
assess and compare ecosystem services of urban greens in eco-cities. Poster presentation, 2nd 
Congress of the Society for Urban Ecology (SURE), 08.-10. July 2016, Shanghai, China. 
(Download program)

Krmer K., Bursche V., Bach A., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2016): How does forest management 
affect food web structures? Poster presentation, 46th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society 
of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 05.-09. September 2016, Marburg, Germany. (Download book 
of abstracts)

Krmer K., Bursche V., Byun J., Bach A., Knautz T., Siebenaler L., Strk J., Ottermanns R., 
Ro-Nickoll M. (2016): Auswirkung der strukturellen Ausprgung von Waldbestnden auf die Bioznose 
am Beispiel verschieden bewirtschafteter Wlder der Eifel. Poster presentation, FOWITA: 
Forstwirtschaftliche Tagung, 26.-29. September 2016, Freiburg, Germany.
Ottermanns R., Bialozyt R., Ro-Nickoll M., Jetzkowitz J. (2016): Sozialkologische Modelle und 
Simulationen fr den Nachhaltigkeitsdiskurs: Wie lsst sich das Gesellschaftliche in einem 
Modell bercksichtigen, das Mglichkeiten zur Reduzierung des Fleischkonsums abwgen hilft? 
Poster presentation, 2nd German Future Earth Summit, 28.-29. January 2016, Berlin, Germany 
(Download final program booklet)

Russel D.J., Hausen J., Burkhardt U., Hfer H., Lesch S., Rick S., Jnsch S., Rmbke J., 
Ro-Nickoll M., Scholz-Starke B., Ottermanns R. (2016): Ecological species models within the 
Edaphobase GBIF project of Germany. Poster presentation, Soil Biodiversity for Our Future 
Earth: XVII International Colloquium on Soil Zoology and XIV International Colloquium on 
Apterygota, 22.-26. August 2016, Nara, Japan.
Byun J., Bursche V., Hausen J., Krmer K., Ro-Nickoll M., Ottermanns R. (2015): Modelling 
effects of management strategies on beech forest tree growth in the Eifel region (Germany). 
Poster presentation, 45th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and 
Switzerland, 31. August-04. September 2015, Gttingen, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Byun J., Bursche V., Hausen J., Krmer K., Wohlleben P., Schffer A., Ross-Nickoll M., 
Ottermanns R. (2015): Simulating beech forest growth on different management strategies in 
Eifel region in Germany. Poster presentation, Euro-Korean Conference on Science and 
Technology, 22.-24. July 2015, Strasbourg, France.
Daniels B., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2015): Towards a multidisciplinary evaluation of 
ecosystem services for urban greens and their structural elements. Poster presentation, 
European Conference on Biodiversity and Climate Change (ECBCC), 17.-19. November 2015, Bonn, 
Daniels B., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2015): Ein itegrativer Bewertungsansatz fr 
kosystemleistungen urbaner Grnflchen unter Bercksichtigung kolgischer, klimatologischer und 
akzeptanzrelevanter Indikatoren. Poster presentation, IALE-D Jahrestagung, 20.-23. October 
2015, Bonn, Germany. (Download Tagungsband mit Abstracts)

Di Paolo C., Graf K., Legradi J., Fenske M., Ottermanns R., Hausen J., Werner I., Legler J., 
Hollert H., Seiler T.-B. (2015): Alcohol, coffee and cigarettes: evaluation of candidate 
positive control chemicals for behavioural assessment in zebrafish early life stages. Poster 
presentation, SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, 3.-7. May 2015, Barcelona, Spain.
Di Paolo C., Keiter S., Ottermanns R., Ait-Aissa S., Brack W., Breitholtz M., Buchinger S., 
Carere M., Chalon C., Cousin X., Dulio V., Escher B., Hamers T., Hilscherov K., Jarque S., 
Jonas A., Kase R., Maillot-Marechal E., Marneffe Y., Pandard P., Schifferli A., Schulze T., 
Seidensticker S., Seiler T.-B., Tang J., Nguyen M.T., van der Oost R., Vermeirssen E., Zounkov 
R., Zwart N., Hollert H. (2015): The NORMAN interlaboratory study on biotesting of spiked 
water extracts. Poster presentation, SETAC Europe 25th Annual Meeting, 3.-7. May 2015, 
Barcelona, Spain.
Krmer K., Bursche V., Byun J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2015): SilValuta - Quantifying 
the effects of sustainable forest management: a case study in the Eifel region. Poster 
presentation, 45th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and 
Switzerland, 31. August-04. September 2015, Gttingen, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Ro-Nickoll M., Deubert M., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Scholz-Starke B., Streib L., Toschki A., 
Trapp M. (2015): Biodiversity and structural diversity in the agricultural landscape - An 
overall concept relevant for soil risk assessment? Poster presentation, Topical Scientific 
Workshop on Soil Risk Assessment, European Chemicals Agency ECHA, 7.-8. October 2015, 
Helsinki, Finland. (Download book of abstracts)

Byun J., Ro-Nickoll M., Bursche V., Ottermanns R. (2014): Relationship between tree size ratio 
(DBH/H) and environmental factors in differently managed beech forests (Eifel region, 
Germany). Poster presentation, EU-Korea Conference on Science and Technology, 22.-25. July 
2014, Vienna, Austria.
Ottermanns R., Bursche V., Byun J., Krmer K., Ro-Nickoll M. (2014): On cybernetic principles 
in environmental science: Assessment of self-organized ecosystem integrity by means of 
negentropic information (Zur Bedeutung kybernetischer Prinzipien in der kologischen 
Umweltbewertung: Beurteilung selbstorganisierter kosystemintegritt anhand negentropischer 
Information). Poster presentation, Exploring Cybernetics, 12.-14. Oktober 2014, RWTH Aachen 
University, Germany.
Byun J., Ro-Nickoll M., Schffer A., Bursche V., Ottermanns R. (2014): Analyzing causal 
relationships between forest management practice and tree growth in beech forests using the 
DBH/height ratio. Poster presentation, 44th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of 
Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 08.-12. September 2014, Hildesheim, Germany. (Download book 
of abstracts)

Heine P., Prell J., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2014): Fungal communities in different 
management stages of forest conversion in the Eifel National Park. Poster presentation, 44th 
Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and Switzerland, 08.-12. 
September 2014, Hildesheim, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Knautz T., Krmer K., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2014): Influence of forest management and 
microhabitat structure on the spider community regarding the autumnal aspect. Poster 
presentation, 44th Annual Meeting of the Ecological Society of Germany, Austria and 
Switzerland, 08.-12. September 2014, Hildesheim, Germany. (Download book of abstracts)

Scholz-Starke B., Ottermanns R., Floehr T., Holbach A., Hollert H., Bo L., Rings U., Schaeffer 
A., Wei H., Yuan X., Ross-Nickoll M. (2014): Simulation of the environmental situation of the 
tributary ecosystem Daninghe River in the Yangtze Three Gorges Area. Poster presentation, 
SETAC Europe 24th Annual Meeting, 11.-15. May 2014, Basel, Switzerland. (Download abstracts)

Hausen J., Otte J.C., Strhle U., Hammers-Wirtz M., Ottermanns R. (2013): Threshold-ANOVA: 
Finding reliable reliable genes from microarray data with an algorithm for data integration 
and statistical causal modelling. Poster presentation, DanTox-Symposium: Methoden zur 
Bewertung von Sedimenttoxizitt mit dem Zebrabrbling Danio rerio, 10.-11. Juni 2013, Aachen, 
Germany. (Download Programm)

Rings U., Floehr T., Holbach A., Hollert H., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M., Schffer A., Wei H., 
Scholz-Starke B. (2013): The impact of nutrients and pollutants on biomagnification processes 
in food webs of the Yangtze and Daning River. Poster presentation, 23rd SETAC Europe Annual 
Meeting, 12.-16. May 2013, Glasgow, United Kingdom. (Download extended abstracts)

Ottermanns R., Verhaagh M., Lennartz G., Jetzkowitz J., Wohlleben P., Ro-Nickoll M. (2012): 
SilValuta: kologisch nachhaltige Nutzung von Buchenwldern und ihrer kosystemdienstleistungen 
in Mittelgebirgslagen - auf der Basis einer kologischen und konomischen Bilanzierung des 
Forstreviers Hmmel (Osteifel). Poster presentation, nefo-Workshop Nationales 
Biodiversittsmonitoring 2020, 14.-15. Juni 2012, Berlin, Germany. (Download Programm)

Scholz-Starke B., Floehr T., Hollert H., Huo J., Li B., Ottermanns R., Schffer A., Strauch K., 
Wu L., Yin D., Yuan X., Ro-Nickoll M. (2012): Modeling the potential biomagnification of 
organic pollutants in aquatic food webs of the new Three Gorges Reservoir ecosystem at the 
Yangtze River. Poster presentation, 6th SETAC World Congress / SETAC Europe 22nd Annual 
Meeting, 20.-24. May 2012, Berlin, Germany. (Download abstract book)

Scholz-Starke B., Ottermanns R., Strauch K., Floehr T., Bo L., Wu L.-L., Hou J., Yuan X., Yin 
D., Ro-Nickoll M. (2011): Bioaccumulation of model pollutants in the Yangtze River. Poster 
presentation, Processes in the Yangtze River System, November 28.-29. 2011, Aachen, Germany. 
(Download proceedings book)

Oellers J., Ernst M., Bless J., Hannig K., Lennartz G., Ottermanns R., Toschki A., Ro-Nickoll 
M. (2011): Der Einfluss von Nutzung und Klima auf Carabiden- und Collembolenznosen in 
ausgewhlten Agrarlandschaften der Jlicher Brde und der Nordeifel - Auswertung von 
regionalisierten Mustern. Poster presentation, 16. Jahrestagung der SETAC GLB, 18.-20. 
September 2011, Landau, Germany. (Download proceedings book)

Schffer A., Hollert H., Ro-Nickoll M., Schmidt B., Ottermanns R., Scholz-Starke B., Yuan Y., 
Floehr T., Strauch K. (2011): Transformation, Bioaccumulation and Toxicity of Organic 
Micropollutants in the Yangtze Three Gorges Reservoir - MICROTOX. Poster presentation, 21st 
SETAC Europe Annual Meeting, 15.-19. May 2011, Milan, Italy. (Download abtract book)

Keiter S., Peddinghaus S., Feiler ., Kais B., Hafner C., Ho N.Y., Rastegar S., Otte J.C., 
Ottermanns R., Reifferscheid G., Strhle ., Braunbeck T., Hammers-Wirtz M., Hollert H. (2010): 
DanTox - A novel joint research project using zebrafish (Danio rerio) to identify specific 
toxicity and molecular modes of action of sediment-bound pollutants. Poster presentation, 20th 
Annual Meeting of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe, 
23.-27. May 2010, Seville, Spain.

Peddinghaus S., Brunig J., Bui T., Hoen T., Winkens K., Feiler ., Kais B., Ho N. Y., Rastegar 
S., Otte J. C., Ottermanns R., Reifferscheid G. (2010): Ah-Receptor-Agonist Activity of 
Sediment Extracts from Hamburg Harbor and the Rhine River in Danio rerio. Poster presentation, 
SETAC-GLB, 6.-9. September 2010, Dessau-Rolau, Germany. (Download abtract book)

Zielke H., Brinkmann M., Ottermanns R., Preu T., Ro-Nickoll M., Schmidt B., Ratte H.-T., 
Schffer A., Seiler T.-B., Hollert H. (2009): Das Studentenlabor Faszination Umwelt - 
Universitt und Industrie Hand in Hand fr eine exzellente Ausbildung in der kotoxikologie. 
Poster presentation, 14th Annual Conference of the Society of Environmental Toxicology and 
Chemistry (SETAC) Europe (German-Language Branch), 05.-07. October 2009, Weihenstephan, 
Germany. (Download abstract book)

Schffer A., Ro-Nickoll M., Ratte H.-T., Schmidt B. , Preu T., Ottermanns R., Wlz J., Seiler 
T.-B.. Hollert H. (2009): Neuer Masterstudiengang kotoxikologie an der RWTH Aachen - fr eine 
exzellente Ausbildung in der kotoxikologie. Poster presentation, 14th Annual Conference of the 
Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Europe (German-Language Branch), 
05.-07. October 2009, Weihenstephan, Germany. (Download abstract book)

von Lochow H.E.C., Maes H.M., Ottermanns R., Baumgartner W., Ratte H.T., Schffer A. (2009): 
Does purification of carbon nanotubes change their toxicity in the Lemna growth inhibition 
test? Poster presentation, 4th International Conference on Environmental Effects of 
Nanoparticles and Nanomaterials, 06.-09. September 2009, Vienna, Austria.

Guschal M., Ottermanns R., Hopp P., Ro-Nickoll M. (2009): Do beetle assemblages recover after 
deforestation? Effect of natural forest regeneration on beetle family composition in the 
Atlantic Forest of Southern Brazil. Poster presentation, Gf Annual Conference, 14.-18. 
September 2009, Bayreuth, Germany.

Meyer S., Ottermanns R., Pacheco dos Santos G., Hopp P., Ro-Nickoll M. (2009): Does tree 
composition of coastal submontane rainforest regenerate towards old growth forest patterns? 
Poster presentation, Gf Annual Conference, 14.-18. September 2009, Bayreuth, Germany.

Hopp P., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2008): Recovery of leaf litter Beetle communities 
during Forest Regeneration in the Atlantic Forest. Poster presentation, 15th International 
Colloquium on Soil Zoology, 25.-29. August 2008, Curitiba, Brazil.

Hopp P., Bihn J., Hfer H., Marques R., Ottermanns R., Ro-Nickoll M. (2007): Recovery of litter 
dwelling beetle communities during secondary succession in the Atlantic forest of Southern 
Brazil. Poster presentation, 20th International Conference of the German Society for Tropical 
Ecology, 21.-25. February, Bonn, Germany.

Gergs A., Ottermanns R., Ratte H.T. (2006): Assoziationen aquatischer Kfer und Wanzen von 
Heide- und Niedermooren des linken Niederrheins - ein Beitrag zur Entomosoziologie stehender 
Kleingewsser. Posterprsentation, Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fr Limnologie (DGL), 
25.-29. September, Dresden, Germany.

Ottermanns R., Ratte H.T. (2003): Site specific species compositions as basis for ecological 
assessment - benthic macroinvertebrate organisms in freshwater systems. Poster presentation, 
Tagung der Deutschen Gesellschaft fr Limnologie (DGL) und der deutschsprachigen Sektion der 
Societas Internationalis Limnologiae (SIL), 29. September - 3. October, Cologne, Germany: 
68-73. (in German, Abstract)

Ottermanns R. (2000): Biocoenological characterisation of small standing water bodies in the 
Aachen area (Germany). (Diploma Thesis RWTH Aachen University) (in German, Abstract)

Ottermanns R. (1992): Waste minimisation of aqueous defatting systems. (Diploma Thesis AcUAS 
Aachen University of Applied Sciences) (in German, Abstract)

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For details about courses please go to RWTH Online. All courses are taught in German, English 
on request.

Summer semester:
Lecture including exercise and exam: Quantitative biology including computer applications 
(Quantitative Biologie und Computeranwendungen, 16.17333, 16.27279, 16.04822)
Practical undergraduate research course: Ecology 3 (Forschungspraktikum kotoxikologie und 
Umweltchemie, 16.01069)

Anleitung zu selbstndigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (16.19465)

Beratung in statistischer Datenanalyse fr Studierende, Doktoranden und Postdocs (16.49323)

Forschungsberichte aus dem Institut fr Umweltforschung (16.03709)

Winter semester:
Practical course including lecture: Mechanistic modelling in ecotoxicology (Mechanistische 
Modellierung in der kotoxikologie, 16.08226, 16.19766, 16.23095)

Practical course including lecture and exam: Statistics in ecotoxicology (Statistik in der 
kotoxikologie, 16.24856, 16.24855, 16.24854)

Lecture including seminar and exam: Ecology 1: Terrestrial ecology (kologie I: kologie 
terrestrischer Systeme, 16.19759, 16.23306)

Practical undergraduate research course: Ecology 3 (Forschungspraktikum kotoxikologie und 
Umweltchemie (16.04023)

Anleitung zu selbstndigen wissenschaftlichen Arbeiten (16.01170)

Kolloquium zur kotoxikologie und Umweltchemie (16.04359)

Beratung in statistischer Datenanalyse fr Studierende, Doktoranden und Postdocs (16.02137)

Forschungsberichte aus dem Institut fr Umweltforschung (16.03811)
TEACHING: Supervision
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Luca Frings (ongoing): Sensitivity analysis of an autocorrelation model for behavior 
time-series derived from the light/dark transition test with Danio rerio embryos to evaluate 
the biological relevance of the model parameters. MSc-Thesis.

Dana Hilberath (ongoing): The seasonal and diurnal occurrence of raccoons (Procyon lotor) at 
amphibian spawning waters in the Eifel National Park. In cooperation with the Eifel National 
Park administration.

Dominik Blank (2023): Einfluss von Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis Toxinen auf Vertreter 
der Chironomidae. Msc-Thesis. In cooperation with Kommunalen Aktionsgemeinschaft zur Bekmpfung 
der Schnakenplage (KABS e.V.).

Leonie Hmmeler (2023): Hyper-paramter tuning of neural network models for prediction of WHO 
COVID-19 severity states based on immunological marker signatures. BSc-Thesis. In cooperation 
with the Institute for Molecular Medicine, Uniklinik Aachen.

Jaqueline Lange (2023): Non-linear dynamics in behavior of Danio rerio larvae in the 
light-dark transition test. MSc-Thesis.

Charline Marreiros (2023): Optimization of a deep learning approach to model time-series of 
Danio rerio larvae behavior in the light-dark transition test. BSc-Thesis. In cooperation with 
the Department of Evolutionary Ecology and Environmental Toxicology, Goethe University 

Leon Frommer (2022): Comparative evaluation and testing of an algorithm for multivariate 
analysis of immunological flow cytometry data. BSc-Thesis. In cooperation with the Institute 
for Molecular Medicine, Uniklinik Aachen.

Natalie Dallmann (2021): Supervised non-linear dimension reduction in multidimensional, 
immunological case-control-studies. Master-Thesis.

Katja Schrder (2021): Application, advancement and automation of an existing algorithm for 
analysis of behavioural toxicity evaluated by the light/dark transition test with Danio rerio. 

Maximilian Zimmermann (2021): Multivariate analysis of time series data from a forest 
management simulation model (Multivariate Analyse von Zeitreihendaten eines 
Waldwirtschaftssimulationsmodells). Bachelor-Thesis.

Sarah Elisa Zentis (2020): Comparative statistical analysis of effect values from 
dose-response curves (Vergleichende statistische Analysen zu Effektwerten aus 
Dosis-Wirkungskurven). Bachelor-Thesis.

Dominik Ziaja (2020): An implementation of a data processing workflow: Analyzing behavioural 
toxicity in light/dark Transition Tests with Danio rerio using multivariate statistics. 

Jana Gerhard (2018): Non-linear effects and decorrelization in collembola population dynamics 
under environmental stress (Nicht-lineare Effekte und Dekorrelation in Populationsdynamiken 
von Collembolen unter Umweltstress). Master-Thesis.

David Pyka (2018): Development of a food web model integrating ecological theory and empirical 
data to assess the stability of terrestrial communities towards environmental changes. 

Alexandra Sybertz (2017): An integrated model for time-dependent analysis of pesticide 
application series - including exposure, degradation and mixture toxicity (Ein integriertes 
Modell fr die Analyse von zeitabhngigen Pestizidanwendungsserien - unter Einbeziehung von 
Exposition, Abbau und Mischungstoxizitt). Master-Thesis.

Ibrahim Kahraman (2016): Recovery in non-linear Daphnia population dynamics (Wiedererholung in 
nicht-linearen Daphnienpopulationen). Master-Thesis.

Daniel Koske (2016): Developmental stage dependend variation in gene expression in Danio rerio 
embryos after environmentally relevant exposure to metals and possible implications 
(Entwicklungsstufen-basierte Vernderung der Genexpression von Danio rerio Embryonen bei 
umweltrelevanter Metallexposition und mgliche Schlussfolgerungen). Master-Thesis.

Marc Hoffmeister (2015): A study about the relationship of breeding bird occurrence and forest 
structure in the municipal forest of Aachen based on standardized avifaunal and vegetational 
survey data. (Eine Studie ber den Zusammenhang von Brutvogelvorkommen und Waldstruktur im 
Aachener Stadtwald auf der Basis avifaunistischer und vegetationskundlicher Erfassungsdaten). 

Vanessa Bursche (2013): Vitality indicators for a sustainable management in differently 
managed beech forest stands in the municipalities association Adenau (administrative district 
Ahrweiler, Eifel, Germany) (Vitalittsindikatoren fr ein nachhaltiges Management in 
unterschiedlich bewirtschafteten Buchenwaldbestnden der Verbandsgemeinde Adenau (Lankreis 
Ahrweiler, Eifel)). Master-Thesis.

Fabian Knpfel (2013): Verification and improvement of an algorithm for modelling of species 
sensitivity distributions of non-target plants under realistic competition conditions 
(Verifikation und Weiterentwicklung eines Algorithmus zur Modellierung von 
Artenempfindlichkeitsverteilungen von Nichtzielpflanzen unter realen Konkurrenzbedingungen). 
Diploma-Thesis in German.

Jonas Hausen (2012): Development of an algorithm for data integration and statistical causal 
modeling of microarray data and ecotoxicological effects in Danio rerio regarding typical 
sediment contamination scenarios (Entwicklung eines Algorithmus zur Datenintegration und 
statistischen Kausalmodellierung von Genexpressionsdaten und kotoxikologischen Effekten in 
Danio rerio in Abhngigkeit sedimenttypischer Belastungsszenarien). Staatsexamensarbeit in 

Katrin Strauch (2012): Evaluation of bioaccumulation models for different contamination 
scenarios in the Three Gorges Dam region, China (Evaluation von Bioakkumulationsmodellen fr 
verschiedene Schadstoffszenarien in der Region des Drei-Schluchten-Staudamms in China). 
Diploma-Thesis. (Abstract in German)

Nora Hoeltzenbein (2011): Model-based effect balancing of different forest management 
strategies on socio-economic aspects and ecosystem functions (Modellbasierte 
Effektbilanzierung unterschiedlicher Waldnutzungsformen auf sozio-konomische Aspekte und 
kosystemdienstleistungen). Diploma-Thesis. (Abstract in German)

Kerstin Szonn (2011): Non-linear dynamics in age class structured populations of Daphnia magna 
exposed to different stressors. Diploma-Thesis.

Rolf Zimmermann (2011): Assessment and operationalization of ecosystem functions and services 
with respect to sustainable forest utilization within the forest district Hmmel (Erfassung und 
Operationalisierung von kosystemfunktionen und -services im Hinblick auf eine nachhaltige 
Waldnutzung im Forstrevier Hmmel). Diploma-Thesis. (Abstract)

Andr Gergs (2005): Analysis of habitat selection of macroinvertebrate organisms in freshwater 
systems of different seral stages in heath moors and fens of the Northern Rhineland, Germany 
(Untersuchungen zur Habitatbindung ausgewhlter Makrozoobenthostaxa in stehenden Kleingewssern 
unterschiedlicher Sukzessionsstadien in Heide- und Niedermoorgebieten des linken 
Niederrheins). Diploma-Thesis. (Abstract in German)

Bjrn Scholz-Starke (2004): Optimization of bottle traps used in population biological studies 
of beetle assemblages in small standing waters (Vergleichende bioznotische Untersuchungen 
wassergebundener Kfer in stehenden Gewssern des linken Niederrheins mit Hilfe von 
Reusenfallen). Diploma-Thesis. (Abstract in German)

Andr Gergs (2003): Analysis of the succession potential of macrophyte stands in selected small 
water bodies (Untersuchung des Sukzessionspotentials von Makrophyten im Litoral ausgewhlter 
Kleingewsser). Undergraduade research course. (Abstract in German)

Bjrn Scholz-Starke (2002): Ecological assessment of the homogeneity of different study areas 
on the basis of taxa and habitat diversity of macroinvertebrate organisms and macrophytes 
(Beurteilung der Homogenitt verschiedener Untersuchungsgebiete anhand der Taxa- und 
Habitatdiversitt von Makrozoobenthos und Makrophyten aquatischer Probenahmestellen). 
Undergraduade research course. (Abstract in German)

DATA LAB: Seminars
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Methodological Seminar in Data Science and Machine Learning
The methodological seminar is meant to inform about actual methods everyone can use in her/his 
scientific work. It is a professional training for the working group members but also for all 
interested people from the institute. Topics are developed at the moment. Exact dates will be 
published when a topic is ready to run. If you want to join one of the topics please register 
by sending an e-mail to ottermanns@bio5.rwth-aachen.de.

MS-03: SSH, SCREEN and some LINUX, 07.12.2020 + 18.04.2023
MS-02: Linear and generalized linear models (LM, GLM), 30.07.2020
MS-01: Git, GitHub and GitLab, 03.04.2020 + 27.05.2020
In preparation/on schedule:

MS-04: Getting started with high performance computing in R
MS-05: Code optimization and parallel computing with R
MS-06: Machine learning
MS-07: Neural networks and Deep Learning
MS-08: Advanced power analysis
MS-09: Chaos theory and attractor reconstruction
MS-10: Structural equation modelling
MS-11: Time-series analysis
MS-12: How to script
MS-13: Multilevel and hierarchical modelling (LME, GLMM) in R
MS-14: Research data management
DATA LAB: Presentations
>> GotoMenu

Official presentations are given in the institute seminar or the working group colloqium. 
TechTalks are a more informal way to present project ideas, discus methods, related problems 
or astounding findings with your collegues. Feel free to choose your favorite way of 
presentation. Use slides, meditative speed dating or a dada performance. According to Paul 
Feyerabend: Anything goes.

Jaqueline Lange: Non-linear behavior in Danio rerio larvae in the light-dark transition test. 
Final Master Thesis Colloquium. 22.09.2023.
Charline Marreiros: Optimization of a deep learning approach to model time-series of Danio 
rerio larvae behavior in the light-dark transition test. Final Bachelor Thesis Colloquium. 
14.09.2023. Leonie Hmmeler: Hyper-paramter tuning of neural network models for prediction of 
WHO COVID-19 severity states based on immunological marker signatures. Final Bachelor Thesis 
Colloqium. 06.09.2023. Leonie Hmmeler: Hyper-paramter tuning of neural network models for 
prediction of WHO COVID-19 severity states based on immunological marker signatures - 
introduction to BSc-project. 04.07.2023.
Luca Frings: Sensitivity analysis of an autocorrelation model for behavior time-series derived 
from the light/dark transition test with Danio rerio embryos to evaluate the biological 
relevance of the model parameters - introduction to MSc-project. 04.07.2023.
Charline Marreiros: Optimization of a deep learning approach to model time-series of Danio 
rerio larvae behavior in the light-dark transition test - introduction to BSc-project. 
Jaqueline Lange: Non-linear dynamics in behavior of Danio rerio larvae in the light-dark 
transition test - introduction to MSc-project. 28.06.2023
Katja Schrder: Progress report - Development of Sensitive Statistics for Chemobehavioural 
Profiling with Zebrafish light/dark Transition Test Data, Talk at the 1st DILUTED project 
meeting, 15.03.2023.
Katja Schrder: Progress report - Development of Sensitive Statistics for Chemobehavioural 
Profiling with Zebrafish light/dark Transition Test Data, Talk at the Computational 
Photobiology Lab Meeting 08.03.2023.
Dominik Blank: Einfluss von Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis Toxinen auf verschiedene Arten 
der Chironomidae, 19.01.2023
Sebastian Brings: Network analysis of soil microbial communities under drought stress based on 
amplicon sequence variants and functional background knowledge, 16.11.2022
Leon Frommer: Comparative evaluation and testing of an algorithm for multivariate analysis of 
immunological flow cytometry data, 05.09.2022.
Katja Schrder: Introduction to Dissertation Project -  Development of Sensitive Statistics for 
Chemobehavioural Profiling with Zebrafish light/dark Transition Test Data, 21.06.2022
Franziska Ludwig: Measuring biomass and cell count via automated image analysis for 
ecotoxicological algae test data, 30.05.2022
Katja Schrder: Application, Advancement and Automation of an Existing Algorithm for Analysis 
of Behavioural Toxicity Evaluated by the Light/Dark Transition Test with Danio rerio, 
Maximilian Zimmermann: Multivariate Analyse von Zeitreihendaten eines 
Waldwirtschaftssimulationsmodells (Multivarite analysis of time series data from a forest 
management simulation model), 13.04.2021
Natalie Dallmann: Method Development for Supervised Dimension Reduction of Multidimensional 
Flow Cytometry Data Integrating Categorial and Temporal Information, 16.03.2021
Katja Schrder: Application, advancement and automation of an existing algorithm for analysis 
of behavioural toxicity evaluated by the light/dark transition test with Danio rerio, 
Elisa Zentis: Comparative statistical analysis of effect values from dose-response curves, 
Natalie Dallmann: Dimension reduction in multidimensional studies combining flow cytometry 
studies and categorical data, 15.09.2020
Alexandra Sybertz: Simulation of time-dependent mixture exposure to pesticides in agricultural 
landscapes and estimation of effects on terrestrial organisms, 11.06.2019
Jana Gerhard: Nicht-lineare Effekte in Populationsdynamiken Springschwaenzen (Folsomia 
candida) unter toxischem Stress, 04.09.2018
Jaegyun Byun: Predicting influence of management strategies on tree growth with regeneration 
using a wrapper function and expert-assisted model calibration, 12.06.2018
Jonas Hausen: Tailor-made data mining algorithms for biological big data using expert 
knowledge, 27.03.2018
Jana Gerhard: Nicht-lineare Effekte in Populationsdynamiken von Springschwnzen (Folsomia 
candida) unter toxischem Stress, 28.03.2018
Michael Gundlach: Technical implementation of Edaphostat, 09.03.2018
David Pyka: Development of a food web model integrating ecological theory and empirical data 
to assess the stability of terrestrial communities towards environmental changes, 16.01.2018
Bjoern Scholz-Starke: Comparison of multiple dose levels, 17.10.2017
David Pyka: Analysis and Simulation of pertubation-induced changes in Arthropod-Plant-Cenoses 
by a computer-based food web model, 27.09.2017
Jonas Hausen: Integration of expert knowledge into KDBD (Knowledge Discovery in Biological 
Databases) - Taylor-made data mining algorithms for environmental data, 13.07.2017
Alexandra Sybertz: An integrated model for time-dependent analysis of pesticide application 
series - including exposure, degradation and mixture toxicity, 27.06.2017
Alexandra Sybertz: Vorhersage von Mischungstoxizitt, 01.02.2017
Jonas Hausen: Edaphostat-Tools for automated data analysis, 12.01.2017
Jonas Hausen: Edaphobase: automated tools for analysis of ecological data - The ambivalence 
between data mining and data meaning, 10.01.2017
Richard Ottermanns: Modellierung und Analyse von Nahrungsnetzen, 21.11.2016
Ibrahim Kahraman: Wiedererholung in nicht-linearen Daphnienpopulationen, 05.04.2016
Daniel Koske: Developmental stage dependent variation in gene expression in Danio rerio 
embryos after environmentally relevant exposure to metals and possible implications, 
Daniel Koske: Developmental stage dependent variation in gene expression changes in Danio 
rerio embryos after environmentally relevant exposure to metals and possible implications, 
Ibrahim Kahraman: Wiedererholung in nicht-linearen Daphnienpopulationen, 14.09.2015
Marc Hoffmeister: Eine Studie ber den Zusammenhang von Brutvogelvorkommen und Waldstruktur im 
Aachener Wald auf der Basis standardisierter avifaunistischer und vegetationskundlicher 
Erfassungsmethoden, 30.04.2015
Jaegyun Byun: Causal relationships between forest management practice and tree growth in beech 
(Fagus Sylvatica) forests, 02.09.2014
Vanessa Bursche: Vitalittsindikatoren fr ein nachhaltiges Management in unterschiedlich 
bewirtschafteten Buchenwald-bestnden der Verbandsgemeinde Adenau, (Landkreis Ahrweiler, 
Eifel), 18.02.2014
Jaegyun Byun: Assessing the relationship of tree growth and environmental factors in beech 
forest under different management strategies, 03.09.2013
Fabian Knpfel: Species Sensitivity Distribution (SSD), 28.05.2013
Vanessa Bursche: Methods for tree vitality indicators, 11.12.2012
Katrin Strauch: Evaluation von Bioakkumulationsmodellen fr verschiedene Schadstoffszenarien in 
der Region des Drei-Schluchten-Staudamms in China, 22.11.2012
Jonas Hausen: Entwicklung und Anwendung eines Verfahrens zur Ermittlung spezifischer Toxizitt 
und molekularer Wirkungsmechanismen sedimentgebundener Umweltschadstoffe mit dem Zebrabrbling 
(Danio rerio), 11.07.2012
Kerstin Szonn: Nichtlineare Dynamiken in altersklassenstrukturierten Populationen von Daphnia 
magna unter Einfluss verschiedener Stressoren, 24.01.2012
Nora I. Hoeltzenbein: Modellbasierte Effektbilanzierung unterschiedlicher Waldnutzungsformen 
auf kosystemdienstleistungen, 03.03.2011
Kerstin Szonn: Auf der Suche nach chaotischen Dynamiken in Daphnien-Populationen, 16.11.2010
DATA LAB: Meet us
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Join the COPE IRC channel: #cope @ irc.libera.chat

Meet us in the COPE Data Lab: Zoom link, Meeting ID: 991 7638 4302, Passcode: 048360

>> GotoMenu

Ottermanns, Richard, Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Ing. Dipl.-Biol.
Photo: Richard Ottermanns

COPE working group leader
IFER IT & RDM-team leader
Member of the Center for Computational Life Sciences (CCLS), RWTH Aachen University
Member of the RWTH Aachen scientific staff council
Research topics: Computational ecotoxicology, machine learning, statistical modelling, 
non-linear dynamics, ecological complexity, theoretical ecology, systems theory
Memberships: Gesellschaft fr Wissenschaftsphilosophie (GWP); Ecological Society of Germany, 
Austria and Switzerland (Gf); Research Institute for Ecosystem Analysis and Assessment RWTH 
Aachen University (gaiac); Super Dimension Fortress (SDF)
PhD thesis (2008): Pattern recognition, dimensionality reduction and statistical modelling in 
ecology - demonstrated for ecological communities of grassy field margins in German 
agricultural landscapes. (in German)
Diploma thesis (2000): Biocoenological characterisation of small standing water bodies in the 
Aachen area (Germany). (Diploma Thesis RWTH Aachen University). (in German)
Diploma thesis (1992): Waste minimisation of aqueous defatting systems. (Diploma Thesis AcUAS 
Aachen University of Applied Sciences). (in German)
Actual bibliometrics Web of Science/Google Scholar (02.10.2023):

Articles: 40/72
Hirsch: 15/16
Citations without self-citations: 673/1146
Room: 110
Tel: +49-241-8026688
Mail: ottermanns(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de
Web: https://cope.rwth-aachen.de
Office hours: On appointment
Business card: download

My staff page at the Institute for Environmental Research
My profile on ResearchGate
My profile on Linkedin
My profile on Academia.edu
My profile on Google scholar
My profile on Github
My gopherhole at SDF.org (gopher://sdf.org/1/users/rio)
My ORCID-ID: 0000-0002-2168-9455
Blank, Dominik, BSc
MSc-Thesis (2023): Einfluss von Bacillus thuringiensis israelensis Toxinen auf Vertreter der 
Photo: Dominik Blank

Mail: dominik(dot)blank(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Brings, Sebastian, BSc
Co-investigator in the QU.BID project
Assistance in lecture, tutorial and exam: Quantitative biology including computer applications 
(Quantitative Biologie und Computeranwendungen)
Assistance in practical course: Statistics in Ecotoxicology
Photo: Sebastian Brings

Room: 105
Tel: +49-241-8023693
Fax: +49-241-8022182
Mail: sebastian(dot)brings(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Byun, Jaegyun, MSc
PhD-Thesis (ongoing): Water balance of beech forests under different management conditions. 
Balancing ecosystem functions and services.
Photo: Jaegyun Byun

Mail: jaegyun(dot)byun(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Daniels, Benjamin, Dr.rer.nat.
Assistance in practical course: Statistics in ecotoxicology (Statistik in der kotoxikologie)
Assistance in lecture, tutorial and exam: Quantitative biology including computer applications 
(Quantitative Biologie und Computeranwendungen)
Photo: Benjamin Daniels

Room: 104
Tel: +49-241-8026669
Fax: +49-241-8022182
Mail: benjamin(dot)daniels(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Frings, Luca
MSc-Thesis (ongoing): Sensitivity analysis of an autocorrelation model for behavior 
time-series derived from the light/dark transition test with Danio rerio embryos to evaluate 
the biological relevance of the model parameters.
Co-investigator in the DILUTED project
Photo: Luca Frings

Mail: luca(dot)frings(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Lange, Jaqueline, BSc
MSc-Thesis (2023): Non-linear dynamics in behavior of Danio rerio larvae in the light-dark 
transition test.
Co-investigator in the DILUTED project
Photo: Jaqueline Lange

Room: 160
Tel: +49-241-8025636
Fax: +49-241-8022182
Mail: jaqueline(dot)lange(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Schrder, Katja, MSc
PhD-Thesis (ongoing): Development of sensitive statistics for chemobehavioral profiling with 
zebrafish light/dark transition test data.
Co-PI in the DILUTED project
Assistance in practical course: Mechanistic modelling in ecotoxicology
MSc-Thesis (2021): Application, advancement and automation of an existing algorithm for 
analysis of behavioural toxicity evaluated by the light/dark transition test with Danio rerio.
Photo: Katja Schrder

Room: 105
Tel: +49-241-8026698
Fax: +49-241-8022182
Mail: katja(dot)schroeder(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Sybertz, Alexandra, MSc
Principal investigator in the PeMIXoS project
PhD-Thesis (ongoing): Modelling of single and mixed applications of pesticides and their 
effects on communities in the agricultural landscape (Modellierung von Einzel- und 
Mischapplikationen von Pestiziden und deren Wirkung auf Lebensgemeinschaften in der 
MSc-Thesis (2017): An integrated model for time-dependent analysis of pesticide application 
series - including exposure, degradation and mixture toxicity (Ein integriertes Modell fr die 
Analyse von zeitabhngigen Pestizidanwendungsserien - unter Einbeziehung von Exposition, Abbau 
und Mischungstoxizitt).
Photo: Alexandra Sybertz

Room: 106
Tel: +49-241-8025237
Fax: +49-241-8022182
Mail: alexandra(dot)sybertz(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Torringen, Volker
Member of the IFER IT & RDM-team
No computation without a good admin ;-)
Photo: Volker Torringen

Room: 105
Tel: +49-241-8026698
Fax: +49-241-8022182
Mail: v(dot)torringen(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

NETWORK: Partners
>> GotoMenu

Recent projects:
Computational Photobiology Lab, RWTH Aachen University

Department of Biogeophysics, University of Hohenheim

Department of Evolutionary Ecology and Environmental Toxicology, Goethe University Frankfurt

Environmental Science, Baylor University Waco, TX

Hygiene-Institut des Ruhrgebiets, Gelsenkirchen

gaiac - Research Institute for Ecosystem Analysis and Assessment, Aachen

Kommunalen Aktionsgemeinschaft zur Bekmpfung der Schnakenplage e.V. - KABS e.V., Speyer

ToxRat Solutions GmbH & Co. KG, Alsdorf

Former projects:
Darwin Statistics, Aachen

Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg

ECT Oekotoxikologie GmbH, Flrsheim am Main

Fraunhofer-Institut fr Molekularbiologie und Angewandte kologie IME, Aachen

Institute for Applied Microbiology (iAMB), RWTH Aachen University

Institute for Molecular Medicine, Uniklinik Aachen

Project House HumTec, RWTH Aachen University

Senckenberg Museum fr Naturkundemuseum Grlitz

Staatliches Museum fr Naturkunde Karlsruhe, Project SOLOBIOMA

UFZ - Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research Leipzig, Department System Ecotoxicology

Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, Department of Environmental Health and Toxicology

NETWORK: Funding
>> GotoMenu

Bundesministerium fr Bildung und Forschung (BmBF)

Deutscher Akademischer Austauschdienst (DAAD)

Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft (DFG)

Dr. Axe-Stiftung

RWTH Exploratory Research Space (ERS)

Umweltbundesamt (UBA)

Verein des Hygiene-Instituts des Ruhrgebiets e.V., Gelsenkirchen

ABOUT: Contact
>> GotoMenu

Dr. rer. nat. Dipl.-Ing. Richard Ottermanns
Computational Ecotoxicology (COPE)
Institute for Environmental Research (IFER)
Department of Ecology & Computational Life Science
RWTH Aachen University
Kackertstrae 10
D-52072 Aachen

Room: 110
Tel: +49-241-8026688
Fax: +49-241-8022182
Mail: ottermanns(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de
Web: https://cope.rwth-aachen.de
Business card: download

ABOUT: Impressum
>> GotoMenu

Herausgegeben im Auftrag des Rektors der Rheinisch-Westflischen Technischen Hochschule (RWTH) 

RWTH Aachen

Templergraben 55

52062 Aachen (Hausanschrift)

52056 Aachen (Postanschrift)

Telefon: +49 241 80 1

Telefax: +49 241 80 92312

Internet: www.rwth-aachen.de

Die RWTH Aachen ist eine Krperschaft des ffentlichen Rechts. Sie wird durch den Rektor, Dr. 
rer. nat. Dr. h. c. mult., Univ.-Prof. Ulrich Rdiger, vertreten.

Zustndige Aufsichtsbehrde
Ministerium fr Kultur und Wissenschaft des Landes Nordrhein Westfalen, Vlklinger Strae 49, 
40221 Dsseldorf.

Gem  27 a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE 121689807

Inhaltliche Verantwortlichkeit
Ansprechpartner: Dr. Richard Ottermanns

Telefon: +49 241 80 26688

E-Mail: ottermanns(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Webmaster: Dr. Richard Ottermanns

Telefon: +49 241 80 26688

E-Mail: ottermanns(at)bio5(dot)rwth-aachen(dot)de

Die Webseiten der Zentralen Hochschulverwaltung, der Zentralen Einrichtungen, der 
Gruppenvertretungen, der Institute, Lehrsthle sowie Lehr- und Forschungsgebiete werden von den 
von diesen beauftragten Webkoordinatorinnen und Webkoordinatoren beziehungsweise deren 
Webmastern eigenstndig betreut. Details zu Fragen der Haftung sind in der Datenschutzerklrung 