Visiting My Mother-in-Law

My wife and I are going to visit her mother, my mother-in-law. They
live about an hour and a half away from us, so it makes for easy

For the record, I like visiting my mother-in-law. She is always
solicitous of me. She is kind and respectful. I have grown to love
her, like my own Mother!

Our day will be brunch at some nice location that her husband has
reservations for. We'll be with them a few hours, which is a good
time limit for us.

Families and in-laws are usually great sources of delight and angst.
Let's face it... they're often the only ones with a true direct line
straight into our hearts.

It's Mother's Day, so I'm channeling positive energy. It's a cliché
that in-laws are more angst than delight. Some days are better than
others. Thankfully with my mother-in-law, it's always been delight!