Eye Exam

I had an eye examination a few days ago. I try to get one every
year and this visit, like all the others, was routine. 

My favorite part of the visit is at the start, when the
technician had my eyes behind the phoropter. This device has
gears and knobs that the technician can adjust. The tech would
ask "Is number 3 better? Or 2? 3? Or 2?" I'd announce 3 while
looking at an eyechart, then further adjustments would get made.
Each adjustment changes the configuration of the lenses, which
effectively becomes my eyeglass prescription.

I also like talking with my doctor, a mild-mannered Asian woman.
By way of identifying the patient, she asked for my date of
birth, and after I gave it to her, she said "I am one year older
than you!" I loved that. I would have loved a life in which she
could have been my older sister.