Today I had my photography class. Instead of our normal routine of sitting in front of the computers, we went upstairs to the lighting studio to practice working with lighting and flash photography. I started on the side with the strobe lights, and although I didn't get to hook my camera up to them directly, I was able to practice shooting my built in flash.

We had an option to be a model, but I was nervous and self-conscious so I didn't do it intially. Towards the end I did, but that was when most people were going over to the color lights side and towards the end of class. I guess I feel a bit disapointed that I wasn't more confident in doing so, but not many other people did so I do feel glad that I did it even for a limited time.

I have a exam tomorrow for my Intro to Operating Systems class, so I should probably focus on that. I should be able to write more tomorrow.
