Well, it's Friday night. I'm watching old episodes of CSI and creating my second phlog entry on SDF. During this time of the year I have a joy that accompanies Friday. Obviously, Friday for me, as for many, means the weekend is here. But that's not special to this time of year. What is special to this time of year is the Amazon Prime show The Grand Tour. It's a car show. It's also a buddy comedy. The show is presented by Jeremy Clarkson, James May, and Ricahrd Hammond. Each episode generally has car reviews and friendly hi-jinx. This may sound familiar. You may be thinking, "This sounds a lot like the show Top Gear". There's a good reason you would be thinking that. Jeremy CLarkson was fired from the show Top Gear for being a difficult, grumpy fellow. I think he punched a prodcution person or something. After his firing, the other presenters quit. Later, Amazon hired them and started the show The Grand Tour. Unlike many online shows, The Grand Tour does not release it's entire season all at once. The shows are released once each week on Friday just like an old school TV show. So, until the end of the season, I get to look forwarded to starting my weekend with the show. I think I'll end this entry here... sort of ease into the phlogging.