21 December 2023

The weather is... something. Now, like most years
when approaching christmas the snow is gone now
and rain set in. This year, its not only rain but
heavy storms are approaching. A year that ends 
with heavy storms... could there be a better 
metaphor for the year 2023? With the still raging
war in ukraine, the growing pressure in the middle
east and dark clouds forming over taiwan and
china i think it is fitting.

I started journaling (on paper) again, mostly by 
accident: I have this little (paper) notebook    
where i observed that i more and more put not 
only dates and appointments in, but also ideas 
and code snippets... well, lets see if i can  
maintain this new, old habit.

Oh, i finished my little C64 side project and it
did grow a bit above my initial goal of having a
nice little emulation station. Instead of         
using the BMC64 image i now run a complete raspbian
on it. I could connect the keyboard of the 
breadbin with an "Keyrah" keyboard adaptor which
enables the C64 keyboard to be seen as a regular
USB device. I must say, it works very well and is
- in my opinion - astoundingly ergonomic.

Well... then there is the whole 100rabbit thing 
and UXN i stumbled upon, but i think this is a
topic for another post when i understand more
of it...