04 September 2023

Junior is growing and progressing at a rate, its unbelievalble...
i would have never thought that a 6 1/2 month old
would start to pull himself up to a standing position and start to
practice to walk along the rails of his bed... its absolutely
fascinating to watch...

I started working more from home over the last couple of weeks and i
must admit: I am beginning to like it. During covid and the various
lockdowns i have also worked from home but back then i really hated
it. Perhaps it was just that being "confined" to the same four walls
for 24 hours a day was a bit too much for my mind, but who
knows. Being more at home has also the benefit of being able to help
my wife with junior, and as the company i work for has no problems
with me having a baby in the arm while being in a zoom meeting
everyone is happy.

A funny thing we noted was that - even with a baby - we both have way
more time than the years before while furiously working to complete
our barn conversion. Its funny when you realise on a friday afternoon
"Hey, our weekend is FREE... we don't need to replace spars or tile a
roof or anything else". I think it will need some time until we can
really appreciate this but at least its just nice to have free time.