02 Febuary 2023 ---------------- Some days... you learn to be humble. Yesterday i installed our new washing machine. Everything was fine, i connected the hoses and the main connection, started the first test wash, marveled on how quiet that thing is until it engaded the drying mode... i never have thought that the whole house could vibrate that much... even if the eifel vulcano would finaly erupt it would not shaken the house THAT much. My wife and i dashed to the controls and stopped that earthquake... now we stand there, in the midst of our new kitchen and were contemplating what may be wrong with the machine. While my wife was dialing the number of the customer support my eyes landed on the GIGANTIC RED LABELS urging to remove the transport lock before using the machine... What can i say, after removing the transport lock the machine suddenly ran quiet even while hurling the laundry around at several hundred rpm. So, to end it with a little reminder to myself: !!!!!READ THE FUCKING MANUAL!!!!! (...and look for giant red warning labels)