31 July 2024

Well, that was a long time without an new entry to
the phlog! So, why the long silence? Well, i was 
pretty much always occupied with some task that 
magically appears in your life if you are a dad,
owner of an centuries old house and son of 
elderly parents... life never gets boring :-)

On the computing side of things - when there was
some time - i am now relying only on the Devterm
for all daily needs in my private life only
seldom using my work issued smartphone whe there
is some website that i NEED to use and there is 
no other workaround. Life without an private
smartphone has at least teached me one thing: 
Those devices really destroy your mind if you 
are not really, really careful... ist like a 
drug: Seldom, in small doses it may be nice, but
too much to often destroys you. 

Our son is now approaching 1 1/2 years of age,
which is mindblowing looking back! Would you
ask me, i would firmly state that he was just
born a couple of months ago... time is really
relative it seems... 

What i find absolutely astounding is how far he
is developed now: He understands EVERYTHING we 
say to him... and has already developed a very 
distinct personality. At the moment he begins to
speak (a mix of vietnamese and german), but as
time progresses we think he will sort out which
word belongs to which language.

Well, i hope i now will have a bit more time to
dig into the gopherspace again in the near