So the video is finally live on my channel. It feels really refreshing finally getting it done, I know I talked about it nearly a month ago, but that video took a lot of time, which is a resource I do not have much of.
Now that the video is out, for anyone who might have come from the video, let me quickly talk about what I feel like I could have improved with that video, because it definietly isn't the best quality I probably could have put up. For starters, the damn stock footage. I couldn't notice it in my editor because the aspect ratio was small enough, but lots of stock footage I used was only 720p, and when scaled up, caused a noticibale lack in quality. I now know this for next video.

Next, a buddy who watched my video said I talked about a minute streight on what "HTTP" was, but had protocol in the title, I'm still going to leave it that way, because that was the way I marketed it, but definietly a huge oversight on my part. In hindsight, trying to please the youtube gods with SEO made me blind to that mistake.

I have seen some great comments so far on the video though, it really is motivational to see stuff like that. I don't care about subs or likes (even if that is how you are evaluated on the platform), but the comments are really what makes my day, and what pushes me to continue making content.

I think that's all for now, I know it was a month since my last post, hopefully that changes, lots of stuff happened within that month that I just never got a chance to talk about. For now, Take care.

- punchinglikes