I got a new pair of running shoes.  They are a popular high-stack,
low-lift trail-road hybrid shoe.  I have had many pairs of previous
versions of these, and with every version it feels like the toe-box
and sole are a little narrower (also I measured the sole width of
several different versions and found that they got about 5 mm

So this time I got the...

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That's right, wide size shoes.  Same size, but wide.

Trying them on, they felt a little loose in the heel.  But otherwise,
they felt good, a lot like the original pair I had about 7 or 8 years
ago.  I ran about 3 miles in them today, mostly on pavement, some of
it annoyingly off-camber.  They felt pretty good, hard to tell if they
were rubbing too much in the heel and sole areas.  Sometimes shoes
feel like that at first and you think you're going to get blisters,
but then they break in and you forget about it entirely.

Sometimes I wonder if my original pair of these shoes were actually
wide-mode too because I got them on sale for really cheap and it might
have been because there was a surplus of a weird size.