Played AM2R on Odin Pro and Swaped the Kindle3 e-ink
12th-June-2022, Shanghai, Rainy

Today is a raniy wet day in Shanghai, strategy is saty at

As next Monday I have to hosting an very important meeting,
I spend 2-3 hours in morning to work over time prepare it
so I don't mess it up on Monday.

And in the afternoon, I was able to find out half to one
hours to swap my Kindle3 e-ink (the e-ink part from 
taobao.com arrived 2 days ago). and it is actually quite
straightforward and handy.
  1. remove back shell
  2. remove screws
  3. remove connectors and main PCB
  4. remove e-ink
  5. place new e-ink
  6. put back the main PCB
  7. screw on and put battery
  8. fire it up! done!

I put all the pictures during the fixing to my blog page,
if you are interested, https://www.peterguo.net/?p=54 

Most happy thing: I was able to find some time play the 
AM2R (Another Metroid 2 Remake) on my newly arrived still
hot Odin Pro Atomic Purple handheld! ^-^
This fan-made Metroid game is indeed the best quality I've
ever played. perfect graphic art, smooth flow music, better
than Fusion Mission's control.
I only give me one game, I pick AM2R!

ok! enjoy your day!

Write on Vim with tmux ssh connection, from my MacBookPro 